Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/410335-Chapter-5
by locke
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1077588
This is the first part of my nine part thrilogy. PLEASE RATE!
#410335 added March 3, 2006 at 4:47am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

The Steward closed his eyes and put his head in his hands. Finally he looked up.
"Every millennium there is a battle between good and evil. What people believe and, what I'm sure you believe is that good and evil are personalities or types of people. The truth is that good and evil are in fact two people." He paused. "Evil is known by many names, the Devil and Lucifer to the Christians, Hel to the Norwegian's, Louhi by the Fin's and many others. Good on the other hand has few names mostly God, Allah, Horus et cetera. The Greek’s were the only civilization to actually know the true identity of both Good and evil and they are Zeus and Pandora respectively."
"How do you know all this?" I asked.
"It has been passed down many generations. As I was saying, many years ago there was an enormous battle between the two. And not just here on earth many things that affected earth came from Elysium. We-"
"I'm sorry, Elysium?" I asked, questioningly.
"Oh, right, yes, Elysium is the kingdom of all the god's, and where they live. You could say it's a version of heaven. And of course that is where the city of Olympus lies and also where the court of Olympus is."
"And what does the court do?"
"Why it controls everything. Zeus can't just go around changing things. All the god's have to go through all the red tape. You think we've got problems with delay's and procedures." He paused for a breath. And I think to allow me to absorb all the information that has been thrown at me.
"Well let's carry on. As I was saying there was a great battle and many people on both sides died, so Zeus and Pandora decided to meet. at this meeting they agreed that a battle between good and evil would take place every millennium and if Pandora won then Good would have to leave the world for one thousand years until the next contest and vice versa. At the moment the score is three all."
"You’re keeping score?" I cried.
"Well, yes." He answered, simply. "We are now due another battle, and you are the combatant for Zeus. You will of course have a group to help as always. But, in the end you are the one who will have to kill her."
"Err, Her?"
"Oh, yes, Pandora always chooses a girl. Now you must understand," He brought his head down closer to mine. "That this is going to be the toughest most hardest challenge you will ever have to face." He stopped.
I can't believe this. I won't believe it. If this man wishes to think that he is saving the world then good for him but right now I just don't wanna be involved.
"I am not trying to save the world." He muttered, looking straight into my eyes.
"HOW IN GOD'S NAME DID YOU KNOW THAT?" I roared, wondering whether I had accidentally spoken what I had thought.
"You didn't utter a word." He spoke, smiling.
"Okay, now I'm getting freaked out. How do you do that?" I asked again, looking around for some sort of contraption or set-up. I found none.
"When the god's decided on a battle each year, Zeus proclaimed that the Council, that is the people on his side would be gifted with powers to help them in there fight. I, being the steward have been awarded a high amount of power compared to other people in the council." He paused. "Now you must understand that in The Council there are types of duties to do. As you become more skilled you will advance up The Council. The job's can range from guard, to steward, to healer, to agent, to-" I looked at him questioningly. "Agent's are people who work in the field sometimes as double agents sometimes as protectors of certain people or places. The final thing I am going to ask is, do you believe me?"
I paused for a moment thinking about all that has been said, and done.
"I don't have any proof." I said, thinking that if I am going crazy then he's not just gonna up and fly away. But unfortunately that's exactly what he did, or to be more précised he vanished.
"Where are you?" I asked the air around me.
"Behind you." whispered a voice only centimeter’s from my left ear. I jumped up and turned around there he was, sitting on another chair, reading what appeared to be children’s story book, upside down.
"Fantastic storyline." he said, looking up.
A moment past.
"Okay, but I wanna know how to do that." I said, realizing that, I am now officially out of my mind.
"I wouldn't worry about that, Lorian. You'll soon be able to do a lot more than that. And you’re not losing your mind." He said, standing up. "Now, I think you've had enough information to be getting on with. Are you hungry?"
"No, thanks." I Replied
"Well then I think its best that you were of to sleep then." He opened the door.
"Hey, hold on. What about my friend's and family, are they all right?" I asked, turning around.
"Don't worry Lorian, we'll sort it." Replied the steward.
© Copyright 2006 locke (UN: g0163 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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