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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/353928-July-1st-2005
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#353928 added July 2, 2005 at 9:22am
Restrictions: None
July 1st, 2005
July 1st, 2005

I hope this isn't your first Thumbsucker journal entry. If you're a first time reader, it's probably best if you skip this one. I'm much more adorable in some of my other entries. This entry will only appeal to die hard Thumb fans, bill collectors and pigeon breeders. It's actually just another update entry. I'll include my last entry at the bottom of this entry to help the illusion I have something worthwhile to say.

So about my dishwasher...

I seldom talk about my dishwasher do I? It's about time I did something about that then. I haven't used my dishwasher in years. I wonder if it still works. The seals have probably gone by now. I wash and dry my dishes by hand, just like my ancestors did before me. I hide Christmas pressies in my dishwasher. (Little pressies of course. I don't try and cram bikes or luggage in it) I also have stuff on top of my dishwasher I can't think where else to put...like one of my old sculptures. Probably not the best use for it. I should be doing dishes right now instead of writing this. (I should be doing a lot of stuff instead of writing this)

Enough about my dishwasher. About 'wherelse'...

I often use Google when I'm unsure of my spelling. I'm ALWAYS unsure of my spelling. (I once spelled my own middle name wrong in the 5th grade. *Blush* Thank goodness the bullies thought I was adorable and picked on the other kids who misspelled their own names) I just looked up where else to see if there was a space inbetween the where and the else. (Sure enough there is) I had typed in 'wherelse', (which even I was pretty sure was wrong) and Google has 737 'wherelse' entires. It seems no matter how badly I manage to mangle a word, there's always oodles of folks who have managed it before me. Wierd, embrasis, calipitter. Thanks Google.

Enough Google then. Now about Heaven...

I'm not entirely sure I believe in Heaven. Don't get me wrong, I DO believe in Heaven but not the traditional harps and clouds Heaven. I believe in reincarnation. (Thanks again Google) It seems very logical and natural to me. Cycles and circles are very common and occur repeatedly in nature. The seasons, the water cycle, the life cycle of butterflies, etc, etc. One thing leads to another, which leads to another, and so on until the cycle repeats the entire process. The Hindu idea of Karma and "transmigration of souls," or "samsara" I can live with. Probably when I've done and learned all I was meant to, a final Heaven remains...maybe even the traditional Heaven. In the meantime I'm a fairly happy camper...but I don't want to appear too happy though. Overly happy campers attract attention you see. Those poor bastards seem to also attract random bolts of lightning or spontaneously combust leaving only their charred grease stain remains and untouched shoes and lower limbs. No...it's best to be only fairly happy, while being considerate to others and extremely thankful. Live a good life. Move on to the next but be wary of drawing too much attention to one's self.

All for Heaven. This bit is about chickens...

I was recently talking with a new friend about chickens. (Hi Cindi) *Smile* Cindi is a volunteer working in Africa! Ever neat huh? She has a fascinating blog btw.


Here's some chicken excerpts from an email I sent her...

There's something very earthy and relaxing about a rooster's call don't you think? African chickens sound like far happier chickens than the poor little ones crammed into tiny pens and factory hen houses over here. I've been in one of those God awful hell holes and it was pitiful. (Actually I couldn't bring myself to step through the door. I saw and smelt enough though. Any form of animal cruelty really depresses me) I happen to live in a rural community (which I love). There was a farm nearby with free roaming chickens, lambs and even rabbits...all mixed together. Going by there in the Spring was a real treat...except for the fact the farmer took the term free range literally it seemed. There didn't appear to be any fences keeping all the 100s and 100s of white little ones. I was always worried I'd find little bodies beside the roadside. (I actually thought about this while reading your touching goat blog entry)

More on chickens...

We lived in several places in Germany. One was a small German country village in a 3rd story apartment (one apartment per level). Our German neighbours had a chicken coop just below our balchony which I often used to visit. (These weren't free roaming chickens or chair sitting roosters though) I did find the pecking order VERY disturbing. Sometimes the chickens would pick on one of their own unmercifully until there were big bald patches on their poor victim. I tried to intervene through the fence but they seldom listened to me. Lucky you Cindi to be living with chickens. Chickens (free range Chickens that is) slow live down. Very few places now have free range chickens wandering about where I live.

Less about chickens now. More about decks...

I'm still VERY busy with real life stuff lately. I'm just about to work on my back deck. I've already done quite a bit of work on my parent's deck. I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out. I replaced and rebuilt most of it. Not bad considering I'm mostly self taught when it comes to carpentry. I've been getting a lot done around my house recently. Still plenty more to do though. I'm really pleased with how my upstairs is coming along. I now really enjoy going upstairs. Oh oh...I best be careful not to appear too happy. I don't want to end up a charred grease stain. I still have too much to do yet.

Going now...

Yup. That's it for now. Take care. Till next time.


June 16th, 2005

'ello, 'ello, 'ello

I'm not dead...yet. Been real busy with real life stuff and there's no end in sight. As well as that we've had a miserable wet and chilly spring here. The worst in years. At least green is everywhere because of the good soaking. I couldn't mow my lawn until recently with 20 or so continuous days of rain. Would love to see some sun. *Smile* (The smilies will have to do for now) *Smile*

I've been working on your story Sherri Q whenever I get a chance. I was at it for several hours on Monday alone. (Got another chapter done) So far so good but I still have a long way to go with it. Sorry for the wait Sherri. It's turning into an epic. At least it's not an off the rack fantasy story date. This sucker is tailor made just for you. *Heart* I hope you like it. (When you eventually do get to read it. *Smile*

This site seems pretty dead lately...well the ports I pop into at least. I'm sure there's oodles of activity going on elsewhere but not too much with the people I regularly look in on. (Just because I don't post doesn't mean I don't stop by to read what's going on with you) (Yes YOU!)

I should be going. This is a disposable entry afterall. I don't want to say anything profound, (as if), that I'll later regret having to delete.

Bye for now Bobbins.


Another update! Whew. I thought I lost all my old items I had stored away when my last upgrade expired. I thought I lost oodles of items, not that any of them are anything special but they still mean something to me. It's inspired me to post a few in my port again. (Unfortunately many are now missing their accompanying pics)

"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

*Right*Check This Out*Right* "The Amazing Race Club *Left*Check This Out*Left*

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