Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/406862-Chapter-3
by Emry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1070082
This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love.
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#406862 added June 24, 2009 at 11:27am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3
Sam woke up slowly; she looked around and couldn't recognize anything in the room. She saw the clock and that it was 6:15 am. She rolled over and that's when she saw Randy sleeping next to her. She smiled as she remembered everything that had happened, then pulled herself out of the memory and got out of bed careful not to wake him. She went to the bathroom after picking up the pile of clothes next to the door. She started the shower and looked at herself in the mirror and realized her hair was a complete mess. She jumped in the shower and reluctantly used his shampoo and conditioner to washer her hair.

After she got out she dried off and went to get dressed and realized she had her jeans and underwear but the shirt was Randy's. She put on the clothes and brushed out her hair before going out into the bedroom. Looking to the bed to see that he was sleeping still and smiled before going out into the hall and grabbing her bra and shirt. Going back into the bathroom she put on her bra but put his shirt back on. When she came back out she came to the side of the bed he was sleeping in and sat on the bed, and putting her hand on his face she kissed him. He woke up and kissed her back, and when they ended it he looked up at her with a smile. "Good morning!" He whispered hoarsely from sleep.

"Same to you, I just wanted to let you know I was leaving. I have to go pick up Anne for school." Sam stated.

"Okay, I'll see you in class later then!" Randy said sitting up in bed, that's when he saw her wearing his shirt. "Daring aren't you!"

"If anyone asks, I'll say I didn't have any clean clothes and stole one of my dad's shirts." Sam answered with a smirk.

"Tell me I'm not a daddy figure to you?" He asked seriously.

"Not old enough for that and I have a daddy figure already, so don't worry about it." Sam said standing up and turning for the door. "I'll see you in class."

When Sam arrived at Anne's house she was standing outside waiting for her and was smiling. She got into the Jeep and looked at Sam's clothes with a laughing smile. "So someone had a good night last night didn't they." Anne said laughing.

"Yeah we did, but you first. What happened with your parents?" Sam asked quickly.

"They said they would talk to my Aunt, they were actually for the idea. But were not sure if my Aunt would be willing to take on a teenager. Let alone me because I was their daughter and she wasn't talking to them." Anne answered with a half smile. "I just have to wait and see if my Aunt will say yes."

"Good!" Sam stated as she started driving to the school.

"Now your turn, what happened since you were technically supposed to be at my house last night?" Anne demanded of her.

"Well, he invited me over to his house for dinner, and when I got there he had dinner ready on his table waiting for me to get there. We barely made it to the table to eat before we headed up to his room." Sam explained with a glowing smile.

"Was it good?" Anne persisted.

"Yes, but there was a bad part to this!" Sam said as she stopped at a stop sign. She looked at Anne seriously. "You know my Algebra Teacher Mr. Wade?"

"Yeah, what does he have to do with this?" Anne asked confused.

"He's a friend of Randy's, he came over to Randy's, he came over to Randy's house last night because Randy had forgotten that he'd told him to come over to talk about the school board." Sam said softly, as she started driving again. "He came into Randy’s room looking for Randy and found Randy at the end of his bed with only jeans on and me in the bed with one of Randy's shirts on and covered with a sheet."

"Wow, what happened?" Anne asked so stunned.

"He was actually cool about it, we all went down stairs and had dinner and they talked about the stuff he had originally come over to talk about. Then basically said he wouldn't say anything and told us to be careful."

"Well, that was actually very interesting and what happened after that?" Anne prodded her some more.

"We finished dinner and then headed upstairs for bed." Sam answered lamely. A moment of silence and they were pulling into the parking lot and Sam parked. When they got out Anne looked over the Jeep at Sam.

"Do you honestly think I believe that's the end of it?" Sam asked.

"Do you honestly think I am going to tell you the rest right now? It'll make you anticipate lunch okay. It's almost time for school to start. And I still have to face my Algebra teacher without getting the third degree look from him during the class." Sam answered and started to walk away.

"Alright, but you better tell me at lunch!" Anne said as she headed in the other direction.

When she came into her Algebra class Mr. Wade had his back to her talking to a student about something. So she went and sat down and pulled out her book and her homework and waited for class to start. When Mr. Wade was done talking to the student he turned and saw Sam sitting at her desk and waved her up front. She reluctantly went to the front and was trying to hide any embarrassment she was feeling. When she was standing at the front of his desk he was smiling at her warmly. "So did you get your homework done last night?" He asked, Sam only nodded afraid to say anything. "Good, next time you might want to wear something more appropriate to school then you father’s shirt." She was trying not to laugh at what he had to say.

"Okay, no problem." Sam said and turned to go back to her seat when he stopped her.

"One more thing Sam." He whispered, she turned at him confused. "I hope you two know what your doing, neither of you deserves to be hurt."

"Me too, Mr. Wade. Me too!" Sam answered before going back to her seat. After class she was thinking hard about things as she made her way to her locker and exchanged books before heading to Biology class. She pretty much didn't pay attention the whole period and was glad when the bell rang for class to be over. She then headed for her locker to exchange books before going to Randy's class.

When she entered Anne was waiting at the door and was looking at her expectantly. "You can wait until lunch."

"But I don't have to like it." Anne stated as she turned to go back to her desk. Sam followed her and when she sat down she saw that Randy had been watching her through the corner of his eye. She smiled at him before pulling out her book for class.

When class had started Randy started going into some of the stuff that they would have to start working on in the next week for Senior Projects. "Now you guys I hope in the next week will decide on a theme for your project and then you need to start researching it." Randy explained. "Once you've done that we will start going over the paper you will have to write for it and then how you will present what you've done. Any questions?"

Several people raised their hands and Randy spend the rest of the class answering questions and getting them ready for what would happen when they had decided on their theme. When the bell rang and it was time for lunch everyone got up to leave. Sam and Anne were talking and were the last ones to head for the door. "Sam?" Randy called out, both of them stopped and turned to look at him. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure!" She answered and turned to Anne. "I'll catch up with you okay." Anne nodded and headed out the door. Sam came back towards his desk. "What's up?"

