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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #930577
Blog started in Jan 2005: 1st entries for Write in Every Genre. Then the REAL ME begins
#394904 added December 27, 2005 at 5:07am
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Nobody's reading anyway, right?
Ok, so one of my group members in
 The Lothlorien Forum  (ASR)
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#885822 by Walkinbird 3 Jan 1892
often answers REALLY REALLY long quizzes when she's REALLY REALLY bored. Yesterday was my wedding anniversary, and I did have a few enjoyable moments. But I'm avoiding more important tasks rather than being bored at the moment. Guess I'm feeling like just doing something frivilous and different. And answering one of these is very different for me...

-- Name: Jill
-- Birth Day: May 17
-- Birthplace: California
-- Current Location: El Monte, CA
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Auburn Brown
-- Height: 5'5"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus


-- Your Heritage: German/American, Scot-Irish and Native American - they're all in there from one time or another
-- The shoes you wore today: green canvas that look like a cross between deck shoes and golf shoes
-- Your weakness: sugar
-- Your fears: house fire
-- Your perfect pizza: Chicago style
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Writing regularly (fiction or non-fiction) and earning money doing it.


-- Your thoughts first waking up: Why are two dogs always sleeping here?
-- Your best physical feature: my hair
-- Your bedtime: 11am; when I have to be up in the daytime it more like 1am


-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
-- Single or group dates: Doesn't apply to me anymore
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee


-- Smoke: No
-- Cuss: sometimes I can't help it
-- Sing: practicing with the radio
-- Take a shower everyday: Not generally.
-- Do you think you've been or are in love: all the
-- Want to go to college: Have a BA; would love to get a Masters
-- Like high school: It was memorable
-- Want to get married: Too late
-- Believe in yourself: Yes
-- Think you're attractive: when I spend enough time treating myself
-- Think you're a health freak: learning
-- Get along with your parents: My mom is fabulous, and my dad can be surprising.
-- Like thunderstorms: Not alone
-- Play an instrument: Violin and accordian...when I was in 3rd grade

LAYER SIX: In the past month..

-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Gone to the mall?: Sadly, no.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo's: No.
-- Eaten sushi: Yes
-- Been on stage: No. It's been years.
-- Gone skating: No
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes
-- Gone skinny dipping: No
-- Dyed your hair: No
-- Stolen anything: no


-- Age you hoping to be married: I think I picked a good age - 20
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Boy and Girl. I do not give out their names.
-- Describe your dream wedding: Handled completely by someone else and paid for completely by someone else!
-- How do you want to die: quietly.
-- Where you want to go to college: Antioch U. in L.A.

LAYER EIGHT: In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color: freakishly Blue
-- Short or long hair: long
-- Height: Tall is different.
-- Best articles of clothing: nothing *Wink*


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: None
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I think quite a few - people seem drawn to look over me.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Maybe 50 total
-- Number of piercings: 1 in each ear only
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 6 or 7
-- Number of scars on my body: Surgical and accidental; 6 or 7.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: None. Why hold on to the past?

1: Piercings? 2
2: Tattoos? 0
3: Height? 65"
4: Shoe size? 8
5: Hair color? natural (what does this have to do with "number of"
6: Siblings? One sister

1: Food? Steak, rice noodles or pasta
2: Thing to do? Most things with my hands!
3: Thing to talk About? Current events, TV shows, movies
4: Sports? will watch Bowl games or hockey, not much else
5: Drinks? Coca-cola, hot chocolate, milk
6: Clothes? Stretchy pants, sweaters
7: Holiday? Christmas. This year was a roller coaster ride, though.

1: Ever cried over a girl? Yes. When my daughter and I can't see eye to eye
2: Ever cried over a boy? Too many times.
3: Ever lied to someone? Yes
4: Ever been in a fist fight? No
5: Ever been arrested? No

1: Of times I have been in love? Everyday with something.
2: Of times I have had my heart broken? I've cried, but never felt truly broken
3: Of hearts I have broken? Maybe one or two.
4: Of girls I have kissed? None sensually
5: Of girls I've slept with? Whole dorm floor worth
6: Of boys I've slept with? Don't sleep with boys - You could end up with a bad case of Chicken pox or Cooties!
8: Of drugs taken illegally? None
9: Of friends: There's plenty of souls out there
10: Of people I consider my enemies? Anyone who makes me fearful rather than clear-minded.

1: Pretty? Most days.
2: Funny? Hillarious.
3: Hot? Red hot - but I may be on the verge of hot flashes.
4: Friendly? Yes, usually.
5: Amusing? I'm pretty dry, but I try.
6: Ugly? The way I move can be a turn on or freak you out - it all depends on what you see. Luckily my husband has unique vision.
7: Caring? Over the top
8: Sweet? Been described that way.
9: Dorky? More than anything.

