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Rated: XGC · Book · Experience · #1034564
A new journal for a new beginning
#395823 added December 31, 2005 at 5:41pm
Restrictions: None
Loose Ends (from {i}Overexposed{/i})
I just noticed that I never finished this. That won't do. (12/31/05)

I Lifted this from Katrina Langham's journal:

1. What does the name say on your birth certificate?

2. What is the name all your friends call you by?
Anna Banana

3. What day of the year do you blow out the candles?
What do you mean, what day? March 11, it was a friday this year

4. Which country authorized your passport?

5. what are your zodiac and chinese signs?
I was born a pisces in the year in the year of the horse. I guess that makes me a seahorse. *Confused*

6. In terms of politics, do you sit on the right or the left?
I'm a bleeding heart liberal. "No Blood for Oil!" "Keep Your Laws Off My Body!"

7. Look in the mirror. the color of your hair is what?

8. Look in the mirror one more time, what color are your eyes?
Dark brown, almost black

9. Hop on the weighing scales! how far did the number jump past zero?
155lbs, but I'm still a size 10; I'm just a solid unit I guess.

10. Stand up straight! how high up is the top of your head from the ground?
5 feet 4 or 5 inches

11. Who are all those other people living in your house?
My pets think they're people; does that count?

12. Do you get along with mom or dad better?
Dad, most definately

13. What do your parents' friends call them?
Nash and Debbie.

14. Any siblings living outside the house?
My sister lives in N.C.

15. What's the name of the place you live in currently?

16. You love it there, don't you?
I have my days.

17. if you could live absolutely anywhere on the earth, what location would you choose?
Whereever I could be happiest. Bloom where you're planted, I always say.

18. out of all those blood-related, immediate or other, which single person would you list as your favorite?
Uh...no comment.

19. Who is one you wish you didn't share blood with?
My mother

20. Overall, you like your mom's side of the family more, or dad's?
Pretty equally, I'd say.

21. First things first, private or public school?

22. What's its name? mascot? colors?
I only remember high school... Name: Tallwood, Colors: Purple and Gold (the same as my college), Mascot: Lion

23. What were the classes you couldn't wait to get to?
Didn't really think that way until college.

24. How about the class you considered boring?
Wasn't wild about math.

25. The names of your favorite teachers?
Mrs. Murphy, Latin

26. The name of the teacher that puts you to sleep?
I took my dad's hunter education class, at his insistence. Oh my, moral support was never such a chore.

27. Were you an english/art, or a math/science person? Math/Science on the surface English/Art inside

28. what sports did you play? Does Balderdash count?

29. when the teacher checked the homework, did you usually get a zero or a hundred? Usually a 75%.

30. if you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?
I would make college free.

31. what's your worst fear? have you ever experienced this fear? Being publicly castisized. Yeah, I have.

32. have you ever acted troubled, just to get attention? When I really was troubled I still got no attention

33. do you believe in god? jesus? satan? heaven? purgatory? Yes. I think the Biblical description of them has been dangerously oversimplified, though.

34. do you have a secret that you'll take to the grave with you? Yes...

35. have you ever told somebody you loved them, when secretly you didn't at all? Yes...

36. (friends, religion, politics, family, education and relationships) organize the previous six in order of your personal preference in life.
Friends, family, education, relationships, politics, religion

37. if you could change one thing about your physical looks, what would it be?

I would either clear up my skin or get rid of my cellulite.

38. if you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

Stop overthinking things

39. have you ever cried in front of someone, and felt ashamed of it?


40. have you ever done drugs? are you on drugs? do you plan to take drugs?

I tried pot once in high school

41. if you had to pick, what's your favorite song of the moment?

42. do you get most of your music from the internet, or from the store?

I go to the used CD section at Plan 9 records.

43. even though you can download music, do you still buy cds just because of the cd case, cd itself, or just general authenticity?

No, I'm just a technophobe

44. what one genre of music do you prefer above all?

I like classic/southern rock

45. what genre of music would you never be caught dead with?

I don't like the direction rap and R&B has taken over the last few years

46. what band/artist has impacted your life the most?

47. what band/artist makes you cringe?

48. how many music files do you have on your computer? none

49. how many are legal? none *Laugh*

50. what's your favorite movie?

51. generally, what genre of movies do you jump at the opportunity to see?

52. who is the actress/actor you most admire? Love Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Ian Mckellen and others of that ilk.

53. do you cry during/after certain movies?
Oh yeah...

54. what time of day do you prefer to see movies at (morning/noon/night)?

55. what is the tv show you never miss?
I have Netflix. The original CSI is my favorite

56. what is it you like about it so much?
I do a lot of the things they show at my own job.

57. what's the one tv show you can't stand?
Fear Factor

58. do you think you spend more time watching the television or using the computer?

59. do you personally think that you spend too much time watching tv?

60. what's your favorite meal?
I still like a good steak

61. how about your favorite desert?
The sahara *Laugh*

62. when only a kid, did you eat your vegetables?
Uh huh...

63. do you still eat vegetables?

64. are you a poor, average or excellent cook?
Poor, but I know where to find the best takeout

65. what type of food do you prefer?
I love Thai

66. salt or pepper?

67. ketchup or mustard?

68. do you prefer going out to breakfast, lunch or dinner?

69. do you eat to live or live to eat?
Depends on my mood/time of the month

70. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
A crush

71. are you in love? or are you using them?

72. do you find most of the time you dislike the people that like you and vice versa?
Not really.

73. in terms of relationships, are you loving or manipulative?
More loving I hope.

74. do you live to love? or would you rather love to live?
Is there really a difference?

75. do you believe that sex should come before or after marriage?
Not sure anymore, but Artemismad is still a virgin goddess at the moment.

76. have you been or do you plan to marry, if so at what age?
I'd like to marry, but I'm not putting an age limit on it.

77. do you have or do you plan to have children, if so how many?
The jury's still out

78. are your parents married or divorced?
Bitterly divorced

79. would you want to have a big, spectacular wedding with everyone you know invited or a small, traditional, get-together with family and close-friends wedding?

I want to elope.

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