Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/386015-Escape
Rated: E · Book · Teen · #1025510
A young girl caves in to peer pressure, and finds herself in a near-death situation.
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#386015 added December 2, 2005 at 9:34am
Restrictions: None
Unfinshed, more to be added!

I opened my eyes and my first thought was that i had gone blind. The darkness was so thick it felt like it was suffocating me, as my chest tightened like all the air was being sucked out of my body and my head began to spin.It took me a couple of minutes to get over the initial shock, before my brain would fully function again.
"Keep calm" i told myself. Easy to say. I had to access the situation, whatever the situation was.
I looked up to see how far down i had fallen. Now, im not a good judge of distance at all, but even i could tell that there was no way i was going to be getting out on my own!
I felt the wall-solid brick, and wet. In fact, there was water everywhere, dripping from above me, sloshing around in my trainers. Already i was soaked. And cold, so cold i was shivering-though come to think of it, that might have been due to the fear that was slowly growing in the pit of my stomach.
I started taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I'd never told anyone, but i was scared of the dark. What if there were rats? I hated rats, ever since Martin Edwards bought his pet rat to school and it escaped and got itself caught up in my hair. It scratched and thrashed about so much that i had to have a huge chunk of my hair cut out, and spent the next couple of months wearing a hat because everyone laughed at the bold patch on the back of my head.
That didnt exactly make me feel better. So I began to sing, listening to the sound of my quivering voice echoing off of the damp walls;

"Twinkle twinkle litle star
How i wonder what you are..."

Why twinkle twinkle little star, i will never know; desperate people do desperate things.
And the worst thing was that nobody knew i was down here.
Time ticked by, though the darkness made it feel like everything was stood still. It grew colder, i grew hungry, and i was beginning to believe that no-one was actually coming for me. I wondered what it would be like to doe down here. Would starvation finish me off, or perhaps pnumonia would get there first? I wish i hadn't lied to my mum, i felt guilty-and i would never get the chance to say sorry. I was going to die a lier. A lying loser.

I sat down, bracing myself as the icey water soaked through my trousers, and closed my eyes. It was then i realised, i remembered, how could i have been so dumb?! My mobile phone may not have had any credit-but it had a torch!!!

I was so relieved, i started laughing as i fumbled around in my pocket, trying to grasp it with numb fingers. I found it, and went to the menu; a couple of minutes later, a small beam of yellow light pierced through the darkness.

And what i saw made me wish i had just stayed in the darkness.
It wasn't just water on the walls of the well. It was blood. Dark crimson blood, slowly running down the walls, tracing the cracks in the brickwork before dripping and mingling with the water on the well floor, turning it a faded red colour.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
I could even smell it, taste its metallic flavour in my mouth. I suddenly came over all dizzy, as i felt vomit rising in my throat and having to hold onto the wall for support, i knew i was going to pass out. It wouldn't be the first time.
But i didn't pass out. I took a long, deep breath, and then another, trying to calm myself down, trying to convince myself that i wasn't going to vomit. It worked for the moment.

Shaking worse than i had been before, the coldness that had now spread throughout my whole body numbing every limb, i once again tried to pull myself together. Firstly, i had to establish where the blood was coming from. Ok, just keep breathing and look up.
But i was too scared to look up. What would i see? In my mind, i had visions of a mutilated body hanging from the wall, putrid and decaying.
Squinting, so i wouldn't be able to see the body in all its grossness, i slowly riased my head.
I couldn't see anything above me but darkness. I opened my eyes right up, yet still the darkness was the only thing that greeted me.
I was almost relieved. Almost. But the blood was still pouring down the walls, a constant stream and i had no idea where it was coming from.
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