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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/394558-I-return-Like-Gas
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #976498
Zee Journal!
#394558 added December 24, 2005 at 8:34pm
Restrictions: None
I return! Like Gas!
What is up party people?

Okay, so it is Christmas Eve and I am staying the night at my parents home. My younger brother(who is 21) is partial to waking up at the ass crack of dawn for Christmas Presents. He was going to wake everyone up when he got off his shift at the Air Force Base(6 a.m.), but luckily my father won't be home from the fire house until about 8 a.m.

It's been so long since I posted!

So we have been having issues with getting our cable up. The apartment complex only allows for one type of cable and that is called Convergent or something, but the kicker is they don't offer high speed internet. So I need to see if Cox will be able to install here, or if I have to get DSL. Either of which is annoying, because I just haven't had time with work to do it. The days I have off are rare and far apart for the next 2 weeks because I have to make up the time I'm not at work for Christmas and New Year's Day. So basically I will be working two weeks straight with only two days off.

As for the job, it is getting better. I had to work on my birthday, and not just work, but work long and hard. Everyone I called was on a rampage and the computers kept breaking down. I had this weird stomach pain throughout the week too, which was odd, but it has slowly gone away.

I am flattered by the number of Happy Birthday cards I received. I love you all, but not in a weird Priestly way or anything. Just a normal, run-of-the-mill sociopathic way.

On the writing front, I really haven't been doing too much writing. To be honest, I've been doing nothing but drawing non-stop. It's really the only thing I can do while I'm working to goof off. Calls in so constantly I don't have the ability to keep my concentration on either reading a book or scribbling a sentence. Every single sheet of paper that comes to my desk is eventually covered from header to footer in doodles encompassing SpongeBob and Company, my cubicle, other cubicles, the varied species of said cubicles, and Jesus.

I have had a lot of ideas for stories though. Sauriel is still bubbling in my head and piece-by-piece I feel the story beginning to flesh out more within my mind.

About three days ago I had my first zombie dream in like 2 months. I'm not sure if I have ever revealed my constant zombie nightmares, but the other night was a doozy.

It was a weird one though. It wasn't one where I was like out in the middle of some small redneck town in B.F.E. It was in Chicago I think, down by where my older brother went to High School.

What was so strange is that it wasn't zombies created by unknown reasons. These zombies were not created by chemicals, aliens, or demonic posession. They were zombies created by God.

What I understood in my dream was that God had created something like the Armageddon. Instead of merely banishing the sinners and freeing the pure, he pretty much just killed the sinners and let the pure survive. However, it wasn't like a thing of mere good or bad.

The only people allowed to survive were people that would be willing to die for something they believed in. If, for say, you were willing to jump in front of a bullet to save your wife or child, and truly had that courage within you, you were allowed to live.

However, at least this is what my brain remembers, after the souls were ripped from the bodies either God or Lucifer caused the bodies to turn into zombies. Some of the bodies became full-fledged demons. Then it was basically a dream about trying to stay ahead of all of them, because sinners were not being whiped out in one sudden blow. It was like God had to review every single case so people were slowly dying.

So it was always like the zombies would slowly start springing up in an area.

It was friggen weird, and the dream went on for like the whole night. I would wake up, roll over, and it was like I had merely blinked my eyes in the dream because it kept going.


The apartment is awesome. Shauna had her mother and her grandmother over at the house last night. We cleaned the entire place. There is not a single box downstairs anymore and it actually looks like an apartment. All the furniture is in and Shauna bought some house plants for us this morning. It looks fantastic.

It's also nice to be living on my own again. God I can't explain how great it is to come home and know that the only other person to most likely be there is my roommate. It's just fantastic. So happy.

I have missed Writing.com though. It's weird not talking to the people I have become familiar with over the past couple of months. I hope to get my internet soon enough.

Well, with this incredibly long blog post written I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and hopefully I'll be talking with you all soon.

Ho ho ho and all that jibbery jab.

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