Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/385264-Ice-Spear
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1028702
First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature.
#385264 added November 25, 2005 at 11:31am
Restrictions: None
Ice Spear
Chapter 17

Ice Spear

“Jessica, there is no way you can stop him,” said Carolina.

“Mom, look at this,” said Jessica showing Carolina her necklace. “This is my weapon, now quick, save the dogs.” Carolina then carried both of her dogs over to her house and radioed a helicopter to pick up her dogs.

“Now what is your name again demon?” asked Jessica.

“Why does it matter to you?” asked Anthony.

“I want to know the name of the demon I am about to kill, that is all.”

“What makes you think you can kill me?”

“Well seeing as I have the stone you are so desperately seeking, my odds are pretty good, especially since I know how to control this stone’s power.”

“Well my name is Anthony and I think it is appropriate for me to learn your name seeing as I will be the one killing you.”

“My name is Jessica and I want to ask you just one more thing. Let me know if it’s cold?”

“What is cold?” asked Anthony before he could even see the balls of ice flying at his face. They hit Anthony, but failed to do much. Jessica ran up to him and punched him in the stomach. Anthony raised his arm and slammed her to the ground.

Taking advantage of Jessica falling to the ground, Anthony flew up and began to throw large icicles at Jessica. Jessica was able to shield herself with a dome made of ice. She then sent the dome at Anthony. He was able to dodge it quickly but had to fall to the ground to do so.

Jessica seized the opportunity and jumped on his back and began to try and choke him. Anthony began to flail seemingly helpless, but then threw her over his head and into the snow.

“You are not going anywhere,” said Jessica as Anthony tried to fly into the sky. Almost instantly, ice began to crawl up his legs and kept him attached to the ground. He seemed baffled but then began to flap his wings very powerfully and the ice quickly shattered.

“Oh no you don’t!” shouted Jessica sending a large and sharp icicle right at Anthony. It was destroyed seeing as Anthony sent one at Jessica at that same moment and they had collided in mid-air.

“Are you just going to keep hiding in the sky, or are you going to come down here and fight?” questioned Jessica.

“Power isn’t everything you know. Sometimes it pays to be smart,” said Anthony not moving an inch.

“Whoever said that is an idiot. Of course power is everything.” Jessica then recalled the memory of when she almost killed all her friends when her stone went out of control on its own and called upon that power from her stone. Her stone began to glow amazingly bright and she was lifted off the ground.

“Are you going to tell me that it was brains that is letting me fly now or was it power?” asked Jessica. Anthony just stayed up in the sky watching his enemy coming to him where he thought he was safe. Jessica then threw another icicle at him. This time it hit because Anthony was so awestruck.

Anthony fell to the ground, but Jessica caught up to him and kicked him before he was even able to hit the ground. When he finally hit the ground, a dome made of ice grew around him and on the inside sharp icicles began to protrude from the walls. Anthony yelled in pain, but then ended up shattering the ice before it could hurt him any more.

“You are right,” said Anthony, “power is important. But let me remind you of something called speed.” He then flew at her at an amazing speed and knocked her to the ground. He then formed an icicle within the palm of his hand. He then began to press the icicle against Jessica’s neck cutting her and causing redness from the ice burn.

“Get off of me!” shouted Jessica kicking Anthony off of her and into the snow. She then ran into the forest for shelter made snow cover up her footprints so that she could have more time to hide while she devised a plan of attack.

“Great. I can fly now, but I have no control over how fast I fly so I am going to end up being trounced unless I find some other way to stop him,” Jessica said to no one. “Come on give me some more power,” Jessica asked her stone. She then clutched it tightly in her arm and realized that its edges were not sharp anymore. The claw that was holding it in place wasn’t made of blades, but it was now made of little sticks resembling feathers.

She then clutched it tighter and felt a tingle and she noticed her stone had begun to glow. She let go of the stone and watched as the feathers began to pull away from the stone, but it continued to hold the stone securely to the necklace. Jessica turned her head because she saw something on the corner of her eye. What she saw made her stop breathing. Coming out from her back were light blue wings made of ice. The wings were like those of an angel, like Melanie.

It finally clicked. “So this is the gift Melanie left each of us. She gave each of us a pair of wings to help us fight the demons,” said Jessica.

“Jessica,” called Anthony, “do you want to come out and fight?”

Jessica turned her head toward where Anthony’s voice came from and leaped into the air with her wings spread in the air. She flew straight for where his voice came and saw him. Their eyes connected and he took off into the air to escape, but he was too slow.

Jessica caught up to him in no time and grabbed one of his legs in mid flight and threw him to the ground. Anthony landed with a loud ‘thump’. Jessica then dove at Anthony lying hopelessly on the ground. She formed an icicle in her palm and drove it into his leg when she reached him.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” shouted Anthony in pain.

“Now this is fun,” said Jessica driving the icicle deeper into the demon’s flesh. She then grabbed Anthony’s arms and carried him into the sky and let him go allowing him to drop to the ground again. Anthony had enough strength left in him to regain control and fly away.

“Yes! Now for the thrill of the hunt!” shouted Jessica with a large smile on her face. She quickly caught up to him and flew underneath him.

“Someone looks a little scared,” said Jessica making eye contact with Anthony. She then grabbed his arms and flipped him toward the side of the mountain. He landed with a loud crash.

