Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/389930-Chapter-15--Romantic-Return
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #979998
This came from when I realised the starnge way that Orion's belt is arranged.
#389930 added December 2, 2005 at 12:34pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 15- Romantic Return
Chapter, Erm, oh I dunno, must be about 14 now- Romantic Return.

Alexia and Scottle walked passed the moonlit river, hand in hand. They kissed, then Alexia broke away, and smiled.
"Come on, I want to show you something."
Scottle smiled back.
Alexia pulled Scottle next to the river.
"Look into the water."
"Why?" Scottle said, suspiciously.
"Just look, it's beautiful."
Scottle kneeled by the river, and peered into the riverbed.
"I don't see anything." Scottle replied.
"Look harder…"Alexia said mistily.
Scottle bent over onto the river and looked so close his nose was almost underwater.
"What does it look like?"
Alexia kicked Scottle in the arse. He fell into the water.
Alexia turned to run, but two long arms (namely Scottle's) reached up and pulled her in too.
Alexia jumped to the surface, panting with laughter and shock.
"Oh, you're gonna get it now!"
She splashed water at Scottle playfully.
Scottle dived underwater for a second, and Alexia stared blankly for a moment, then Scottle resurfaced behind her and grabbed her. Alexia giggled, and turned around and kissed him.
And so they remained for a few minutes, kissing in the moonlit river, until they broke apart, and looked into each others eyes.
Alexia looked so beautiful to Scottle, her hair was wet and hung over her eye and down to over her shoulders. She was looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she was on an slight angle, but in that eye Scottle could see such a glimmer it made him smile. To him, her opal eyes looked like the sunset waters he saw on vacation to Alronnel, and he remembered seeing how beautiful Orion's Buckle looked, like an orange-yellow ball of passion. He wished he could return there with Alexia, and look upon that same sunset again with the girl he dreamt of that very night.
Holy guitar, she's hotter than I expected. You've done well there, dude. Touch her boobs.
No, she doesn't want me too! Can't you go away?
Alexia stretched, and her breasts moved closer towards Scottle.
Doesn't want to my arse. She's literally gagging for it, now's your chance!
Scottle moved his hands. Then moved them back.
No!, it's wrong. I shouldn't do things like that, not out of the blue.
Out of the blue? You're slap bang in the blue.
Alexia moved into Scottle, and put her arms around him, and moved them down to the small of his back. She smiled sexily and moved to kiss him again.
Without thinking, Scottle moved his hands onto Alexia's back, and he moved them soothingly.
Oh yeah, that's it, carry it on, dude.
Alexia groaned in pleasure and kissed Scottle harder. He could tell she wanted more. He moved his hands underneath her top and felt her bare skin underneath, and massaged it. As he did, he felt Alexia move her legs against his. He couldn't resist much longer, he felt too sexual to think. He was losing control, and he didn't like it.
Alexia started to use her tongue, and began to play with Scottle's. He felt hot, he completely forgot himself, and something else took over.
He caressed his way to just the side of her bosom and Alexia groaned again in anticipation. In answer, Scottle slowly moved onto her chest, and began to fondle and play. Alexia felt so horny she moved her legs around Scottle's waist and squeezed softly. Scottle lost all control and massaged and played vigorously, and Alexia felt waves and waves of pleasure.
She broke away suddenly, a thought occurring into her head.
"I...I have to go now..."she panted. "Bye."
"Where?" Scottle whispered.
"Home. It's dark; my parents are already going to be worrying."
She swam onto the riverside. Scottle followed.
"I'm too cold to stay...sorry." She said.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yes...it's just I need to be back" she replied.
And with that she turned off and walked down the street, leaving Scottle more confused then he already was.

Alexia ran down the street to her home, and turned the handle to go inside. It was locked. It seemed that the Parents Not Being In When Most Convenient Convention was very popular. Alexia panicked for a moment, then realised she had been given the house keys for Meg's party. She reached into her wet pockets. Nothing.
Shit. I must have dropped them in the river.
She slumped her back against the door, thinking about Scottle. If she went back she just knew he'd help her find her keys and everything would just be so perfect.
That's the problem. He's so perfect! He never does anything wrong, it's like he's a god or something, Guitar, I wish just once he'd not do things right, just to be human.
Alexia became shocked at herself.
What am I saying? Here I have got the best bloody boyfriend in the world and I hate it because he's perfect for me.
The wind started to bite into her, and she shivered. her clothes were sopping wet. She started to go white.
I hope my parents are back soon.
However, her parents where far from being back any time soon. They were enjoying not being in so well that they had in fact agreed to go on an ocean cruise with Em's parents, and were now racing past Acousta, and had been very happy for a good while now, although her father had been thrown out of the engine room after complaining that the combustion rates could be far more enhanced if they simply burnt the coal with fire instead of staring at it menacingly.
Alexia shivering terribly now, and she realised she couldn't stay here. She felt absolutely miserable. Her blood felt like icy slush. her heart felt like it had been dipped in acid-flavoured ice-cream. Her face felt like it had been slapped by an icy herring (which, as stated before, it had, but that is another story, certainly not one to tell under the stress of the current situation).
