Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/410477-Chapter-16
by Emry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1070082
This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love.
#410477 added June 24, 2009 at 11:20am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16
The next day they went to school as if nothing had ever happened with Anne. Who was quite glad that Sam and Randy didn't say anything because she was surprised as well by her own actions. Anne’s day in particular went fine until she got a note from the office for her to get down there immediately. Anne of course took her sweet time, and when she finally got there she showed her note to Jason's secretary.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Dodson wanted to see you about your detentions." The secretary said hardly looking at her. "Go ahead and go in!" Anne walked in, and to her surprised Jason went to the door and locked it. He then looked her up and down for a few moments as he got steadily closer.

"Would you believe me if I told you I've missed you!" He stated softly taking her hand in his.

"No!" She said pulling her hand out of his and backing away. "The other day was a one time thing Jason, it won't happen again."

"Why, so that you're precious friend and teacher are protected from me and what I would have done to them if I had gone to the board of education about those pictures I had of Sam leaving and going into Randy's house at all hours of the day!" Jason suddenly spat out.

"Haven't you ever had someone that you would do anything for? Protect them from anything you could?" Anne asked suddenly, hoping he would understand.

"I don't know what every happened to you and your parents or what Sam did to stop it. But I do know that I don't want you to leave." Jason stated.

"You're absolutely clueless, you know that." Anne stated flatly. "I am leaving now and this is over." She turned back towards the door and started to unlock it when his hand shot past her head and firmly pushed against the door so she couldn't open it. "You know what, I may have ha sex to get what I wanted out of some people but at least I had the decency not to expect anything from them after that." She whispered as here head rested on the door for a moment.

"Maybe it wasn't just sex for me!" Jason stated from behind her as he slowly removed his hand from the door. She looked at him over her shoulder in surprise and a little panicked as well. "I want more?"

"Don't ask for that!" She whispered.

"Then I will say something about us and about Randy and Samantha!" He stated softly.

"You promised you wouldn't say anything. You do and not only will Samantha and Randy suffer but so will you!" Anne stated.

"And you will as well!" Jason stated, Anne started laughing.

"You have no idea what suffering is too me. I will get expelled but you know something it doesn't bother me one damn bit." Anne stated softly. "Suffering is getting the crap beaten out of you on a daily basis. Getting kicked when you're already down. Not being able to strike back because the person hitting and kicking you is your mother and you could never raise your hand against her." A tear slid down her cheek but it was the only sign that what she said was affecting her. "That is why I did what I did. Because Sam helped me get away from that."

"Let me give you something you've never had, someone who cares about you!" Jason stated taking another step towards her.

"I am not ready for what you're looking for here and now!" She stated and walked away without another word. Jason stood there for a few minutes not sure what had just happened but knew that he had just been told no.

When Anne got to Randy's class and showed him the note that she'd been at the principles office. "Is everything okay?" He asked softly. She only nodded before taking her seat then pulled out her book and paper and pen.

When the bell rang Sam and Anne headed out for lunch and that is when Anne told her what had happened in Jason's office. "You're kidding right?" Sam asked when Anne had finished.

"He wants some kind of relationship with me. God knows why but he does." Anne stated softly not looking Sam in the eyes. Who wasn't even really looking at her but thinking about what she had just said.

"Do you know if he's ever had any kind of relationship before? Been married or anything?" Sam asked softly.

"I have no idea at all!" Anne answered she then looked up at Sam in confusion. "Why?"

"Just curious that's all!" Sam answered.

"You aren't thinking that we should get together are you?" Anne demanded.

"You're my best friend Anne, I am only thinking about the best for you." She answered softly. "Just say it and I won't think of it again or mention it!"

"Please don't I really don't want to even think about it at all!" Anne answered.

That night when Sam, Randy and Sam's mom sat down to dinner Sam told them what had happened to Anne at the principle's office. After she finished they all sat back for a moment digesting that with their food before Linda said something. "Why would he suddenly change his interests to Anne when he was so set on going after Randy and ruining his career?"

"Because if he tried to go after Randy he would lose his job as well. This is something more personal. Anne I think represents something he doesn’t' have in his life that he does want!" Sam answered. "It started out on the wrong foot with Anne trying to protect me and Randy and I know she doesn't want to think the situation becoming permanent and actually a serious relationship. She doesn’t think that way, it's under the concept of having a normal happy life and that is not something she things she can have!"

