Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
I had an interesting experience last night. I went to my brother's Baptist church to hear him preach for the first time. He is quite talented when it comes to public speaking and it did not make the talk sound as if he were preaching. Of course, he is my brother so I may be a bit bias when it comes to listening to him talk in public. The service had a guitar player and a drummer. Who accompanied the songs before the main service. The songs were projected onto a screen in front of the congragation. The drummer also had chimes that he used during the songs. This was not like the church services I remember as a child. When I was growing up in Oklahoma, we went to church every Sunday. Those services had a piano player and hymn books that the congration used. In addition, the "preacher" at those service put on a really good "fire and brimstone" show for the congragation. This is not the first church service I have attended in the past five or six years. I noticed that none of them resemble the church services I remember as a child. Of course none of the churches I attended resembled the churchs I remember in Oklahoma. |