"Well, I forgot to tell you that my parents are coming in today from Florida and I won't be able to see you the rest of the week. They aren't leaving until Saturday." He explained to her.

"Oh, okay." Sam said and turned to go.

"Are you okay?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Well, you don't seem happy with what I just told you. And I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you!" Randy answered as he sat down on the corner of his desk.

"Listen, it's not a problem. You're having second thoughts about us and that's fine. Everyone does it at one point. I've got to go though, Anne's waiting!" Sam stated and was heading for the door again.

"Sam wait that's not why I told you this, I was telling you so that maybe we could plan something for Saturday night after they leave. I just can't do anything while they are here that's all." Sam stopped and turned she came back to where he was sitting.

"Sorry, just a little jumpy right now." She whispered and took a deep breath and let it out. "What did you have in mind?"

"Dinner and maybe a movie out in Roseville." He answered, she smiled slowly.

"Okay, sounds good. I better get out there before Anne starts to think we've used your desk for something other then its normal use." Sam said and was about to walk away when Randy turned her around and gave hr a quick kiss. "That's not being careful Mr. Quake." She whispered and then left. He was laughing softly as he watched her go.

When she finally caught up with Anne she was trying not to blush but it was hard with Anne looking at her with expectant eyes. "So are you going to tell me what happened the rest of last night or am I going to have to imagine what happened?"

"After dinner we made love a second time and then fell asleep in each other's arms." Sam answered.

"Well, are you guys dating now or what?" She demanded.

"Yeah, we're going out again on Saturday. His parents are coming into town today so we have to wait until then to go out." Sam answered. "Now let's get some food I'm hungry and sore all over."

"You're sore, why?" Anne asked confused.

"It was my first time!" Sam whispered.

"Wait a second; you let him be your first. You didn't tell me that you were a virgin!" Anne hissed out. "Are you crazy, now he's going to think he's all that and then some because you let him be first!"

"Anne bring it down a notch, and he's not exactly a high school student and I'm sure he doesn't think that way." Sam said as she got in line for some food, Anne grabbed her arm and made her turn around.

"You don't understand, all guys think they are that if you let them be first!" Anne bit out harshly.

"Guess what Anne, at some point I'm going to have to let one of them be first, or not have sex ever. I've made my choice for the first one so put a lid on okay." Sam said as she pulled her arm out of Anne's grip and walked out of the food line and away from her. She was fighting not to cry in front of everyone in the cafeteria. Sam made it back to the class room and was surprised when she saw that Randy was sitting at his desk. She went over to her own desk and grabbed her backpack. Randy heard the noise and looked up to see that Sam was crying.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

"You should ask Anne when she gets here, me, I am going home. I'll call you later if that's okay." Sam said putting her backpack over her shoulder. She looked up at Randy who had closed the distance between them quickly.

"Is it something I did?" Randy asked.

"No, it's apparently something I've done." Sam answered, she looked away from him. Suddenly Anne was at the door to the class room looking at both of them. Sam was the first to see her. "I'll see you later Randy." Sam stated and walked past Anne and out the door, Randy turned to Anne totally confused.

"What the hell was that about?" Randy demanded.

"She's mad at me because I said she was crazy to let you be the first man she had sex with." Anne answered not looking him in the eye.

"Thanks Anne, now I have some patch work to do. Go back to lunch." Randy said and went out after Sam. He ran out into the parking lot for students and managed to catch her before she got into her Jeep. "Sam?" She looked up in surprise at Randy coming towards her.

"I really don't want to talk about it right now Randy!" Sam whispered when he got to her Jeep.

"She told me what happened; I hope you don't think it's true." He said softly.

"No, I'm just mad at her for being such a fool and being so harsh about this."

"Listen, why don't you go back to my house, I'll meet you there in a little while. I'm going to go get a sub teacher for the rest of the day. Tell them I have a family emergency or something." Randy said pulling a set of keys out of his pocket and taking a key off the set he held it out to her.

"Are you sure? What about your parents?" Sam asked.

"They're plane doesn't land until 6 o'clock and that's in Sacramento and then there is still an hour drive after that. So we've got some time, okay." Randy said softly putting the key in her hand.

"Alright, I'll see you there then!" Sam said and got into her Jeep, she watched him walk back into the school before she drove away. When she got to his house she felt a little weird letting herself in. She put the key in her pocket and started walking around really looking.

She was standing in the living room and it was decorated simply with recliner in one corner and a matching couch not far away both were brown leather. With two oak end tables and a coffee table to set of in a cherry oak, she looked over at the entertainment center with a 32 inch TV, and a duel DVD, video cassette player next to it. She then noticed a cabinet next to the entertainment center that looked like it held all his videos.

She then went to the stairs that were in the other corner of the room and went upstairs to look around and realized that there were four other doors down the hall other then the master bed room door. She opened the first door and realized it was made up as a guest bedroom with double bed and a night stand and a dresser and that was it. She went to the next two doors and found the same thing. But when she got to the fourth door it was to find an office with a huge desk and a computer that were at the wall underneath the window across from the door. Then she noticed the right wall there were several book cases full of all kinds of books. She went over and started looking over them she noticed a lot of them were novels on the first couple of shelves. But on the bottom shelves of the first book shelf she found a lot of books on how to write books. She sat down on the ground in front of that shelf and started pulling books out and looking at them.

That's where Randy found her half an hour later; he stood in the door way just watching her for a few movements before he cleared his throat. Sam's head snapped up in surprise and looked up at him a little guilty. "Hi!" She whispered with a little smile.

"Hi, I see you found all my books." Randy said coming into the room, Sam stood up and turned to him.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind!"

"Not at all, did you find anything you like?" He asked, Sam looked back at the books then back at him.

"Almost all of them." Sam answered with a laugh, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

"You are adorable when you find something you like!" Randy said.

"Would that be you or the books?" Sam asked.

"Both, I hope." He whispered as his hands went to the front of his shirt that she was wearing." You also look adorable in this shirt."