"Why?" Linda asked.

"Her parents until a few months ago beat her!" Sam answered.

"That's terrible, how did it stop?" Linda asked.

"That would have been thanks to your daughter who helped her get a hold of her aunt who lives in town as well. Anne lives with her now away from her parents!" Randy answered with a proud smile. Sam blushed slightly at the praise and looked away.

"Sam that's great, I am so proud of you." Linda stated totally surprised that Sam had done something noble.

"But that brings us to this problem as well. Anne only did what she did with the principle because she thought she owed me something for what I did!" Sam stated changing the subject back to Anne.

"Well is there anything we can actually do about this. I mean either Anne wants something to do with him or she doesn't. And if she doesn't then the principle needs to realize it and leave her alone." Linda stated matter of factly.

"The principle doesn't know how to leave anything alone once he get it in his head that he wants something a certain way." Randy said. Suddenly the door bell rang; everyone looked at each other in surprise before Randy stood up to go answer the door. Opening the door he found Andy standing on the other side a bottle of wine in his hands. He held it out shrugging his shoulders.

"It's a peace offering because of what happened last night." Andy said. Randy opened the door all the way so he could come in. Andy handed him the bottle and walked in, Randy closed the door before following him into the living room slowly.

"Honey, who is it?" Sam called from the kitchen.

"It's Andy he's come to talk for a minute." Randy called back, a moment later Sam appeared in the doorway with her mother right behind her.

"Hey Andy, how's Sarah doing?" Sam asked smiling.

"Good, thanks for asking. Is this your mother, Randy told me she as here yesterday." Andrew stated trying to be polite.

"Sorry, this is my mother Linda, mom this is Andy he's Randy's friend and my Algebra teacher as well." Sam quickly made introductions. "Did you want something to eat or a drink Andy? A beer maybe?"

"Sure a beer would be great, thank you?" Andy said with a smile. Sam nodded and her and her mom headed back into the kitchen. Andy turned to Randy. "You didn't tell her about the argument between us last night?"

"No, she's got enough stuff to worry about I didn't think she needed to hear about it right now. I'll tell her later when this is all over." Randy answered putting the bottle of wine down on one of the end tables next to the couch. Sam came back in and handed both Randy and Andy a beer with a smile.

"I'll let you guys talk, my mother and I are going over some of the wedding stuff. Don't let me forget to give you the information to get you're tuxedo Andy. Oh, and if Sarah wants she can get a dress at the same place we are getting our dresses at just let me know." Sam stated with a smile.

"Thanks Sam, I'll let her know and have her call you later about it if that's okay. And if you can give her the tux info as well. Knowing my luck I'll lose it or forget."

"No problem!" Sam said and walked back into the kitchen where her mom was waiting.

"She really does love you doesn't she?" Andy asked looking over at Randy finally.

"Yes she does, and I her." Randy answered.

"Listen, about last night, I don't want to argue about you and Sam's relationship if you two are happy that's all that matters to me and Sarah. We're just really worried about the both of you and everything that's going on. We don't want to see Jason win and bring you two down and tare you two away from each other." Andy stated softly.

"Thank you and I understand your worry. We all have the same worry right now and I am working on a solution. I didn't want Anne to do what she did but she did and so far it's working but it’s brought all new problems into the mix. Now Jason's turned on her for personal reasons he is trying to start a relationship with her and Anne's not ready for that at all if ever."

"That man has some serious personal problems if he's seeking a relationship with someone so much younger then him." Andy stated. "Talk about a mid life crisis in action. What do you think is going to happen?"

"Got me, I'm hoping it will blow over. But he's got it stuck in his head that he wants Anny by his side and I think she likes him but because of her past problems she's having issues dealing with it. "We'll just have to see." Randy stated then looked over to the door way to the kitchen. "Can we talk about this more tomorrow at lunch I don't want Sam to over hear and get worried about this."

"Yeah, talk to you tomorrow." Andy said handing back his beer that he hadn't touched. "Tell Sam I'll see her tomorrow at school." Andy said before heading out the door.