Jessica glided slowly to where Anthony’s body should have landed, but found nothing, absolutely nothing. “Man, he was a lot easier to beat than I thought he would be,” said Jessica as she turned and began to fly away.

After flying for several seconds, she heard a voice. “So, do you really think you could beat me that easily?”

Jessica turned around and saw Anthony floating in the sky. “Oh, that wasn’t enough for you?” asked Jessica. “Do you want some more?”

“If you really think you can defeat me using feeble attacks like those, then you have been sadly mistaken,” said Anthony.

“Let me tell you something. I will kill you, no matter how long it takes, no matter how much I suffer; I will make sure you die. You have no idea the pain I have felt in the last few months of my life. I have almost died three times. I do not fear death anymore. You may try your hardest to kill me, but let me tell you, in the end I will win.”

“AAAGGGHHH!” shouted Jessica as she flew toward Anthony. She grabbed his body and then moved her head toward his neck. Jessica then bit down on his throat and began to dig her fingernails into his flesh. She then pulled her arms down across his body leaving deep gashes on his sides and chest.

Anthony just floated there the whole time and began to laugh. “You really think you can kill me don’t you. You even resorted to a barbaric way to kill me. I am sorry, but it will not work,” said Anthony. This made Jessica sink her teeth even deeper causing Anthony to stop laughing. He then wrapped his arms around her body and began to squeeze the life out of her.

Jessica let go of her grip on his neck and her grip on his sides. “AAAHHH!” she shouted in pain. Another icicle began to form in her palm and this time she sliced it right across Anthony’s chest making him let go in pain. Jessica quickly fled into the forest again that was now shielded by a thick fog.

She landed beside a tree and then began to whisper to herself, “Come on Jessica think. If only there was some savage way for me to kill him. Nothing seems to be working. Human weapons don’t work, my mom already tried that. I cannot damage him. Even after sinking my teeth into his throat and my nails into his side, he feels nothing at all. The only thing that can damage him is the icicles, but those can only do so much. Come on I need something to finish him off.”

She looked at her stone and clutched it to her body again. “If I ever needed help, now is when I need it the most. For me, my mom, my dad, my dogs, my friends, and the whole world. Please, give me something to kill this demon,” pleaded Jessica to her stone crying. Then a tear fell from her cheek and onto the stone.

The stone began to glow and it lifted itself up in front of her face. The small feather like structures holding her stone in place rolled back again and her wings appeared. Her stone continued to glow and from the bottom, a small chain appeared. From the small chain, there was a small charm hanging off of it. Jessica took a close look at it and noticed it was shaped like a spear. She then noticed a shadow lurking over her shoulder.

“Oh, did I disturb you?” asked Anthony. Jessica looked at the ground and found a leftover arrow of her mothers and tried to stab the demon with it. He grabbed her arm before contact could be made, but when Jessica looked at the arrow again, it was no longer an arrow. It was now a spear with an ice tip.

She pulled it back and stabbed Anthony with it in his side. He took a few steps back and realized he had begun to bleed. He then took off into the sky and Jessica took off after him.

“Well look who is scared now!” she shouted at him.

Jessica threw the spear at him and missed. She tried again after retrieving the spear, but to no avail. She then landed at the ground and folded her wings. Anthony then turned around and faced her. He began to throw several icicles at her, but she blocked each of them with her spear and they caused no damage to her whatsoever.

She then ran towards him and jumped in the air. Her wings opened up and she flew toward him. She then positioned her spear to strike. She struck Anthony right in between his lungs and he dropped the ground. When he fell Jessica continued to stab him with her spear and slash at him splashing blood all across her face and clothes.

She finally stopped and when she did, his body began to fall apart and disintegrate into small tiny particles that swarmed around her into a pile forming the tablet piece. All that remained from him was an eyebrow piercing. Jessica picked up the tablet and went to pick up the piercing, but as she did, it disintegrated and all the particles flew away from Jessica’s range of vision.

Jessica turned around and saw her mother standing there with her eyes wide open in fright. Carolina had just seen her daughter slay a demon and kill it so brutally that it would have ever been thought possible.

“Mom, I had to…” started Jessica, but the words couldn’t come out.

“Jessica, I understand what you had to do. It’s just, it’s just…” said Carolina as she began to burst into tears.

“Mom you do not understand…” started Jessica, but she was cut off by her mother.

“Jessica, I just wanted to tell you that Jorge, Georgie, and their puppies will be all right. Jorge had a collapsed lung and he almost died, but Georgie never was in any extreme danger. She had a bad bite mark, but that was about it. On the way to the vet’s office, she began to go into labor so it was a little bit tricky having her give birth while the vet treated her leg.”

“Mom I am sorry.”

“About what, there is nothing to be sorry about. You did what you had to do and for that I am glad. Jessica, you saved me and your two precious dogs. I do not know what I could do without you.”

Jessica then ran to her mom and hugged her saying, “Mom, I love you.”

“I love you to Jessica, but I have to get back to the vet’s office, and I am sure you still have some unfinished business to settle so you can now be on your merry way.”

“I am sorry you had to watch it though.”

“Oh quit dwelling on the past already and go protect the Earth alright.”

“Ok, but only because you told me to.”

Carolina then began to walk back to her house so that she could get into her car and drive to the vet’s office seeing as some of the snow had melted. Jessica turned around, opened her wings and grabbed her spear. She then jumped into the air and began to fly back toward the Bermuda Temple to finish what had been started.
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