He leaned forward and kissed her deeply and started unbuttoning the shirt. Sam moaned as she started pulling his shirt out of his pants and then unbuttoning his jeans. Within minutes they had littered the way from the office to his bedroom with their clothes and had made it to the bed. He slowly kissed each of her breast before trailing kisses down her stomach until he found his way between her legs. She gasped as he started licking and kissing her down there, and after a moment he slid a finger in and knew she was close to climaxing. He sat up and slowly got above her and when he slid into her she was breathing harder then ever. She started moving underneath him and he could hardly control himself. He lifted her so that she was sitting on him in his lap and had her legs wrapped around his waist. She was suddenly rising up and down on him and after a moment he felt her climaxing and started calling his name out and that's when he came as well.

They both collapsed on the bed still holding each other, Sam turned over in his arms so that she was on her side with her back to him and relaxed. He pulled her closer and they laid there contently for a little while. Randy nuzzled closer and whispered in her ear. "Are you awake?"

"Barely!" She answered took a deep breath. "Is this wrong?"

"Is what wrong?" Randy asked.

"What we're doing right now?" Sam asked.

"Only if we get caught." Randy said trying to not laugh. "This reminds me, we better get dressed. Unfortunately I'm going to have to kick you out of here in a little bit. You should go home; otherwise your father will think you were kidnapped."

"Not likely, but your right my dad will probably wonder what's going on if I'm not home when he gets there." Sam said sitting up in bed. "Except there is one small problem."

"What's that?" Randy asked as he got out of bed and went for his pants.

"I don't want to leave." Sam said looking up at him.

"You'll see me again, it's not like I'm kicking you out for good or anything." Randy said with a wry smile as he slipped into his pants and went into the hall to gather all the other clothes they had scattered around. He handed Sam all of her clothes that she'd been wearing then slipped into his shirt he'd been wearing. "I'll meet you downstairs." He said and kissed her forehead and headed for the door.

When Sam got downstairs she was fully dressed and had his key in her hand. "Here I better give this back to you before I forget!" She said and held it out.

"Actually why don't you hold onto that just in case.” Randy said. "I have a spare one in my car that I can put on my key ring."

"Alright, I better go then. I've got homework to do anyway, see you tomorrow." Sam said turning to leave.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Randy asked, Sam turned back to him confused.

"What?" She asked, suddenly he picked her up and kissed her before putting her down.

"That!" Randy answered. "Now you can go if you want!"

"You are incorrigible." Sam said and left before he could stop her again.

When Sam got home it was only a little after 2 in the afternoon and she knew that her dad wouldn't be home for several more hours. So she sat down in her room and worked on her home work for the better part of 2 hours. When she finished she went into the kitchen to look at what there was for dinner when the phone rang. She grabbed it without thought. "Hello, Town's residence!"

"Hi Sam, its mom!" Her mother stated flatly. "You never called back."

"Sorry mom, I was at a friend's house!" Sam answered.

"Oh, you've made a friend already that's great, what's her name?" She asked.

"Anne." Sam answered as she pulled out the ingredients for tuna casserole.

"Interesting name, anyway, I called about your holiday vacations and was wondering if you were going to come out here for them or not." She asked.

"Well, I haven't really had time to think about it, but what I've been thinking is that if I do. I will probably come out for Christmas and stay here for Thanksgiving." Sam answered quickly.

"Why's that?" Her mom asked.

"Well, since Thanksgiving is only a four day weekend it would be kind of cramped time to come out. Wouldn't be there for long before having to come back here for school. Christmas I'll have two and a half weeks off and I figured I could come out for a week or so and that way I could spend part of that vacation with dad and part of it with you." Sam answered absently, as she started to also pull things out to make brownies with as well.

"Well that sounds good to me, we can talk later about the details when it gets closer to Christmas. Okay?" Her mom asked.

"That sounds fine to me mom. Anyway, I've got to go though I have tons of homework to catch up on so that I'm caught up with the rest of my classes." Sam said.

"Alright I'll talk to you later. Love you!" She said softly.

Love you too mom, bye!" Sam said and waited for her to say bye before hanging up. Sam made the brownies from scratch and when they were in the oven cooking she started making the casserole. Her dad walked in just as she was pulling the casserole out about an hour and a half later.

"You made dinner?" He asked when he came in.

"Yeah, I know its early still, but after it was done I was going to let it cool a little and then put it back in the oven at a lower temp to keep it warm for you. I didn't think you'd be home this soon." Sam said.

"Actually the reason I left early was because I got a call from your school saying that you skipped your last class." He stated looking at her skeptically. "You want to tell me why?"

Sam looked at him a little surprised, and didn't answer right away. "Actually with everything that's been going on lately with Anne and all the homework that almost all of my teachers gave me to do by the end of this week I took off early to see if I could get it done tonight." Sam answered. "I didn't know they were going to call you at work and make you worry about it."

"Well, as long as you weren’t ditching to go off shopping or something. And since you're here, well anyway you get the idea." James answered with a smile. "So what's for dinner?" He asked looking over her shoulder at the dish on the stove.

"Tuna casserole." She answered and was looking up at him with a beaming smile.

"You know what, even with everything that's been going on since you came out here with me and started school and everything I've noticed something!" Her dad surmised.

"What's that?" Sam asked as she went over to the brownies and started to cut them into squares and put them in a plastic container.

"You've seemed happy the last few days, and I mean really happy. It's nice to see you like this." He said as he got down some bowls and started dishing up the dinner for both of them.

"Your right, I have been happy, and it's nice for me too." She said and looked up at her dad. "Thanks dad!"

"For what?" He asked surprised by it.

"Well if you hadn't asked me to come out here with you I wouldn't be so happy right now." Sam answered.

"Your welcome then!" He said and they sat down to dinner.

Later that night the phone rang and Sam tired as she was almost didn't get up from where she lay on her bed and answered it but picked it up anyway. "Hello?"

"Sam, its Anne!" Anne said in a soft voice.

"Yes, what's up?" Sam asked only out of courtesy.

