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Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #941759
Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on...
#390990 added December 7, 2005 at 10:51am
Restrictions: None
I've been thinking...
Seems the only way to get the attention of Politicians is to have a lot of money that the Politicians can foresee getting their grubby paws on. Money buys power and influence, and money gets results.


So, who is the largest segment of society?

The census bureau claims there are thirty-five million poor people in America.


What do rich people have that poor people don’t have?

I’m sure many of you are going to answer the above question with the simple, obvious answer – MONEY.

But MONEY is the wrong answer. Rich people have a LOBBY. Yep, that’s right, the answer to the question: What do rich people have that poor people don’t have is a LOBBY. Rich people combined their donations to support various lobbies, and political action committees to buy INFLUENCE. Money does influence the legislation Senators and Congressmen create, vote on, and pass in Washington, DC.

Rich people combine their donations. In other words, they save money by combining their financial resources, so one individual rich person does not to have to spend all their individual money. MONEY buys power and influence over politicians.


There are way more poor people than rich people. So, in reality, individual poor people could contribute far less money individually to acquire the same, more, or better political influence than any group of rich people.

Think about it. Poor people combining their meager, hard earned dollars could become a force in the American Political game, which the likes of has never been seen before. Just imagine...

Think of the story of the TEAMSTERS. Before the TEAMSTERS were the TEAMSTERS they were a just a bunch of hard working truck drivers. It was not until these truck drivers got together and pooled their resources (money) that they were able to influence their employers. The teamsters, as a group, were able to demand and get better wages, and working conditions. The teamsters were able to demand and get benefits, like overtime pay, paid holidays, sick days, medical insurance, and the like. If the teamsters had not joined together, and pooled their resources it is very unlikely that these hard-working truck drivers would have improved their lot as truck drivers. So, by knowing the story of how truck drivers became Teamsters is an important lesson for us all.

And today, the list of occupations that have people who are dues paying, card carrying members of the Teamsters has grown by leaps and bounds. If it was not in their individual best interest to be Teamsters, and pool their resources, the teamsters would not be the shinning example of how money influences politics in America today.

The very last thing America needs is third political party.

What poor people need is a voice - A voice that politicians can’t ignore. Can you hear me now?

So, today I was thinking we, the 35 million poor people, need a lobby - The PPL, Poor Peoples Lobby. Yep, the Poor People Lobby Group has the potential to be the biggest, the richest, and the most influential group in America today. We just need to unite.

We, the poor people, are the majority in America, but we are the least represented in Government. We have the numbers, and by combining our resources we could:

We, the PPL Group, could influence legislation that would raise the minimum wage.

We could require better health insurance coverage from insurance companies and employers.

The possibilities are endless.

Even if only half of the poor people in America would pool their resources, we would have the most money. Of course, the rich people need us poor working stiffs more than we need them; they just don’t want us to know it.

We could legally eliminate, and abolish Payday loan centers forever in every state in the Union.

We could prevent men like Allen Greenspan from continually raising the interest rates on credit cards.

We could make the IRS once again allow us to deduct the outrageous interest we’ve paid on those damn credit cards.

We could lobby for legislation that would make it forever and always illegal for states to take away a person’s personal property and give it to developers who want to build new shopping centers. The Supreme Court was just wrong for ruling that states could take peoples homes so states could profit.

We could get legislation passed that would prevent America Corporations from exporting America jobs overseas. We really need to stop the practice of exporting American jobs.

We could get legitimate legislation passed to fairly balance income taxes for all peoples.

We could pass legislation that makes bankruptcy laws fair and equal for all individuals, and corporations. I just find it more than a little odd that Bush only changed bankruptcy laws that pertained to individuals.

Our lives would no longer be at the whim and mercy of big corporations.

We could sponsor and finance the candidate of our choice for President of the United States.

I’ll admit I’ve had days in the past where I really wished I was President of the United States. I no longer want to be President of the United States. I want to be what Jimmy Hoffa was to the truck drivers. I want to be the founder of the PPL Group – the largest, richest, and most powerful group of Americans in America.

There even exists the possibility we could make the Internet free and accessible to all people.

The PPL Group could get legislation passed that would make FEMA what President Carter intended it to be when he created the Federal Emergency Management Administration, and once again make FEMA independent of the shameful debacle that is HOMELAND SECURITY!

It’s the working people that make America great; we could restore America’s greatness without sacrificing her greatest resource - OUR CHILDREN.

The wealthy politicians, Corporations, and local business owners in New Orleans are fast discovering who did all the work, who made the city operate as smoothly as they had become accustom to – it’s the work-a-day-everyday people, who mostly lived in the ninth ward. New Orleans is begging for her people to come home, but what is the city offering them?

The PPL Group would need a Chief Financial Officer, you know, somebody that can do the math. So, what if fifteen or sixteen million joined the PPL Group, and everyone paid one dollar a month as dues? How much money is that?

It’s having tremendous financial support that gets a person elected to the Presidency of the United States of America. The PPL Group could teach the current Bush Administration, Republicans, and Democrats a thing or two about democracy. NO, regular hard working, ass busting, work-a-day-everyday people don’t need a new political party – WE JUST NEED A VOICE in the way our government operates. The kind of money the combined resources of the PPL Group would have would guaranty that our voices are heard loud and clear.

Who would you consider to be a deserving candidate for President in 2008? Nobody I know wants that Rice woman, who is a Bush protégé, to end up being elected President in 2008? What do ya’ll think?

We have three years from now to create the PPL group? Interested?

It’s just a thought…

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