She knew she only had one option. She'd have to find Scottle. She knew that when she did she'd have to apologise and beg for his forgiveness and feel like an utter prick forever, but it was either that or die of hyperthermia. After a good deal of thinking she decided to go to Scottle.
His house was just round the corner, at Motor Head Road. She didn't know which one it was, so she supposed she'd have to knock on each one. She walked achingly down to the end of her street, and turned around the newsagents where she had first seen him that Wednesday. Turning down the road, she saw him for a brief second before he entered the house at the end of the road.
Alexia sighed. At least she knew which Scottle's house was.
She walked down the road, trying to enjoy the last moments of any dignity she still had.
She reached Scottle's house, No 182, and blinked.
She walked up the doorsteps and stopped for a minute, plucking up the courage to knock.
She knocked. Silence ensued.
No-one answered. She was about to completely give up and go and be miserable at home, when she scottle open the door, completely nude, but for a towel.
"Sorry, I was about to go into she shower and-" he paused. "Alexia? What are you doing here?"
"I've been locked out..can I come in?"
"Sure, just go straight up into my room, the third one on the left, don't mind, noone else is in, they're all away at some daft convention or something."
Alexia stepped in and sighed in happiness as she felt the warmth wash over her. She walked up the stairs, feeling a lot more relaxed and a lot less like a prick then she thought she would, she turned into Scottles' bedroom.
The thought raced into Alexia like a fat security guard would race into a buffet.
Guitar, I want a shag on that bed.
Scottles bed was something of a king sized four posters, except it was completely covered in deep red pillows. The bed itself was also hexagonal, with four pillars reaching out to make a square above. He even had a curtain veil around it.
Scottle sleeps in that....Stop it girl! Stop being so horny! Though...look at that bed...
The feeling in her heart came up again, but this time it was accompanied by a very strong feeling down below.
Alexia couldn't resist lying on the bed. She threw herself on the bed, and was surprised when she bounced a few times.
Alexia heard the sound of Scottle coming up the stairs.
There are millions of uncounted and unknown forces in the universe, which act without proper explanation. The force which caused Alexia's legs to part is one of those.
She became once more sensible and slammed her legs shut again just as he came into the room.
“Hey, I would say make yourself comfortable, but you seem to have already done so. More then comfortable.” He smiled.
Alexia shivered spontaneously.
“Oh, gosh, I forgot, your clothes are wet. You can't possibly stay in them, you'll catch hyperthermia. Here, go take a hot shower, I have an en-suite.”
The unknown and random force struck again, and Alexia's legs spread.
“Hehe, just go get a shower, angel.” Scottle said, noticing her legs.
“Right....I'll be back in a minute.” Said Alexia, and kissed Scottle.
Alexia stepped into Scottles' bathroom, and locked the door.
In a flash, her clothes where off, and she was in the shower. As horny as she admitted she was, she was bloody cold too.
The hot water was a huge relief to her, and she actually could move her hands again, and feel at least some sort of life.
She rinsed herself off and realised she had precisely nothing to change into.
Scottle opened the door slightly, and passed some of his clothes through the door.
Alexia grabbed the clothes and thanked him, but really did feel something of a disappointment when she had to get dressed again.
She stepped out of the room fully dressed.
Twenty seconds later, she was wearing but a tee-shirt and on his bed, and was having the most passionate moment of her life.
Scottle was all over her, hands, tongues and…foot, as an accident. She was kissing him madly. All across her head, she wanted to make love to him there and then. Her legs were around him, squeezing tightly, and his hands were busy down below. She couldn't stop the waves of pleasure coming, she took them all with groans and moans and savoured the feeling and wanted more.
She grabbed a hold of Scottle and pulled him in, but was surprised when he stopped suddenly, and broke off her.
“This isn't right. Sorry.”
He sat on the side of the bed. Notice Alexia’s disappointment, he spoke again
“Not the situation, it's the perfect occasion for a good leg over, but it appears something isn't right down below.”
“What's wrong?” Alexia sat up.
“It appears my balls have been replaced with two small pebbles.”
“My guitar, Your right.”
Alexia's jaw dropped. Her brain tried to get it back up but was distracted by what the eyes saw and so her jaw dropped again. Her eyes blinked just to make sure her brain had got the message. Her brain was overwhelmed with all the information from the eye and lost control of her legs. Her eyes fluttered madly trying to give their message but in the end gave up and decided to have a nap. Her legs tried to keep control without her brain but tragically lost heart and collapsed, upon which her torso, which being very attached to the legs followed to see what all the fuss was about.
In short, Alexia fainted.
In an unrelated occurrence at this time, Patrick had another slice of toast, though unfortunately it was less nice then the last, ode to a small fire at the other end of the crust he was eating.
© Copyright 2005 Drew Baines (UN: braines at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Drew Baines has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/389930-Chapter-15--Romantic-Return