"I was calling to apologize to you. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier today, it's really none of my business." Anne said quickly not wanting Sam to hang up on her.

"Okay, was that all?" Sam asked, almost wanted to hang up now but was controlling the urge. Sitting cross legged on her bed she waited to see what else Anne had to say about earlier.

"Does this mean we're not cool?" Anne asked, Sam could hear the pang of sadness over the phone and regretted being a pain in the ass to her.

"Sorry, Anne, I've been a little testy. We're cool, don't worry about it and I'll see you in class tomorrow okay." Sam spoke. Anne said goodbye and hung up. After that Sam sat back on her bed and thought about the things for a little while and realized that despite the argument with Anne everything was going good with her right now. She looked over at her nightstand and saw the book that Randy had given her and smiled. Picking it up she started to read it, and ended up not being able to put it down she was up until 2 in the morning reading it.

The next morning Sam woke up tired and dragging her feet to get ready for school, when she came into the kitchen she found a note from her dad saying not to expect him home for dinner. That he had a dinner meeting with his bosses and wouldn't be home until late. She shrugged at the note and grabbed a breakfast bar before heading out to her Jeep with her backpack in tow. When she got her Algebra class she drifted off during the middle of it and the girl next to her nudged her awake with a sympathetic smile. "Thanks!" Sam whispered, the girl only nodded in understanding.

Algebra class went by in a blur for her as well as Biology class. When she got to Randy's class she came into find another book sitting on her desk and smiled. She looked over to find that Randy wasn't at his desk. But that a woman teacher was there, she looked around in confusion. Went to her desk and picking up the book she opened the cover to see a piece of paper, paper clipped inside. Opening it she read it.


Forgive me for not telling you that I wouldn’t be in class the rest of the week but with you on my mind and my parents coming to town it slipped my mind. I will call you on Saturday and we can meet up. Until then I hope this book will make you think of me as much as I am thinking of you!


She looked at the title on the book, 'How to Start Your Writing Career!' Sam smiled as she looked it over. When class started she realized that Anne wasn’t there and looked around. That is when Anne suddenly burst through the door holding a note out in front of her and froze when she saw that it wasn't Randy standing at the desk but a substitute teacher. The woman looked at Anne in irritation. "Sorry I am late; my last teacher needed me to stay a little late." Anne said holding out the note to her.

"Alright, take a seat." The teacher said moving forward and taking the note. Anne only nodded and went and sat down next to Sam a little exasperated and flushed. The teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Wade, and Sam and Anne turned to each other in stunned silence.

"Some of you may know my husband Mr. Wade, he teaches an algebra class here." She said with smile. "Anyway, your teacher Mr. Quake has left instructions that we are to spend the week in the library doing research for your senior projects. So please collect your stuff and we will head down there." Mrs. Wade said and grabbed the roll book and waited for everyone to get it together and start heading out the door.

The rest of the week went by in a kind of blur for Sam and Anne. Sam kept thinking about Randy and how she couldn't see him even in class. And she could tell that Anne was getting frustrated with the fact that her aunt hadn't even returned any of the phone calls that her or her parents had made. When Friday came Sam invited Anne over to spend the night and her parents didn't object anything to keep her out of the house and their hair.

"I can't believe that my aunt is totally ignoring us like this. It's not like I did anything to her myself, I could understand if I had." Anne said in exasperation as they were eating dinner, which was left over from the night before.

"Don't worry I am sure it will all work out, just give it a little time." Sam said.

"So have you heard from Randy?" Anne asked softly.

"No, but honestly I'm not surprised. He said he might not call until tomorrow anyway." Sam answered as she pushed her food around on the plate. That's when they heard the door open and someone walk in.

"Hello, anyone home?" Came Sam's dad's voice.

"Hi dad, we're in the kitchen!" Sam called back.

"What do you mean, we?" James said coming into the kitchen and that is when he saw Anne. "Hello Anne, how are you doing?"

"Good, Mr. Town. And how are you doing?" Anne asked politely.

"Good, very good. The week is over and my weekend is looking very good. Are you staying all weekend?" He asked with a smile.

"No just tonight, Sam is going to spend the rest of the weekend at my house. That is if it's okay with you?" Anne asked smiling back at him.

"Not a problem, I could use the peace and quiet. Not that I mind you guys here or anything." James said as he went to the fridge and started rummaging through it for food.

"You got a date didn't you?" Sam asked, at the question James smacked his head on the fridge groaned and looked over the door at his daughter.

"You are nosier then both of your brother's and sister together. But yes I just might have a date. Which I might add is something you should be doing as well." James said softly, Sam fought hard to not look guilty at what he said about her. Knowing that she had been hiding things from her father and she'd never done that before now.

"There are more important things in life then dating right now, like school and friends dad!" Sam said squirming in her seat as she said it.

"That is the sound of a young lady who just hasn't found anyone she's interested in yet!" James said laughing and went back to searching for food. "Anyway, it's none of my business right now anyway. Until you start dating, then I will want to meet him." Sam looked at Anne for help, then James excusing himself and heading for the living room to eat.

"Well, that was uncomfortable and awkward, it's almost like he knows." Anne said.

"No kidding lets go to my room before I confess and get killed." Sam said standing and taking her dishes to the sink; Anne followed and did the same. They ended up staying up most of the night talking and doing their homework. Sam showing the books Randy gave to her to Anne and the note. Finally going to bed at close to five in the morning. Sam woke up to the phone next to her bed ringing; she grabbed it and groggily answered it. "Someone better be dead." She said into the phone.

"Well, I don't know if anyone is but how about if I am alive and waiting to talk to someone beautiful." Randy spoke into the phone; Sam sat up in bed and looked on the other side of the bed to see Anne still asleep.

"What time is it?" Sam asked looking around for her alarm clock.

"It's almost two in the afternoon, are you just waking up or something?" Randy asked trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, I was up late with Anne doing homework and stuff." Sam said sliding out of the bed careful not to wake Anne up.

"Is she still there with you?" Randy asked.