The next morning Sam woke up to the sound of Randy's alarm. Slowly she rolled over to find him already gone; she looked at the clock to find that it was a quarter to seven in the morning. She turned pale as a wave of nausea consumed her, she ran for the bathroom. Just as Randy came back into the room and heard her.

"This is your entire fault," Sam said as another wave of nausea enveloped her.

"Maybe you should try eating some crackers or something?" He asked softly.

"I don't think I can, it won't stay down." Sam croaked.

"Alright but I want you to try eat something later," Randy persisted.

"Fine, I'll be in the shower if you need me," Sam said as she stood up.

"Do you need anything before I go down stairs?" Randy asked.

"No, thank you!" She started the shower and pulled out some towels. He kissed her cheek and walked out of the bathroom. When he got downstairs and into the kitchen Linda was there looking at him with a sad smile.

"She didn’t' want anything for breakfast?" Linda asked.


"I told you she wouldn't eat!" Linda stated.

"Does it look like I care? It doesn't hurt to try," Randy said before sitting down at the plate he'd put down on the table for Sam and started eating the food.

"You're unbelievable," Linda stated in amazement.

"Why thank you!" Randy said grinning.

"And the most sarcastic bastard I've ever met," Linda stated.

"You think so. I was told I needed more practice," Randy said before finishing off the breakfast. He then sat back and watched as Linda made a fuss about the dishes he just let sit there. He then looked up to see Sam in the doorway, in a white long sundress and white sandals. He smiled as her as she walked over and sat on his lap.

"How long have you been standing there? And what happened to the shower?" He asked quietly.

"Long enough to know that you're considered a sarcastic bastard." Sam whispered in his hear. He started to laugh at what she had heard.

"You didn't hear much but the end of the conversation," Randy commented.

"Something tells me that I don't want to or need to hear the rest," Sam said before bending forward and giving into a very passionate kiss.

"Alright no more lip wrestling for you two," Linda said as they broke away. Sam looked at her mom with a devilish grin before turning back to Randy and kissing him again. "You are the most defiant kid I ever had. Did you suck it out of your brothers and sister? I know they weren't so bad."

"Sam only smiled at Randy, who had quite enjoyed harassing Linda. Randy looked to see that Linda with a smile full of laughter, before she left the room. Finally he looked at Sam who then bent and kissed him again. "You are too much for your own good sometimes!" Randy said as she pulled away. Without a word she got up and headed for the refrigerator for an apple.

"Breakfast on the run. Now, come on, we have about 20 minutes before school starts." Sam then pulled him to his feet.

"Is this the same person who said and I quote, it doesn’t take 20 minutes to get to school!" Randy stated.

"You're so funny, I just want to get to school early today, that's all." Sam said she then grabbed her bag and headed for the front door.

"Hey wait," Sam turned at his voice. "You forget something," He leaned forward and kissed her.

"I'll see you at school, bye." Sam said winking before opening the door and leaving.

Bye," Randy whispered to himself before closing the door. He then took his time getting his stuff before leaving as well. He knew that Sam would go to her locker first; if he made it there he could hopefully make sure Jason didn't pester her again.

"Sam, there you are! I was hoping to catch you before Randy's class. I need to talk to you!" Anne came up and stood next to Sam's locker.

"Hello to you too." Sam said putting her biology book in her locker.

"I'm sorry, hello." Anne said dramatically.

"Now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Sam asked taking a bite of her apple.

"Jason." Anne said boldly. Suddenly Sam began to choke, Anne patted her on the back to try and help. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Sam said coughing. "Did you say Jason?"

"Yes," Anne exclaimed in a low voice. "He sent me flowers to my house!"

"You're kidding right?" Sam asked.

"I don't know what I am going to do," She whispered softly.

"Did it have a note on it?" Sam asked not knowing what else to say.

"That I wouldn't have to show up for detention the rest of the year!" Anne answered.

"Speak of the devil, here comes Jason now," Sam said closing her locker. Jason walked right up to them and smiled at Anne first, and then at Sam, who gave him a cold look in return.

"Samantha, such coldness. You'll never be a good mother, if you scare your children." Jason said sarcastically.

"What?" Sam asked taken by surprise, then shot Anne a venomous look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I was only generally speaking, you need to lighten up. You're acting like you're already pregnant!" Jason answered, Sam clamped her mouth shut.

