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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 11 The Demons It was dusk by the time the arrived at the center temple. As they walked into the center room, Carla commented, “Took you three long enough.” As it turns out Jonathan, Andrew, and Nick arrived back first with Stephanie and Patty about forty-five minutes later. Bobby looked up to Melanie and asked, “What do we do now that we have the tablet pieces?” To this Melanie responded saying, “It is a puzzle. You must put all the pieces together until they form a triangle. They must be in the right place. For instance, Light and Dark must be next to each other for they cancel out each others power. Do not worry. I will help you.” “I really don’t think you will,” said a voice coming from the darkness of the room. “And how will you stop me?” asked Melanie. “With the power of Darkness,” said David stepping out from the shadows. Melanie turned around and said to Stephanie, Bobby, and the others, “I cannot let him stand in the way. Here, I give you the other two tablet pieces needed. There is no need to help me, Carla will assist me.” “So white angel, you think you can take me on?” asked David. “I do not wish to kill you,” said Melanie summoning her longbow, “but I might just have to.” “Bring it on boy!” exclaimed Carla with fairy dust falling from her body onto Melanie. As a battle raged behind them, Stephanie, Bobby, and the others took out all of the tablet pieces and began to fit the pieces onto the stand. “Light should go on top right because it is, well, Light?” asked Jonathan. Jessica replied, “No, remember Light and Dark must go next to each other, so neither of those two can go on top.” “I think those two should be in the second row. Those two are really important and should be left alone,” said Andrew. “OK then, Light and Dark in the second row,” confirmed Stephanie as she put them in place. David yelled in the background, “I don’t believe in fairies!” After this was said Carla dropped down to the floor and Patty turned around and yelled, “No, not our Tinkerbelle!” David then said, “Now Melanie we should have a fair fight. Two on one wasn’t very fair now was it?” “You will pay for that,” said Melanie as she pulled back on her longbow and fired an arrow of light directly at David. “Kemelly! Help me save Carla!” yelled Patty. “What can we do?” asked Kemelly. “Haven’t you ever seen Peter Pan? You have to clap your hands,” said Patty already clapping her hands. “You dumb Angel,” said David destroying her light arrow, “don’t you know Light can never beat the power of Darkness?” David then sent a beam of Darkness at Melanie. It hit her stomach and she fell to the ground. David then ran to the tablet area, shot beams similar to the one that hit Melanie at the others, and rearranged the Bermuda Triangle to have Dark on the top instead of next to Light. He then placed his stone into the top tablet piece. Meanwhile, Stephanie and Bobby had crawled over to check on Melanie. They asked if she was alright and she said, “I am going to die. I will give you a gift, a warning, and a word of advice before I die. The warning is to what is about to happen. Because of what David just did, eight demons will come forth from the Bermuda Triangle, each controlling one of you elements. The word of advice is to never give up. Your stones have enormous powers that you can rely on.” The others had already gathered around her to hear what she was saying. Jonathan however was still unconscious. Melanie continued, “And the gift. You now have the gift. The gift allows you to…” but she was cut off and her body disappeared. “Great, the angel of light is dead, we don’t know what the gift is that she gave us, and eight demons are about to appear to do God knows what,” complained Andrew. “You guys, what is up with the Bermuda Triangle?” asked Stephanie pointing to it. Several dark blobs had formed on top of the Bermuda Triangle, eight to be exact. They then grew and became the color of each of the stones that belonged to the group. They then saw eight seemingly human figures stand up. Then they looked at their bodies more closely and noticed that growing out of their backs were wings, awful wings that appeared to resemble wings of bats. They also were wearing a lot of jewelry. Each one wore several rings and earrings. The males each had their eyebrows pierced. The females each had their bellybuttons pierced instead of their eyebrows. “Is it me or is their jewelry the same color of our stones?” asked Bobby. “Maybe each of those stones controls the same elements as well. Man that is scary, we each have only one stone, they have about seven stones each,” said Nick. “Who has summoned us?” asked the female demon with red hair and the red jewelry. “I have,” said David, “Now tell me who you are.” The demon with red hair said, “I am Celina, the demon of Fire.” The demon with aqua stones said, “I am Mark, the demon of Water. “I am Jennifer, the demon of Lightning,” said the one with yellow jewelry. “I am Anthony, the demon of Ice,” said the one with light blue eyes. “I am Natalie, demon of the Wind,” said the one wearing white rags. The one with green piercings said, “I am James, the demon of Plants.” The one with grey wings said, “I am Rachel, demon of Earth.” “And I,” said the last demon remaining, “am Peter, demon of Animals.” “What is it you want from us?” demanded Celina. “I want you to destroy the world,” said David. “Well we can do that. We just need to start in the cities posing most danger. I for one must destroy Atlantis,” said Mark. “I must destroy the Hawaiian Islands,” said Celina. “The Amazonian warriors must be extinguished,” said James. “The African Tribes of Kenya are a nuisance worth getting rid of,” said Jennifer. “The villages around the mountains in the center of the United States stand in our way of expanding,” said Rachel. “Cities in Alaska must be permanently removed,” said Anthony. “I must destroy,” started Natalie before David cut her off. “Natalie, Peter, I have a special task for you both. I want you to destroy the city I currently live in,” said David developing a malicious smile. “Yes master,” replied both Natalie and Peter. “You guys, we have to get out of here and warn the people living in those areas they just mentioned,” said Bobby. “You heard him, let’s move out,” said Andrew. “I’ll take Carla with me,” said Patty. The eight friends crawled out of the room and then ran down the hallway and out of the temple. Once outside they got on the boat and began to discuss what they are going to do. “Patty, you know the Amazons well so go help them. Kemelly you help the Atlanteans since you saved their city. OK I think you guys get the picture. Go to the city where you got your stone,” said Bobby. “And how are we going to get there?” asked Patty. “One happy thought and a pinch of fairy dust,” said Carla who began to wake up. She continued saying, “Don’t land til you have reached the exact place. Here.” She then flew above them sprinkling fairy dust on their heads. As they were about to leave eight figures rose up from the depths of the ocean. The demons flew out of the water and into the air, each flying in their own direction to cause death and destruction. They flew at an incredible speed. After the demons passed Jessica said, “They are so gonna get pounded.” Then all eight of them flew off following the demons. Carla however stayed by the boat to recover. |