"Yes, but she's sleeping still." Sam said looking out her window to see that her dad's car was gone and headed out of her room to the kitchen.

"So I was thinking about you and wanting to see you desperately." Randy said in a husky voice. Sam smiled as she made a pot of coffee.

"And I take it you want that to be sooner, rather then later?" Sam said and saw the not on the counter from her dad saying he would be gone for most of the day.

"Yes, when can you be over?" He asked.

"Well, that honestly depends on how long it takes me to get Anne awake and in the Jeep and back to her house. I'd say for safety sake maybe two hours. I still need a shower and some coffee in me first." Sam said with a smile, she then heard a noise and turned to see Anne coming out of the bedroom.

Anne grabbed the phone from Sam. "Hey lover boy, she'll be over shortly. I was supposed to be home an hour ago." She said and then handed back the phone to Sam.

"I guess I'll be over soon!" Sam said into the phone.

"She's not much of a morning person is she?" Randy stated.

"No, I don't suppose you have a shower that I could borrow from you when I get there." Sam asked sweetly.

"Yeah, I'll see you when you get here." Randy stated softly and they both said good bye and hung up. Sam wrote a note to her dad telling him where she was going to be. And with Anne headed back to the bedroom and started packing their stuff.

"Hurry up slow poke!" Anne spoke up a few minutes later.

"You should talk; you already know what's going in your bag. Now help me get my stuff together." Sam demanded almost laughing.

Anne pulled a really nice dress and shoes out of Sam's closet and held them up. "I think you should wear this on your date." Anne said.

"Great put it in the bag. I'll grab the other things I need and we'll be on our way." Sam said and picked up all her toiletries and put them in her bag. Once that was done they picked up their things and started for the Jeep. Once outside Sam put her things in the back of the Jeep and got in and Anne threw hers in the backseat. Sam made good time of dropping off Anne at home and heading over to Randy's house. When she got out of the Jeep in Randy's driveway she went to the back and took her time getting her stuff. She was surprised when she felt rather then saw him come up behind her and grab one of the bags out of the back for her.

"Hi." He whispered in her ear as he leaned past her.

"Hello there." Sam said as she pulled her backpack out and then closed the back. They headed into the house and once in the living room Sam put down her back pack and turned to Randy with a smile. He came forward and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. When he pulled away she was looking up at him in amusement. "Missed you too!" She suddenly whispered and then leaned in for another kiss. When they separated this time she took her bag from his hand. "I need a shower."

"Alright, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." He said and then led the way up to his bathroom.

"Honey, I think I can find the bathroom on my own." Sam said trying not to laugh; Randy stopped suddenly and looked at her in surprise. "What's the matter?"

"It was nice to hear you call me honey, that's all." He answered and then turned back to the door to his bedroom. When he got to the bathroom with her he pulled out some clean towels and set them on the counter. And without a word he turned on the shower before he turned to her and kissed her.

"You're being really sweet, what did I do wrong?" Sam asked looking at him skeptically.

"Why would you think you'd done something wrong?" Randy asked laughing.

"I'm not use to people being so nice to me, that's all." Sam answered softly, before she put her bag down and started to undress. She looked up after she had taken her pants off and realized Randy was leaning against the counter watching her with a small grin playing across his lips. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Sam asked standing there in just her bra and underwear hands on her hips. Randy was looking at her and the picture she made of a perfect underwear model and was fighting the urge to take her right there on the bathroom floor.

"Almost... but not quite!" Randy said in a husky voice.

"Well you have two choices mister; either leave now or start undressing and hop in the shower with me!" Sam said right before she took of the rest of her clothes and stepped into the shower and disappeared behind the shower curtain. With out even realizing what he was doing his shirt was already hitting the floor followed by his jeans and boxers and he was in the shower.

After playing in the shower and cleaning each other they got out and Sam wrapped a large towel around herself before she started pulling a brush and a hair rubber band out of the bag. Randy wrapped a towel around his waist and combed his hair before he gave Sam a quick kiss. He then went for the door that connected to his bedroom and upon opening it he saw Andrew Wade sitting on the corner of his bed. "I didn't knock because you sounded busy!" Andrew said with a grin on his face. Sam suddenly was next to Randy looking at Andrew in total surprise. "Hello Sam, nice to see you again."

"What are you doing here Andrew?" Randy demanded eying his friend with weariness.

"Actually, came to see what you were doing, my wife kind of kicked me out of the house!" Andrew said and Randy could see that he was totally serious.

"What did you do this time?" Randy asked stepping out of the bathroom door crossing his arms as he walked.

"I wouldn't tell her what got into you lately. She wanted to know why you hadn't been over in a while and was sure you were keeping some kind of secret and I knew it and wasn't telling her." Andrew said and looked over at Sam and then back at Randy. "Of course I told her I didn't know anything of the sort, or what she was talking about."

Randy looked at his friend with mild surprise. "Sometimes your wife really surprises me Andrew only she would know when some things up and kick you out of the house for it. Especially when it has nothing to do with you."

"Well, anyway I was wondering if I could stay here for the weekend." Andrew asked, he looked at Randy and then at Sam who had been standing in the bathroom door way the whole time quietly.

"Yeah, you can have the guest room at the end of the hall," Randy said. "Now get out of my room so that we can get dressed." Andrew just laughed and headed out of the bedroom closing the door on his way out. Randy turned to Sam with a frown.

"Does this mean I should dress and leave?" Sam asked, Randy could see the disappointment in her eyes and it pained him to see it there at all.

"No, not at all. We are still going to dinner and a movie. You go ahead and get ready for that and I am going to slip something on and go talk to Andrew and see if he doesn't mind being left alone in the house." Randy said as he slipped into a pair of shorts. He gave a quick kiss before he headed downstairs to talk to Andrew. He found him in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge for food. "You do realize you have the worst timing in the whole world right!" Randy demanded Andrew jumped and smacked his head on the top of the fridge. Rubbing his head as he looked up at Randy with a painful grin.