"Just wanted to let you know that this situation between us is over!" Jason said before turning to walk away.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked not sure she'd heard him right.

"You should ask Randy if you want to know!" Jason said over his shoulder.

"I swear I didn't say anything about you being pregnant!" Anne answered Sam's look in a rush after Jason was out of earshot.

"I think I know what happened for Jason come and say something in front of both of us. As far as Jason knew only you and I knew about you two." Sam said seeing Randy walk down the hall towards her with a smile.

"You mean Randy said something to him." Anne asked amazed. "Why would he do that for, it only confirms that you two are together. Only then would he know what happened."

"Exactly, he put himself and Jason in a stalemate. Neither can do anything to the other with out both of them going down." Sam whispered, Anne looked at her in shock. Sam had not broken Randy's gaze as she spoke not even to register Anne’s look of surprise.

"Hello Sam, Anne!" Randy said brightly.

"Well aren't you chipper. I know you weren't this happy earlier when I left the house!" Sam said her tone hardly disguised harshness.

Randy suddenly looked around as if looking for someone. "He was here wasn't he?" He demanded harshly. "I'm sorry Anne I didn't think I had any other choice!"

"What exactly were you thinking?" Sam demanded.

"Can we talk about this in my classroom?" Randy demanded.

"Yeah, okay!" Sam nodded then turned to Anne. "Will you give us a few minutes?"

"Sure got to go get my books for class Anyway!" Anne said then gave Randy one last look before walking away. Sam followed Randy into his classroom, where he made himself comfortable at his desk. Sam sat on the top of the nearest desk to his and started looking around the classroom not bothering to look in his direction.

"Sam, why won't you look at me?" Randy finally asked.

"Why did you have to say anything to him, you only confirmed his thoughts about us." Sam demanded finally looked, he saw the mixture of emotions that changed her eyes to a dark emerald green which was startling.

"It's one thing for Anne to do what she did. But unless someone else knows and he knows that it has not the full effect." Randy answered.

"But why did it have to be you who said it? The only way for you to know is if I or Anne told you. And he will know that if I told you it would only be because we are together!" Sam lashed out.

"Sam, I did this for all of us. We can get married without worrying who's going to find out about us, without looking behind our backs every time we talk at school. And now every time he even things about saying anything he will know that he is destroying everything he's worked for to do it." Randy stated.

"What about Anne?" She demanded her voice starting to rise with each word.

"I didn't ask her to fuck him!" Randy yelled.

"Don't yell, someone might hear you!" Sam warned, Randy froze and there was a moment of silence.

"Too late," Randy finally whispered, Sam turned to see Mrs. Kelly come in with a deep frown. "Mrs. Kelly did we disturb you?"

"I heard yelling, I just wanted to make sure everything is alright," Mrs. Kelly spoke kindly.

"Yes, just a little disagreement!" Randy explained sweetly.

"I know that the students aren't much younger then you, but as a teacher you have to keep them in their places," Mrs. Kelly said sternly.

"For your information students aren't animals," Sam interrupted.

"Sam, don't start!" Randy whispered.

"No, she's right. You are people, but you aren't old enough to know what you are doing," Mrs. Kelly stated.

"I see, we're old enough to vote for certain assholes to run this country. But we're not old enough to know better. That makes a lot of sense," Sam spat out, grabbed her bag from the floor where she had dropped it and started for the door.

Randy ran to the door and grabbed Sam's arm, she turned and looked at his hand on her arm then at his face. "Let's talk about this please?" He whispered. Sam looked past Randy to Mrs. Kelly. Randy turned to the other teacher with a small smile. "Mrs. Kelly, thank you for your concern but I think I should take care of this." Mrs. Kelly only nodded giving Sam one last look before leaving. After watching her leave Randy turned back to Sam with a frown. "You can't keep provoking people like this!"

"Would I honestly do that?" Sam asked mischievously.

"Yes you would." Randy said trying not to laugh. "How about talking about this when you come in for class, I'm putting that movie on for both classes so we can talk while the movies going okay."

"Alright, but I better go and head for my fist class. I don't want to be late, the other teachers are already wondering because I keep taking off in the middle of class to go to the bathroom." Sam said with a smile and then was gone.
© Copyright 2009 Emry (UN: red_puppy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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