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Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
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#349636 added May 26, 2005 at 7:47pm
Restrictions: None
The Morning After
Michael awoke the next morning alone in his bed. His comforter had been tossed to the floor sometime during the night and only a thin sheet was left to cover him. Michael felt the mattress next to him. It was stone cold. Treesha had been gone for quite awhile. He rolled over, hid his face in a pillow and exhaled loudly. Michael had always been very flirtatious maybe too much for an engaged man, but he had never gone so far as to sleep with another woman. Now he not only cheated on Clavel with another woman, but that woman was her cousin.

He knew Treesha wouldn’t keep their interlude a secret for long and the information getting out to her family was inevitable. He didn’t know how he was going to fix things with Clavel or even if he could, but he knew he had to try. He picked up the phone and dialed her number again. Ring…Ring…Ring…Ring…no answer. Michael looked at the clock on his nightstand, seven forty-five. Surley, Clavel must be there, but she was avoiding him. Michael knew Clavel would never answer his calls, but he needed to know where their relationship stood. He knew he couldn’t just pack up and go to her; he did have a business to run. But if Clavel wouldn’t talk to him over the phone, he was going to make her talk to him, in person. He hung up the phone and dialed another number,

“Yeah, I need a seat on a flight to Miami.”

“When would you like to go sir?” The voice on the other end of the phone said.


Clavel sat in silence as she watched the Floridian sun rise in beautiful shades of yellow, orange and purple. The cold ocean waves splahed up on her naked feet and she admired how peaceful the scene was. For one complete moment, she almost forgot about the pain that plagued her soul and the man that had broken her heart. For one complete moment she was at one with the universe, she was happy. Then a rough moan from behind her brought her back to reality.

“What time is it?” Sean groaned as he sat up from a long slumber on the sand.

“I’d say about seven or so. The sun is just rising.”

“Mmmm…” Sean moved up beside her and put an arm over her shoulder. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yes, I was just thinking that.”
“You’re beautiful too.” Sean gazed down at Clavel, but didn’t smile.
“Sean, about last night. It shouldn’t have happened. I should have never kissed you. I think I just needed to be close to somebody and you were right there. It didn’t mean anything.”

“Of, course, it didn’t. And I’m sure you kiss your mother like that too.”


“Clavel, you didn’t kiss or touch me like you didn’t care who I was, you kissed me with longing, with need and passion. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the chemistry, the fire burning between us. I was lost in it. I look at you and nothing else make any sense, I mean it’s not completely one sided, is it?” Clavel looked down at the sand. In a very low voice filled with guilt she said,


“Look, I don’t know what happened to you last night and it’s none of you business, but I’m here for you whenever you need me.”

“Thanks. You’re not going to tell anyone about last night, are you?”

“Of, course not. I don’t kiss and tell.”

“Good. Can you keep another secret?” Clavel didn’t know why, but she wanted him to know what happened. She wanted to confide in him.

“Sure.” Clavel took a deep breath.

“When I called Michael last night it wasn’t him who answered the phone.”

“Well, who was it?”

“It was my cousin.”


“No, I don’t think you understand. Michael cheated on me…with my cousin.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry Clavel.” Sean pulled her in closer and hugged her a little tighter. Clavel nestled her face into his chest. A tear escaped from her eye and she quickly wiped it away before Sean could see. “I know you must have really loved him and your cousin.”

“Oh, she’s a bitch. Always has been. This kind of behavior from her isn’t a bit surprising, but Michael has always been a saint.”

“He might not have done anything this bad in the past, but no one is a “saint”. Everyone has their faults. How long were you two together?”

“Three years. And we’ve hardly ever fought. He’s the first man I’ve ever loved. He was the only man I’ve ever been with. And then last night…God, my whole life was mapped out for me and now…now…I’ve been betrayed. I don’t even know who I am if I’m not Michael Sandlen’s girlfriend or fiancé or whatever.”

“Well, maybe they did you a favor then.”


“Maybe now is your chance to see what else is out there. To see what opportunities await you other than being Michael’s wife. You’re smart, beautiful and rich. The world sits in the palm of your hand. You can go anywhere, do anything, and be anything. Look at it that way and then tell me what you really want to do.”

Clavel thought about what Sean had said. He was right. The world was her oyster. She suddenly felt proud, strong and powerful. She looked Sean in the eyes, she saw his sweetness and strength, she saw a man who truly cared and wouldn’t take advantage of her. She saw possibility.

“You know what?”

“What?” He said, almost amused.

“I don’t want to do anything than be right here, in your arms.” She held him tight and looked back out into the ocean. Once again, she found peace.

“Peace. It’s amazing what people will do to keep the peace.” Luke thought. There he was standing in line next to his pregnant girlfriend waiting to get a marriage certificate. Just a month before, life had been so simple. He was a successful business owner with a beautiful girlfriend and a loving family. Now, suddenly he was being forced to be a husband and a father. It was all happening too fast, it was too much. Luke began to panic. Sweat formed at his hairline and he started to shake. As the line moved forward, Laurie grabbed his forearm and noticed he was trembling. She looked up and saw the fear in his eyes,

“Baby, what’s the matter? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m cool. I think I j8st ate something bad last night.” He smiled down at her, but somehow didn’t see the sweet adoring woman he loved. He saw an evil temptress dress in a black leather wedding dress, holding a lasso in one hand and a screaming demon child in the other.

“Well, this shouldn’t take long and we can be at home and in bed in an hour.” Laurie said, trying to comfort him. But Luke didn’t want to be comforted, he wanted to run. He didn’t want to get married, not yet. He didn’t want the responsibilities of a wife and children. He wanted to be free.

“Next.” the woman at the counter called.
“That’s us. Come on, Luke.” Laurie said, excitedly as she pulled him forward. Luke took one last look at the door, thought seriously about running and followed Laurie to the counter.

© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emily Neal has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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