"Oh, and I was suppose to know that she was going to be here!" Andrew said harshly. "It's because of you two that I got kicked out of my own house!"

"I didn't tell you not to tell your own wife for crying out loud." Randy yelled at him, and then he stopped suddenly as he realized this would get him no where. "Listen Andrew I am sorry, tomorrow I will call her and talk to her okay. Let's just let her cool down for tonight and you can stay here."

"Thanks Randy, I really appreciate this." Andrew said and pulled a beer out of the fridge and held it out to him. "Truce."

"Give me that." Randy said trying not to laugh, and Andrew took one out for himself. They sat down at the table and started talking. "Do you think you'll be okay by yourself for a little while?"

"Why?" Andrew asked and suddenly he looked up to the doorway to the kitchen and almost dropped his beer. Randy turned as well and smiled. Sam stepped into the room wearing a spaghetti strapped dress that was black and shimmered as she moved and the bottom was angled so that one side was longer then the other. She was wearing high heeled shoes that matched and her hair was in a French braid and she wore tear drop ear rings and a necklace.

"Wow!" Randy whispered, he looked at Andrew to see that he was staring as well. He suddenly smacked his arm. "Your married, stop staring." Andrew looked at him with a smile.

"I may be married but I'm not dead." Andrew hissed out. Sam looked at both of them with a small smile she was trying not to laugh. "I take it you two are going out for the evening."

"Yes, which means it's time for me to go get dressed, myself." Randy said getting up from the table and crossed the space he put his arms around Sam and kissed her. "You looked absolutely beautiful." He whispered in her ear. "I'll be done in a few minutes and then we can go."

"Okay." Sam said as she pulled out of his arms and went to sit down at the table. Randy watched her for a moment before he turned and headed for the stairs. Sam grabbed Rand's beer and took a sip.

"Aren't you little young for that?" Andrew asked.

"Age wise yes, but otherwise no." Sam answered and then took another sip.

"Good answer." He said with a nod. "So where are you guys going?"

"Dinner and a movie!" Sam answered looking away for a moment.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea going out where people can see you two together?" Andrew asked looking at her as she took another sip of the beer. Sam looked at him over the beer bottle skeptically.

"Are you warning me or trying to scare me off?" Sam demanded putting the bottle down on the table. Andrew was surprised that she looked him straight in the eyes which most people her age wouldn't do.

"Just warning!"

"Thank you but I don't need it; we are going out to dinner in Roseville and to the movies as well." Sam said as she stood up and started walking out of the room when Andrew's voice stopped her.

"You love him, don't you?" Andrew stated he saw her back stiffen at the statement.

"Yes," She looked over her shoulder at him. "But does that matter."

"What do you mean?”Andrew demanded confused.

"Just that it will end sooner or later anyway and my love has nothing to do with it." Sam answered and she walked into the living room to be alone. Andrew sat back in his chair totally surprised by what Sam had said. She had that look in her eyes that said that she was here only for as long as the good times were here but that she knew that this would end sometime soon.

A few minutes later Andrew heard Randy come down stairs he peeked into the kitchen with a smile. "See you later, make yourself at home." Andrew looked up and saw that he was dressed in grey slacks and a button up red silk shirt with a grey tie.

"Be careful and have a nice time." Andrew said and watched him leave.

Randy came into the living room and smiled at Sam, who had been sitting in his recliner just looking around. He held out his hand and Sam stood and took it. "Are you ready to go?" He asked she looked at him appraisingly.

"You look very handsome." She whispered as they headed out to his car. He led her around to the passenger side and opened the door for her and waited for him to get in before he closed it. He then got in and started it. "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" Randy said giving her a wink as they drove. Sam was surprised by the long drive, but was pleasantly surprised when they pulled into Claim Jumpers 45 minutes after they left his house. When they got up to the receiving area hostess came forward with a smile.

"Hi, just two of you tonight?" She asked.

"Yes, we have a reservation under Randy." Randy spoke up. The hostess went to a book on her counter and looked up the name.

"Well you're early but I think a table has just been cleared." She said grabbing two menus. "This way." She led the way into the back where a booth was waiting for them. "Your waiter should be here shortly; while you wait do you want something to drink." Randy ordered a beer and Sam stuck with a soda.

"I've never been here before this is really nice." Sam said looking around at everything.

"I'm glad you like it." He said as he took her hand in his. "I was wondering, you've told me a little bit about your parents but I don't know if you have any brothers or sisters."

"Actually I have a sister and two brothers, their all older and live in Boston together." Sam said softly. "I haven't seen them in a couple of years."

"Really why is that?" Randy asked surprised.

"My mom really, she was kind of hard to live with. They all moved out there together to get away from her and to get on with their lives. My sister Alex is the oldest at 24, and then there is Jack who's 23 and Steve at 21." Sam said looking away for a moment. "I haven't seen them because they didn't want to see mom and I was still living with her. Also I was still in school so I couldn't go with them."

"That's too bad, but maybe now that you live with your dad they'll come and visit." Randy said.

"I hope so." Sam said then she looked up as the waiter came over to deliver their drinks and take their order. When the waiter was gone Sam spoke again. "What about you, do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, I am an only child!" Randy answered.

On they talked for the rest of the night about their families and about the future. When dinner was over Randy walked her back to the car and drove to the theater where they picked an action adventure movie to watch. When they walked out of the theater Randy again walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for her. Before going around to his side and getting in. When they got back to Randy's house it was after ten and Sam had been yawning the whole way home. They slowly walked in the door and saw Andrew asleep on the couch with the TV still on. Randy turned off the TV before they started walking up the stairs as quietly as possible. When they got up to his room Randy reached over and turned on the light on his night stand before undoing his tie and throwing it on the night stand. Turning he saw that Sam had slipped off her shoes but had yet to come all the way into the room he walked over to her with a mischievous grin and slowly put his hands on her shoulders.

"Have I told you how absolutely beautiful you look tonight?" He whispered as he leaned forward and kissed her neck.

"At least one before!" Sam sighed deeply as he continued to kiss her neck and shoulders. They undressed and made slow sweet love then within a couple of hours were asleep.

