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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1028702
First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature.
#383218 added November 25, 2005 at 11:30am
Restrictions: None
Plant Whip
Chapter 13

Plant Whip

“So James, we meet again,” said Patty with a very serious look on her face.

“Have we met before?” asked James.

“I was in the Bermuda Temple when you got released. Me and the others were lurking in the shadows watching what David was doing.”

“So you allowed us to be summoned? You, a guardian, allowed us to be summoned?” asked James laughing.

“I was helping Melanie whom David killed and her personal guardian my new friend, Carla.”

“Anyway, you have something that I want,” said James pointing at her necklace.

“You can take it,” said Patty, “after I die!” She then jumped at him and kicked his shin. James didn’t even flinch. He then lifted his arm and smacked her across her face sending her flying five feet away.

Patty wiped off her lip and saw some blood. ~Patty, my sister has told me of your strengths. Use them. This is a battle to the death and you must not allow him to kill you. It will hurt, but you must fight on like my sister Melissa did,~ said Veronica.

Patty then jumped to her feet with the aid of a plant growing nearby. “OK, this is serious,” said Patty to herself. James then flew behind her and threw her at a tree. Her stone glowed brightly and before landing on the trunk of the tree, a large layer of vines and leaves had formed to cushion her when she hit.

“Grab him!” Patty shouted. Vines came up from the ground and wrapped around James’ arms and legs.

“Dumb move guardian. You forgot about my wings,” said James smirking. He flapped his wings and uprooted the vines. He took them off his legs and with the ones on his arms flew at Patty. Using the vines, he wrapped Patty around a tree. Then he went in front of the tree and stared at Patty’s stone.

“Personally, I thought it was going to be a more difficult fight. Oh well,” said James. He then stretched his arm out to take Patty’s stone from around her neck and later kill her, but the vines holding Patty fell to the ground.

“Silly demon, now don’t you know that vines can choke and snap other vines?” asked Patty rhetorically. James then saw he had taken too long and decided to try and grab her stone, but he was too late. A branch from the tree she was being held up against reached down and pulled Patty back up into the other branches.

She then ran around to the other side and sat down on a large branch. She tilted her head up to the sky and asked, “Why me?” to nobody.

“Don’t ask me why, I am not in charge,” said James who had appeared right above her. Patty screeched and fell off of the branch and onto the floor. She then ran as fast as she could into the densest part of the forest where she could not only hide best, but use her powers to the best of their ability.

James then flew down to follow Patty but was grabbed by several vines and was pulled down. “Heathen! I will enjoy destroying you!” shouted James as Patty continued to run out of his direct sight. As soon as she felt she was deep enough into the forest, she hid under several large bushes and vines.

“If only Carla were here, she could help me,” said Patty holding her stone. She then looked down at her stone and noticed it wasn’t sharp anymore. The parts that were once sharp now were smooth and on top there were small circles on the top in between the smooth parts.

“What’s this?” wondered Patty looking down and rubbing her stone. She then stood up and walked out from under the bush to find none other than James looking for her. “Over here buffoon!” she shouted. He then turned around.

“So you have admitted defeat?” asked James.

“I know that I will not be able to beat you in a fair fight, but I will never give up!” shouted Patty right back. Her stone then began to glow really bright and the once sharp parts of her stone began to lift up from the stone. “Now that is the right thing to do. Give me the stone!” demanded James.

Much to Patty’s delight the stone never dropped. It was still held by the top parts. She then screamed in a mixture of pain, surprise, and delight. She was flung into the trees by a vine. Once in the trees, vines shot her up into the sky. She continued to yell in horror for she saw how real and possible death was at that moment. She expected herself to fall but inside her mind she saw herself just missing the trees and flying somehow through the air. She was falling about to hit the trees when she began to fly rapidly over them.

She turned her head and saw two pairs of wings coming out of her back. She laughed out of relief. They were thin with the top pair much longer than the other. The ends and sides were a dark green color and became progressively lighter closer to the middle of the wings. She then knew what they looked like. They were exactly like the wings Carla had.

As she was flying around in her own delight, she forgot about real danger beneath the trees when James flew up and smacked her into a tree. She sat up, flapped her wings to make sure they were alright and flew back into the sky right at James. She then proceeded to catch him off guard and hit him with her left shoulder.

James moved only the slightest bit and flew high into the sky. Patty stood there in awe and watched to see what he was doing. He then spread his wings very wide and dove straight at her.

“Sorry James, but I am not as stupid as I look. In order to hit me you are going to have to catch me first,” said Patty. James then put as much speed as he could into the dive. Patty then took off just above the canopy of the trees. James kept flapping his wings and with each flap caught up to Patty more and more. “James, you are invading my personal space,” said Patty as she dove into the trees.

She then started to weave in and out of trees. She turned around and stuck her tongue out at James. She then accidentally flew right into a tree breaking her nose. She noticed she was on the outskirts of the Amazon village and ran as fast as she could to the village.

The injured warriors looked up at Patty and said, “The one,” in awe looking at her wings and stone. Veronica then ran out of her hut as quickly as possible, her bracelets and earrings clicking all the way.

“What are you doing here? Do you wish to kill us all and yourself?”

“I cannot do it. There is no way I will ever be able to defeat him,” said Patty with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Veronica opened her arms accepting a hug from Patty and whispered in her ear, “There have been others before you. They have defeated the same demons.”

“How were they able to beat them?” asked Patty still crying and hearing some of the villagers on the outskirts screaming in pain as the demon most likely began killing them.

