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#360878 added July 20, 2005 at 1:55am
Restrictions: None
You don't own me...
This is a bitch blog. I'm not happy right now. Deal with it.

Just because I work retail that doesn't mean you own me. When you walk into my store and treat me like shit, don't expect me to just lie down and take it because my company 'makes me'. My company doesn't care.

Just because I work retail it doesn't mean that I'm a) stupid or b) a highschool dropout. I work retail because it puts me through college. Most of the people I know who work retail do so to either put themselves through college, or because they want to save up some money for college, or simply because it's what they enjoy. Very very few high school dropouts get into retail jobs anymore - in fact, when I review applications, the first people weeded out are the highschool dropouts. Usually... unless everything else looks good (I've got nothing against high school dropouts - both my parents were dropouts and they've done pretty damn good by themselves.)

Just because I work retail that doesn't mean you can treat me like shit. I work very hard, day in and day out, just so you and people like you can buy the various little things they want. I don't come to your job and treat you like shit, now do I? I don't think you should do it to me then.

Just because I work retail that doesn't make you better than me. In fact, I think that since YOU (the person who pissed me off and likely won't be reading this, as they've never seen me other than in my job...) clearly have no idea what basic human decency is that I'm actually better than you. I don't blatantly lie to someone in an attempt to make them feel bad. I don't yell, I don't scream, and I don't call them a "stupid bitch" just because I accidentally purchased the wrong thing. The fact that you have to feel justified in making a simple return, to the point of lying, yelling and swearing, means that you are a bad person. You're rotten on the inside.

Oh, and to all of those bastard kids out there who find it funny that I was crying tonight at work FUCK YOU. If I see you dying on the street, I'll make sure to point and laugh.

I learned tonight that there are people in this world whose sole purpose is to die. They're not here to make anyone's lives richer, to make people happy, or to even genrally just be decent people. They're here to be miserable and spread that misery and then die. And I hope they do die. I used to always try to maintain the hope that at heart people just simply are good, even if just a little. That if they saw someone obviously hurting they would at the very least pause in their own thoughts for a second to wish that person would feel better. Certainly not pause to point and laugh at their obvious distress. I thought that at the very least people would try very hard NOT to make a random retail sales associate cry. And I don't cry easily over these things. This fucking cunt called me a "Stupid bitch" and said that "You fucking ripped me off and probably laughed while doing it" and then got pissed when I tried to credit the coupon she used on the purchase so that she'd get the same amount back that she'd spent, instead of the amount that it would have been without the coupon. FUCK YOU BITCH. If I ever get to the point where I pull shit like that (and btw, I didn't lie to her, and I didn't rip her off and she didn't even talk to me and was trying to claim that I told her stuff that wasn't true about the glasses - when she wouldn't even let me help her and then just picked a pair without asking ANY questions) I hope someone shoots me in the head.

Right now I'm hoping that that cunt is dying in a ditch somewhere because her SUV crashed and no one has seen the wreckage to help her out. I hope she dies painfully and slowly and without anyone there to comfort her. And once she's dead I hope she goes directly to hell, or gets reincarnated in to a body that doesn't have the intelligence to pass high school and thus she has to work retail the rest of her life dealing with all the crap customers like herself.

I really wish I could still have faith in humans, but clearly that's just not ment to be. Every time I start thinking that maybe they are ok after all, shit like this happens and I realize that no matter how good we may be afterall, no species where a segment of the population exists simply to make everyone else's life worse before they die, can be perfect.


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