The next morning Sam woke up before Randy, rolling over she saw him lying on his back peacefully. Carefully she slid out of bed as not to wake him and grabbed her sweat pants and a t-shirt out of her duffle bag. Going into the bathroom she got dressed before going downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she was surprised to see that Andrew was in the middle of making coffee. He looked up as she came in and smiled. "Good morning, coffee's almost ready if you'd like some."

"That would be great." She said as she opened the fridge and started looking through it. She started pulling eggs and milk out before closing it. She then started rummaging through the cabinets until she found everything she needed.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked watching.

"Pancakes." Sam said looking up with a smile.

"Where's Randy at?" He asked.

"Still sleeping!" Sam answered as she started mixing the ingredients for the pancakes.

"Did you have a good time last night?" Andrew asked as he poured a cup of coffee for her and himself. He held out the cup to her when she turned to look at him skeptically.

"Yes, dinner was great, so was the movie." She answered taking the cup from him. "Thanks."

"So, was I just imagining it last night or are you being a little negative about this relationship with Randy?" Andrew asked, Sam looked up at him to really surprised with the question.

"Not really since I just know that nothing last forever." Sam answered, taking a sip of her coffee she looked back up at him. "I am enjoying it for as long as it lasts."

He watched her as she silently went about making the breakfast; taking his coffee he walked over to the table and sat down. A few minutes later Randy came down just wearing a pair of sweat pants. He saw Andrew first who was smiling at him. "What are you smiling at you damn fool?" Randy asked in a gruff voice.

"You, did you fall off the bed or just wake up wrong?" Andrew asked, Randy glared at him for a moment and then he finally smelled what was cooking and looked over at Sam who was flipping pancakes. Andrew saw the smile spread across Randy's face and knew what had been bothering him. Randy had thought she'd left him before he'd woken up. Randy walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on her cheek before whispering something in her ear.

"Will you go sit down and let me finish what I started." Sam was trying not to giggle as he started nibbling on her ear.

"That depends on if you're making it just for yourself or if you plan on sharing." Randy said softly.

"I'm making some for everyone, now go sit down. Either that or at least be useful and set the table." Sam said as she flipped the pancake that was in the pan.

"Yes darling!" He whispered as he pulled away from her and went to a cabinet and pulled out plates. Andrew got up as well and helped him set the table, once they were finished Randy helped himself to a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with Andrew. Andy looked over at Sam before turning back to Randy and speaking.

"So what's happening with you two?" He whispered softly, Randy looked away from Sam's back to Andrew confused for a moment.

"I'm not exactly sure what is going on. This wasn't exactly planned, nor have I spent any time really thinking it through." Randy answered him.

"You know that if Jason finds out what is going on he will relish destroying you through the system for seeing her." Andrew hissed out.

"Thank you for telling me something I didn't already know!" Randy said, watching Sam move around his kitchen with ease making breakfast for them. "All I know is for the first time in a long time I'm happy Andy."

Sam was finishing up everything and was trying to pretend she hadn't heard what they were talking about. She wanted to smile at Randy's last statement but knew in her heart that she couldn't let this get away from her. Weather intentional or not this would come to an end and she couldn't let herself get hurt when it ended. She started bringing platters of food to the table and saw the looks of pleasure on both men's faces when she put it in front of them a platter of pancakes and bacon. Then bring over a plate full of toast as well before sitting down. "This looks really great Samantha." Andrew said softly as he filled his plate. "It's been a while since I've had a breakfast like this!"

"I love to cook, and thank you!" Sam responded filling her plate with food as well.

"So what are you two doing today?" Andy asked before taking a bite of food. Sam looked up at him then turned to Randy uncertain what to say. Randy cleared his throat before speaking.

"Good question, why do you ask?"

"I was thinking a movie marathon!" Andy said with a wry kind of grin on his face.

"What would be the theme?" Randy asked.

"Let Sam pick!" Andrew said looking over at Sam who had been concentrating on her plate of food. She looked up at the sound of her name and looked at both of them and their expectant faces.

"Maybe I should go home after breakfast instead!" Sam answered and looked back down at her plate.

"Why?" Both men asked in unison.

"I don't know I kind of feel like a third wheel that is all." Sam answered looking at both of them waiting for them to tell her to leave then.

"Nonsense, you're staying and watching movies with us." Andy said with a soft chuckle. "But first, Randy needs to make a phone call before we get started."

"Ah, yes the fix it phone call." Randy said looking at Andrew and trying not to laugh. "But first Sam needs to pick a theme for our little marathon!"

"How about horror movies!" Sam said getting a little excited.

"Horror!" Randy said thinking about it for a moment, and then looked to Andrew who shrugged. "Well that's one we haven't done before!"

"Horror movies it is then." Andy said turning back to his food. "Let's finish breakfast first."

Sam sat back and watched the two men eat and talk of school and everything else that was going on in the world. When they finally finished breakfast Sam stood and started cleaning the table. Both men suddenly grabbed the plates from her shaking their heads together. "You sit down right now Sam. We aren't totally pigs, we'll clean up!" Randy said standing up. Andrew followed suit and within ten minutes they had the dishwasher filled and running and all the surfaces wiped off. She had sat at the table watching in total surprise, nobody had ever insisted she sit by while cleaning needed to be done. She was so use to being the one who cleaned up after everyone else.

Randy came over drying his hand on a dish towel, stopping next to her he leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not use to people cleaning up after I've made food or when cleaning needs to be done. I'm always the one cleaning!" Sam said looking up at him to see he was smiling at her warmly. She couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Well get use to it. Now why don't you go look through my movies to see what kind of horror I have there. While I call and make it right with Andy's wife so he's not sleeping on my couch for the rest of his life!" Randy said turning to go get his phone.

"Randy?" He turned at the sound of her voice. "Thank you!" He looked at her totally confused.

"For what?" He asked.

"For being so nice to me!" Sam said softly before heading for the living room. Andy was looking at her when Randy turned to him totally confused still.