“Well for one, these demons did not have wings according to our old writings. It seems they get more powerful with time and it has been over several thousand years since they have been resurrected. You have to trust in both yourself and the stone.” Patty’s head shot up. It was the exact same thing Melanie had told her in the Bermuda Temple.

“I must go and continue to tend to the wounded and you must defeat the demon!” exclaimed Veronica.

Patty jumped up and hovered above the village. “James, how desperate are you? Just because you cannot kill me, you go and kill these villagers? I am going to give you a chance to kill me. If you really, truly want my stone, then come try and get it!” shouted Patty.

That definitely caught his attention. He put down one of the injured warriors and flew up above the village. “What does it matter to you if I kill this stupid inferior race of women?” asked James.

Patty then began to shake with anger, “SO YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER SEXIST DUDE THAT THINKS MEN ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN! OH YOU ASKED FOR IT!” She then proceeded to fly at him hands outstretched ready to choke and scratch it till he died.

As she approached him, James smacked her face and sent her flying for several yards and into the dense forest. “This is not working,” Patty said to no one. Her stone then went back to its normal appearance and her wings disappeared. Patty ran into the forest refusing to look back.

She heard the leaves around her begin to sway and ran even faster, but to no avail. She was thrown into a tree. James was quick this time, he put her back against the tree and put her powerful arm against her throat. She tried to free herself but he was just too strong.

“Listen to me!” yelled James to Patty, “I have had enough of these stupid games. Give me the stone now or I will take your life.”

“How do I know you will spare me if I give you my stone?” asked Patty with nothing but rage in her eyes. “How long will you continue to kill all the people in the world? When would it end?”

“I will not kill such a perfect specimen as you,” said James releasing Patty and beginning to rub his hand up and down hers.

“Stop touching me,” commanded Patty, “or you will regret it.”

“Well I guess you chose death then,” stated James, “It’s a real pity. You were truly a good adversary.” He began to turn around and walk away when he kicked Patty in the gut and pushed her into the tree.

Patty fell to her knees and tried to catch her breath, but nothing seemed to work. She had never been hit so badly by anything in her entire life. James turned around and then smacked her across the face causing blood to come dripping down her lip and cheek. He then reached out with his arm, grabbed Patty by the neck and held her up to a tree. He began to press.

Patty struggled extremely hard for she knew that if he didn’t stop, she would certainly die, but before long her movement slowed and her arms went limp. James kept his hand around her neck for a few more moments and then slowly removed his arms allowing Patty’s seemingly lifeless body to fall to the floor. James then proceeded to head toward the village knowing Patty was no longer a threat and that he could come back for the stone later.

~Patty! What is going on! I barely even sense your presence!~ shouted Veronica frantically into Patty’s head.

“Veronica… I’m… not… gonna…make… it…” said Patty extremely softly. Patty extended her arm down to her stone and pressed her hand around it tightly. She then pulled it close to her heart. As she was taking her last breaths her arm began to lift up, being led by her hand containing the stone. She decided to remove her hand from the stone.

The stone sat there above her chest when it began to glow. From the now smooth parts of her stone, something began to form from the bottom. As the stone grew brighter, Patty began to gain back her strength. The stone then slowly dropped and instantly, Patty stood up using the help of a vine and began to examine her stone. It seemed like a charm had been added to it dangling right below the stone. It resembled a whip.

She then began to run toward the village and saw James holding Veronica by the throat up in the air. “Drop her!” demanded Patty. James began to turn around with a look of suspicion and disbelief.

“I thought I killed you!” shouted James.

“Never underestimate the power of my stone. You should know that plants have healing powers,” said Patty.

She then proceeded to grab a vine on the side of a tree and said, “Now, you will pay for all the innocent lives you have taken!” After she said this, the vine she was holding began to transform and the charm under her stone began to glow. She moved the vine and realized it had become a whip.

James decided to release Veronica and approached Patty on the ground. Patty then extended her whip and flung the tip of it at James. It wrapped around his leg and he shouted in agonizing pain. It was then that Patty looked at it a little more closely and realized it was made of thorns as well.

“Now who has the upper hand?” asked Patty rhetorically. Patty pulled using one arm on the whip and sent James flying into a tree close to the village. She then began to wrap the whip around his body and tightened her grip. “AAAAAHHHHHHH!” yelled James who was experiencing extremely agonizing pain.

Patty continued to throw his increasingly bleeding body over and over again into different trees in the forest yelling with utter anger. She then put both her hands on the whip’s handle and lifted the whip behind her head sending James into the ground behind her.

Patty then pulled with all her strength and the strength of her stone, that happened to be glowing constantly now that she had the whip, and pulled her arms forward smashing James into the ground at a force so extreme, a dent was made in the ground. Her stone stopped glowing and the whip disappeared. Patty approached James and kicked him to see if he was still alive. James didn’t move but only moments after his body began to break into millions of particles headed in the direction of the Bermuda Temple.

All that was left of James was a single ring. Patty went to pick it up when suddenly it burst into particles and flew in the opposite direction of all the other particles. Patty then proceeded to Veronica’s hut to ask for further instruction.

“Patty, you must return to the temple. All our warriors will be fine. Your only remaining task is to defeat David and his stone. You must go,” stated Veronica. Patty then walked outside of Veronica’s hut. She asked for wings and her stone’s smooth part retracted forming wings on Patty’s back. She jumped into the sky and flew back toward the temple.
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