The storm clouds are piling high. |
We nearly flooded away tonight. The rain belted us in three waves of powerful storms, one right after the other. Another is expected tonight. Whew, I know we were about seven inches below normal for the year, but really . . . However, even with the literal storms around and above us, we're basking in sunshine. The hospice nurses are amazed: Robert's lungs are completely clear; he has had little or no edema; he hasn't had a TIA in nearly a month; and he feels better. He's not up and running races, but he is doing better. I still haven't had but one migraine in over two months after having two to three a week; I'm off steriods and still breathing; I've had to take less than half the amount of pain meds as usual; and I can walk, not far, but a real walk. More than a silver lining is showing - that's the whole array of rays of sunshine. Now I'm a rather cynical person when it comes to "miracle" supplements, etc., but mangosteen juice seems to be just that. That's the only difference in our lives that could account for our better health. God works in different ways, and many ways. |