"Do you have the feeling that there is something missing, something we don't know about her?" Randy said softly.

"Yeah, and if I didn't know better I'd say she was abused. But yet not physically." Andrew said shaking his head.

"I was thinking more on the neglected side. As if no one ever took the time to be sweet or nice to her." Randy said grabbing the cordless phone off the cradle and started dialing to talk to Andrew's wife.

Andrew went into the living room and saw Sam sitting on the floor going through all of Randy's movies. She looked up as he walked in and smiled before turning back to the movies. "So, find anything yet?"

"Yeah, he's got a good selection of movies." Sam said, holding out some movies for him to look at.

"Tell me something Sam!" He said when he took them; she looked up at him expecting the worse and he saw it on her face. "Why do you think this relationship with Randy would end sooner or later?" He asked.

"Nothing good ever lasts forever." She whispered softly. "He will in the end wanting nothing more of me and I will go back to my life the way it was before this started."

"What if he ends up wanting everything from you, love marriage, and children?" Andy demanded a little harshly. Sam looked away from him the tears burning the back of her eyes.

"That is a fairytale thought now isn't it?" Sam said standing up she started putting the rest of the movies away.

"And it's exactly what you dream of isn't it?" Andy asked, Sam turned on him and he could see her hurt and pain that his words had brought out suddenly turn to anger.

"Why are you prodding, poking with your questions? Why can't you just leave this be and when it ends it ends and there is nothing else to this." Sam hissed out, he could see her shaking with the erg to run.

Andy looked at her totally stunned for a moment. "You really believe that don't you?" He asked. "That nothing lasts forever?"

"I have yet to be proven otherwise!" Sam said softly, she turned away from him again and that is when Randy walked in. Sliding up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Ready to watch lots of scary movies, drink lots of soda and eat lots of popcorn?" He whispered in her ear. Sam turned her head to face him and was smiling up at him.

"Where's the popcorn and soda?" She asked teasingly. Randy looked around the room mockingly.

"I thought you had it, oh, well I guess we don't get any!" He leaned in a little closer and started nibbling on her ear lobe. "I guess I'll have to munch on you instead." He whispered in her ear. Andy was watching with a smile because he knew that if anything Randy would prove her otherwise without even knowing he needed to. It was obvious that he was falling in love with her and he was going to make it all right with her.

Andy stood up to leave them alone and to get the popcorn and soda. Neither of them noticed him leave they were so wrapped up in each other. When he came back a few moments later they were sitting on the floor in front of the couch covered in a blanket, Randy had a remote in his hand and looked up at Andy expectantly. "We were hoping that's where you had disappeared too."

"Well, it wasn't going to bounce its way to us otherwise!" Andy said putting the snack stuff on the coffee table and sitting on the floor a little ways from them.

"What movie are we watching anyway?" Randy demanded pushing his hip into Sam's to get a response.

"Scream!" She laughed at his playfulness.

"Does that mean we'll get to hear you scream at one point?" Andrew asked, as Randy hit play on the remote. Sam shook her head no emphatically.

They watched four movies in a row with commentary during all of them from at least one of them. Half way through the last movie Randy looked down at Sam's face to realize that she had drifted off to sleep. He looked up at Andrew and whistled softly to get his attention. Who turned and stared laughing in surprise. "She's probably the only woman I know who could fall asleep during a horror movie." Randy whispered.

"I think that is my cue to go home now. That is if it's safe for me to go home?" He asked.

"Yeah, I told Sarah you'd be home in a few hours that we were doing our guy thing and then you would be home!" Randy said as he used the remote to turn off the TV and VCR.

"What did you tell her anyway?"

"The truth actually took it pretty well and then understood why you hadn't said anything and was trying to play stupid." Randy said softly as he looked down at Sam sleeping and how peaceful she was. "She even remembered Sam from when she substituted my class. You've got yourself a good wife in her Andy!"

"Alright then I better be off before she locks me out because I didn't come home at a decent time!" Andrew said standing, he grabbed his jacket and keys from one of the end tables and was almost out the door when Randy spoke.

"Thanks, Andy!" Andrew turned to him in surprise.

"For what?"

"For not judging and being a good friend!"

"Friends job description is not to judge, I can tell you your being stupid. But I'm not sure if you are!" Andy said wit ha shrug and was out the door. Randy sat there for a few moments just holding her while she slept thinking if it was stupidity or not. And if it wasn't stupidity then what was it that compelled him to be with Sam. He looked down at her and slowly started to nudge her awake.

"Sam, wake up. I think it's time to go upstairs." He whispered in her ear softly. She started to stir and looked up at him a little groggy. She stretched and started to get up without saying anything. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little tired?" She grabbed the blanket; he snatched her free hand and pulled her back to him. She looked up surprised and confused.

"Do you know how beautiful you are when you're all rumpled from sleep?" He asked in a whisper before kissing her softly. When he pulled away she was looking up at him expectantly. "Let's get you up to bed!" Taking her hand, they walked up stairs and into the bedroom. Where Randy slowly undressed and then helped her out of her clothes. Sam turned to him and surprised him by putting her hands on his chest and slowly down over his stomach until she stopped just above his hard erection. He didn't move a muscle as she got down on her knees and her hands slid over his butt and she slowly took him inside her mouth. He was large enough that she couldn't take him all in her mouth, she heard him take a deep breath as she slowly started to suck on him. "No more..." He breathed out raggedly after a moment. She pulled away slowly and then made her way up to his face placing kisses first on his hard defined stomach then his chest. When she got to his neck she started licking and nipping it and then made her way to his ear and took his earlobe in her mouth and started sucking.

Suddenly he put both of his hands on either side of her face holding her still before claiming her lips in deeply searing kiss. Taking his hands away from her face while holding the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her on to the bed. Sam pulled her mouth away from his and he saw that she was smiling up at him. "What?" He whispered softly.

"Nothing, just happy!" Sam answered as she guided him onto the bed with her and they made love late into the night.
© Copyright 2009 Emry (UN: red_puppy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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