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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/369816-Lucid-Dreaming-III
by RatDog
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #274453
A Journal of my adventures in the world I inhabit while I'm asleep.
#369816 added August 31, 2005 at 2:03am
Restrictions: None
Lucid Dreaming III
I just got back from visiting my sister in Florida. She lives in a lakeside house, and the Cuban Tree Frogs are out in force down there right now. They make this horrible growling sound at night, something like grinding two rocks against each other mixed with squeaking balloons... And it's a very loud sound.... And it's not constant... It sucks.

The frogs "growl" for five or ten minutes, then they're quiet for a long time.. half an hour or an hour or so. As it turns out, this is helpful in remembering dreams. I'd fall asleep, start dreaming, and the damn frogs would wake me up. Problem was, I didn't have a notebook with me, and I was too lazy to look for something to write my dreams down with, so I promptly forgot most of them.

But I did have an amazing series of lucid dreams one night, and I made a deliberate effort to remember them...

Dream 1: I'm in a discount clothing store looking at sweaters. The only ones in my size are horribly made. On one the sleeves are mismatched; one is short, the other long. On another the color is faded on one side, like something left folded up out in the sun for months. The saleslady is trying to talk me into buying the sweaters anyway. Suddenly it dawns on me: "Right now I'm on vacation in central Florida in August, it's hotter than Hell out! Major continuity error here, there's no way I should be looking for a sweater. I must be dreaming!"

"Gotta take control here, don't want to waste my time in dreamland in some crummy clothing store. I should be outside, flying!"

I'm on grassy hillside, it's a warm sunny day. I strech out my arms and dive forward, ready to fly. I'm flying low, maybe a foot above the ground... And I'm moving very slow, I can't seem to get any speed... It's frustrating!

"GRAAAKKK!" The damn frogs wake me up!

Once the frogs quiet down, I drift back to sleep...

I'm walking across a grassy sand dune, gulls are crying in the distance. It looks like maybe Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. A cool wind is blowing and I'm wishing I had a sweater or jacket to put on...

Suddenly it dawns on me: "Right now I'm on vacation in Florida in August. Major continuity error here, there's no way I should be looking for a sweater or jacket. I must be dreaming!"

"Might as well try flying again," I think to myself.

I stretch out my arms and lean forward. Same problem as last time, I can't get any height or speed.

I decide to set targets for myself. I imagine a metal marker pole, maybe fifty feet off the ground, ahead in the distance. My speed and altitude gradually increase, until I climb and fly above the top of the pole.

The second pole I imagine is higher, and further away. I soon pass that one... The next one much higher, much farther, I fly by that one much faster! It's working!

Soon I'm miles above the ground, flying at a tremendous speed. I could reach the edge of space soon!

"GRAAAKKK!" The damn frogs wake me up!

Once the frogs quiet down, I drift back to sleep...

I'm walking down the street in a big East Coast city, it looks like maybe New York or Chicago. It's a warm summer night and the streets are wet, like it just rained. It suddenly dawns on me that I'm not really here, I'm sleeping on a sofabed in central Florida. I'm dreaming!

I decide to see if I can conjure up a companion, a female one. Might as well make this a "happy ending" dream!

Although I wasn't particularly thinking about her, suddenly, a woman I used to work with years ago is walking alongside me. She's dressed in an aqua blue dress. Business attire, like she used to wear to work. I decide to see if I can change her outfit into a thong bikini. (Maybe it's just me, but I find a sexy bikini on a woman much more erotic than total nudity.)

Her dress shimmers, starting to dissolve and change into the bikini... Suddenly she says to me "Don't do this to me, it's degrading!" and her outfit changes back to the aqua dress.

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

We're walking past a cafe. "Want to stop for coffee?" I ask her. "We can just talk..."

"OK," she replies.

We walk into the cafe and sit down at a small table.

"GRAAAKKK!" The damn frogs wake me up!

© Copyright 2005 RatDog (UN: cyam_01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/369816-Lucid-Dreaming-III