Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/410695-Chapter-18
by Emry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1070082
This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love.
#410695 added June 24, 2009 at 11:19am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 18
Randy sat on the couch with Sam on his lap so that Anne could sit on the other end of the couch. As they talked Randy's hands massaged Sam's back. As soon as she made herself comfortable, Randy wrapped his around her.

"Have you gotten your dress yet, Anne?" Sam asked getting her attention.

"I'm picking it up after school," Anne answered. Just then Jason quietly came in and closed the door behind him. They all looked up at him in surprise, who looked at Sam and Randy cuddled together in surprise.

"I may not turn you in, but any one else could," Jason stated.

"You're the only one who was so set against us or me for that matter in the first place," Randy explained.

"But we have ruled for a reason and you are breaking them!" Jason hissed out.

"I would like to think that we have unique circumstances." Randy stated, Sam started to pull away from him.

"Oh, shit!" Sam moaned then suddenly stood and bolted for the door and out of the room.

"Anne, go make sure she makes it to the bathroom. If she doesn't get the janitor and then stay with her," Anne nodded and left, Jason looked to Randy in question. "I knew she should have eaten more at breakfast."

"What's wrong with Sam?" Jason asked.

"She's three months pregnant," Randy answered.

"Well that explains all the complaints of her running out of the class suddenly." Jason stated. "I guess it's safe to assume you're the father!"

"Well, I hope so!" Randy stated sarcastically.

"Should I even ask if her father knows and weather I should make plans for your funeral?" Jason stated.

"He already knows everything!" Randy said softly.

"How long has he known."

"About two months now I'd say," Randy said watching as Anne walked back in. "How is she?"

"Made it to the bathroom, she's cleaning up right now!" Anne answered, and then looked at Jason a little skeptically before sitting down on the couch. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence went by then Sam walked in carrying a plate with a hot dog and fries in one hand and a soda in the other.

"Where did you get that from?" Jason asked in surprise.

"The nurse saw me walking out of the bathroom; I guess I looked I looked pretty pale. She insisted on buying me some food," Sam answered setting it on the table in front of the couch.

"Why shouldn't I be surprised?" Randy asked. "Are you okay?"

Sam nodded as she sat down to eat. But just as she sat down Randy pulled her up and sat her down himself, then pulled her onto his lap. He began to feed her French fries. Jason started to laugh at the picture he saw. Suddenly Sam put up her hand for him to stop.

"I forgot to tell you something. Those who haven’t fallen asleep have left the classroom," Sam said, Randy just smiled.

"Come on eat, all you had for breakfast was an apple. Now I want you to eat all of this food!" Randy insisted.

"Do I even want to know how you know what she had for breakfast?" Jason asked.

"Your to damn nosy for your own good." Sam retorted, before taking a bite of the hot dog.

"Never mind, it's not important. I just know," Randy answered.

"Wait let me guess. She spent the night at your house, right?" Jason asked sarcastically.

"My, he's a smart one!" Sam exclaimed.

"That's why they made him principle," Randy said, Sam put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing since she still had food in her mouth.

"You've broke a lot of ruled, all of them I think!" Jason stated.

"Well at least they are thorough," Anne interjected from the corner where she'd been sitting quietly. Jason looked over in surprise having forgotten that she was there.

"Anyway... the reason I cam in here." Jason suddenly stated changing the subject. He pointed at Sam's finger. "You're wearing an engagement ring!"

Sam looked down at her hand, and then turned to Randy as if to silently tell him he was taking this one. Randy took a deep breath before answering. "Yes, she's wearing the engagement ring I gave her."


"The day of graduating, we are having the ceremony after she graduates." Randy answered softly.

"I'll tell you something. This has been one hell of a day." Jason finally spoke after a moment of silence. "I never would have thought that of all things you two would be getting married." He started to walk out of the room then stopped and looked at them. "So for the last couple of weeks you two weren’t exactly lying were you? You weren't dating you were engaged?"

"Yeah, nothing like telling the truth by way of omission!" Randy stated softly. Jason just shook his head as he left the room not knowing what else to say.

Friday came too soon for Anne who was nervous about the date with Jason and didn't know what to expect from him at all .After her last class she waited outside the front of the school to see what would happened and hoped he wouldn't show up. Ten minutes later he came walking out the front door with a broad smile on his face and he seemed to glide up next to her with no effort what so ever. "Are you ready to go?" He asked in a low voice so no one would hear him.

"Yeah, let's go." She answered and walked ahead of him to his car which was parked at the front of the building .He took her to a nice restaurant out in Sacramento an hour drive from Grass Valley and then to a movie of her choice. When they walked out of the movie theater Anne was more relaxed then when the dated stated, at the car Jason opened the door for her. And before she could step in he leaned over and gave her a kiss softly y at first and then more passionately. She leaned into him realizing what she was doing until his hand was at her lower back and sliding to her butt. "Waist?" She whispered as she pulled away from him.

"Come home with me?" He pleaded against her lips before claiming another kiss from her. She finally nodded and got into the car. During the drive to his house they were quiet she was surprised when his hand made its way to her thigh. When they pulled into his driveway she took in the fact that he had a really nice one story house painted white with a small lawn. Jason got out first and came around to open her door for her .Taking her hand as she got out they walked hand in hand inside his house. Once inside he turned and kissed her again softly not pushing her to do anymore then she wanted to he waited for her to make more of it.

"Where is the bedroom?" She asked softly.

"This way," He whispered and led her through the front hall and into another hall where there were three doors and he opened the last one and waited for her to enter. She walked in and looked around it was a totally guys room with a large mahogany king bed and nightstands. A large dresser and a desk and those were the only furniture in the room. He walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders and started rubbing his hands up and down. "We don't have to do anything you don't want too. If at anytime you want to leave just say so and I'll take you home." He stated softly.

She turned into his arms and leaned up to kiss him as she leaned into him she heard him groan in response as he wrapped his arms around her deepening the kiss. Anne's hands made their way down to his pants and proceeded to unbutton and unzip them as well. She pushed his pants down to the floor and his boxers as well. He stepped out of them and his shoes making her take a step back as he slowly stopped kissing her to pull her top over her head and off. From there they made quick of undressing each other and making their way to the bed at almost the same time. Lying on the bed Anne looked up at Jason waiting patiently as he spread her legs and moved up the bed between them and slowly started to lick and suck her clitoris. She moaned and her hands bunched in the quilt underneath her and she moaned again this time his name.

He then moved up and over her leaning down he kissed her as he slowly started to enter her. He moved in and out slowly at first until he heard her whisper for more and started moving faster and harder. Anne made him roll over onto his back and she started to rise over him, his hands went to her hips and held her in pas as she rose up and down. "OH, god you feel so good." Jason whispered harshly as she moved slower then faster. Finally after a few more moments he couldn't take it any more and grabbed her hips and forced her down on him harder a couple of times before rolling her back onto her back and started pushing into her harder faster and deeper.

"Oh, god Jason." She called out as she came around his cock making him come as well. They lay like that for several minutes before he slowly got off of her and laid next to her pulling her closer to him. She cuddled closer and together they drifted off to sleep.
© Copyright 2009 Emry (UN: red_puppy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emry has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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