1: Wallet? Looks like it was made from a pair of denim Toughskins
2: Hairbrush? Fat, flat, lavender.
3: Toothbrush? Oral-B
4: Jewelry worn daily? Wedding ring and other ring
5: Pillow cover? Green, blue, red, white plaid.
6: Blanket? A teal and pink quilt made about 20 years ago
7. Sunglasses? clip-on
8: Underwear? Hanes for Her. Solid colors. All could use replacing soon.
9: CD in stereo right now? None
10: Tattoos? None
11: Piercings? Often grown over.
12: What you are wearing now? A dark green sweater pulled over a white frilly blouse and plum colored stretch pants
14: In my head? Almost nothing - this task is very mind-emptying
15: Wishing? It didn't hurt to sit so long
16: After this? Seduce my husband away from his computer terminal.
17: Person you wish you could see right now? I don't know - I'd want them to be awake and happy to see me. That's not likely at this moment.
18: Is next to you right now? Husband.
19: Your mood? Brightly optimistic
20: The last thing you ate? A chocolate Santa
21: Something that you are deadly afraid of? Deathly afraid of? Nothing I know of. Potatoe Bugs creep me out BIG time - ever since I stepped on one in my own dark hallway while barefoot -Eek
22: Do you like candles? I can meditate on them.
23: Do you like the taste of blood? Neither the sight nor taste is offensive to me
24: Do you believe in love? With My Whole Being
25: Do you believe in soul mates? Yes!!
26: Do you believe in Heaven? Not like most do
27: Do you believe in God? Yes, the One.
28: What do you want done with your hair when it falls out? I donate it anyway when it's long enough. If someone will have it, it's theirs.
29: If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? A ferret
30: What color are the walls in your room? Dirty white
31: Can you eat with chopsticks? Yes!
32: What's your favorite coin? New nickel
33: What are some of your favorite candies? Smarties, Reese's Big Cup, Hershey Treasures
34: What's something that you wish people would understand? To keep their pessimism to themselves!
35: What's something you wish you could understand better? Memory loss
36: What is something that you really wish was still around? Christopher Reeve

1: Slept in your bed? Husband (and the dogs)
2: Saw you cry? Husband or my daughter
3: Made you cry? A coworker
4: Spent the night at your house? My best friend's son on a sleepover with my kids.
5: You shared a drink with? My son
6: You went to the movies with? My whole family
7: You went to the mall with? My whole family
8: Yelled at you? Same coworker
9: Came round your house and ate coo coo pops? Probably the same boy that sleptover with my kids.

1.Bought: potato chips
2.Ate and drank: watered down Coke, chocolate Santa and leftover Christmas dinner
3.Watched on TV: Really watched? Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Holiday Wishes

1.Achiever or slacker: Achiever.
2.Beer or cider: cider
3.Cats or dogs: Dogs.
4.Your place or mine: Yours.
5.Pen or pencil: Pen.
6.Gloves or mittens: Gloves.
7.Food or candy: Food.
8.Cassette or CD: CD
9.Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
10.Beach or water park: Beach

1.Kill: May I never.
2.Hear from: David B.
3.Look like: Me at 120 lbs
4.Be like: Me earning $30,000 more than my best salary
5.Avoid: Killjoys and Crazymakers

1.Touched: Tilted my head against my Husband's belly 10 minutes ago
2.Talked to: Husband 12 minutes ago
3.Hugged: Husband (It was my anniversary)
4.Instant messaged: Blech- see no purpose to it.
6.Who broke your heart: NA

1.Eat: At my computer
2.Dance: Wherever there's great music
3.Cry: In my head.
4.Wish you were: Superhero school.

1.Dated one of your best friends? Does my best friend's boyfriend count? We got married.
2.Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Easily.
3.Drank alcohol? Sure. Not into doing it at every social occasion though.
4.Done drugs:? No
5.Broken the law: Whose law? Ceasar's? Plenty of times.
6.Ran away from home: Think I planned it out once, but I liked my bedroom too much.
7.Broken a bone: Probably my pinkie toe
8.Cheated on a test: maybe minorly
9.Skinny-dipped: no
10.played truth or dare: yes
11.Flashed someone: Not just someone
12.Mooned someone: No
13.Kissed someone you didn't know: No
14.Been on a talk/game show: One early Sunday morning local news/talk show
15.Been in a fight: Plenty of verbal ones
16.Ridden in a fire truck: No
17.Been on a plane: Several times
18.Come close to dying: Not sure; scary freeway driving a few times
19.Cheated on a boy/girlfriend: No
20.Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: Can't do it
21.Eaten a worm: Chocolate coat it and I might
22.Swam in the ocean: The beauty of being a native Californian. The best time was in Hawaii when i was 11

1.Your bedroom like? a storage closet with homey touches
2.Your favorite thing for breakfast? Eggs Benedict
3.Your favorite thing for lunch? soup and a sandwich
4.Your favorite thing for dinner? Spaghetti
5.Your favorite Restauraunt? Bob's Big Boy

1.Good At Sports? No
2.Good At water-skiing? No way
3.A Good Singer?: Yes
6.A good Actor/Actress?: Yes
8.A Good Dancer? In my own mind
9.Shy? More often than I like.
10.Outgoing?: More often than my husband likes or understands *winks*

© Copyright 2005 Walkinbird 3 Jan 1892 (UN: walkinbird at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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