Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on... |
The following link is to a story that quotes Bush as saying, "We do not torture." http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-11-07-bush-terror-suspects_x.htm?PO... My son is in Iraq, and has been since January 2005. Bush would have been more truthful if he would have said, "No, we don't torture, we interrogate." Please read the definition of the word, "Interrogate": to question somebody throughly, often in an aggressive and threatening manner So far almost every statement that has been made by President Bush has been proven to be a fabrication, or an out right lie, i.e. as in the reasons he gave for invading Iraq, and starting a war. I watched Bush on television lying about his lack of knowledge concerning the resignation of Michael Brown as the head of FEMA - turns out Bush did know about it, but didn't know Brown's resignation had been made public. Bush lied quite well. Could have been believable if later news coverage did not reveal he did know about Michael Brown's resignation. We have a President that is very comfortable telling untruths. Know that I can't believe him when he says, "We do not torture." After everything we (the citizens of the United States of America) now know about Bush and his hand-picked administration, can you honestly say you actually still believe whatever comes out of Bush's mouth? |