Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/410720-Chapter-20
by Emry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1070082
This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love.
#410720 added June 24, 2009 at 11:18am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 20
"I now pronounce you man and wife," The Judge announced. "You may kiss the bride!"

Randy pulled Sam into his arms and kissed her long and reverently. There were a few giggles when at first they didn't stop, but finally they pulled apart. Randy looked to the gathering with a grand smile. "Let's get this party started!" He yelled, and everybody stood as they walked down the aisle.

The biggest table was reserved for the immediate family. Sam and Randy sat next to each other; next to Randy were his parents. Next to Sam sat her parents, brothers and Alex. And of course Jason sat next to Anne. Andrew and Sarah sat next to them. James looked critically at Jason before saying anything.

"So you're the bastard that tried to ruin my daughter's wedding?" James asked Jason point blank. Everybody at the table looked to Jason for a reaction and answer.

"Yes, I am afraid I was. But you must understand I was only doing my job," Jason answered.

"What made you change your mind?" Linda asked. Jason snuck a look at Anne who was chewing her bottom lip nervously.

"A little bird you could say!" Jason answered; Anne blushed almost red at that. Sam then started to almost giggle, but stopped when she looked at Randy. Steve and Jack just looked at him as if they were plotting his death for when nobody was looking.

"Let's drop the matter and leave the poor man alone!" Clare said softly.

"Don’t defend him mom, please!" Randy almost pleaded.

"If everybody here hates him so, then why is he here in the first place?" Henry demanded. Everybody who knew the answer looked at Anne, who seemed to visibly shrink in her chair.

"You mean it was Anne’s idea to bring him here?" James asked, Anne only nodded when he looked at her. "Why?"

"Because, I had hoped that if he came, we could end all the things that happened," Anne explained.

"I'll bet that is not the only reason why!" Jack said out loud.

"I heard that, what the hell is that suppose to mean?" James demanded.

"She's got a thing for him, she was probably just getting him here to see him once more," Steve answered, Anne quickly stood and rushed into the house.

"Thank you, thank you all so damn much for making this the perfect wedding," Sam spat, "You should all be ashamed!" She got up, picking up her train and went after Anne.

"Shit!" Randy cursed and started to get up.

"Give them a minute before any of us go after them!" Linda stated softly. "Let's get started on the food!" Alex nodded and was the first to stand and go to the table of food and wasn't surprised when everyone else stood as well to follow. As soon as she sat down Alex saw Sam walk out of the back door and head for the buffet. She filled up two plates with food, set them on a tray then grabbed a bottle of champagne and started back for the door. Alex jumped up and stopped her, Sam just looked at her.

"Don't be too long in there; the guest will start to get suspicious if you're gone too long." Alex said in a low voice, Sam nodded before walking away.

"Sam, you should be out there with your other friends and family. Not in here catering to me," Anne said taking a sip of champagne.

"You're my friend and I'm staying right here with you until your okay," Sam said firmly.

"I'm okay really, I just over reacted." Anne said as she wiped her least tear away. She then gave Sam a reassuring smile as she stood up. Anne offered her hand and pulled Sam out of her chair. "Come on, your the bride, you have to be out there!"

"You sure?" Sam asked, Anne then nodded. Sam then picked up the champagne and her food and then Anne picked up her food and they both walked into the backyard to find everybody talking and eating. Jack and Steve were trying their damnedest to ignore Jason as well as talk to everyone. Anne went and sat down next to Jason ignoring Jack and Steve looking at her. They didn't notice Sam approach from behind.

"You know that if you glare any harder your eyes are going to pop out!" Sam said in good humor. Both of their faces softened into grand smiles as they turned to look at Sam.

"So there you are!" Randy sad from his own seat, he then patted his lap for her to sit on. She walked over and sat down in her own chair in defiance, Randy then stated to laugh.

"You're the most willful girl I've ever seen!" Henry said humorously.

"Who is now your daughter-in-law!" Randy stated.

"Just the way you wanted it?" Clare asked seriously.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Randy said truthfully. He then looked to Sam who looked up at him and a slow beautiful smile crossed over her face. They all finished eating while they talked, forgetting about the conversation. Then later on Sam and Randy almost started a food fight with the cutting of the cake and exchanging of bites.

After that they cleaned up and then cleared away most of the chairs for dancing. And of course Randy and Sam took up the first dance. As they danced slowly around the area that had been cleared. Randy whispered in her ear. "Remember the first time we danced together, just me and you in my bedroom?" Sam looked up at him blushing slightly that he would remind her here and at this moment in time.

"How could I forget?" She murmured softly, and then looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to what they were saying. "Why are you bringing that up?"

"I want it to be just us again, even if only for a moment!" He spoke softly as he put his arm around her waist. She laid her head against his chest remembering that like it had been yesterday. Randy rested his head against the top of her's like he'd done that night. Alex looked up a t them dancing and saw the look on Sam's face and stopped in mid sentence. Everyone else stopped and looked as well.

"Do you see that?" Alex whispered to her mother. Linda was looking at her daughter on the dance floor and was smiling softly.

"God, love like that is once in a life time!" Linda whispered to Alex. "Now that's educated love! Do you think they teach that in college?" Linda asked turning to Alex.

"If so sign me up for that class!" Alex stated and everyone started laughing.

Finally at midnight the last of the guests dispersed, except for Randy's parents, Sam's parents, brothers, and sister, Anne, Jason, Andrew and Sarah. "That was one hell of a wedding Sammy!" Jack commented as he sat down on the couch, Alex and Steve gave him a dirty look he then remembered and stood.

"We had better go!" Alex said and the three of them in turn gave her a hug before saying good bye and leaving.

"We had better leave as well!" Henry said, Randy and Sam looked at them with warm smiles. Clare then hugged both of them. Henry shook Randy's hand then looked at Sam as if he didn't know if he should hug her or what. Sam leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then Sam looked to her own parents to see her mom holding one of her suitcases, the others surrounding her.

"Your father has offered his guest room for the night, I'm leaving tomorrow. But not before coming here to say good-bye!" Linda answered her quizzical look. She then put down her suitcase and hugged Sam tightly.

"You deserve this happiness," Linda whispered before letting her go, and then she turned to Randy. She extended her hand and shook his. "You better be good to her or you'll answer to us!" Linda said, Randy nodded in understanding as he watched James step forward.

"You know that I wasn't happy about this from the beginning at all. But Samantha is happy and that is all that matters most to me!" He said then turned to Sam and hugged her and placed a kiss on her cheek. Sam watched them pick up Linda's things and she smiled as they lugged everything out, politely refusing any help. Sam and Randy turned to Andy and Sarah, who were smiling at them warmly.

Sara came up and hugged Sam warmly. "I am glad this all worked out for you two the way it did. You guys are perfect for each other and I am honored to have been invited to the wedding." She whispered in Sam's ear.

"You are a friend to both of us. Of course you were invited; it wouldn't be any other way." Sam said honestly. Sarah pulled away and Andy came over and hugged her as well.

"I am glad that Randy finally proved you wrong!" Andy said softly.

"About what?" Sam asked softly.

"That you can have it all Sam. And you deserve it all; he loves you and always will. I can see it in your eyes that you do too. A match made in heaven, which survived hell to get to this point." Andy stated pulling away from her.

"Thank you Andy, and Sarah." Sam stated. Andy then turned and shook Randy's hand with a big grin.

"Have a good honeymoon man. You deserve it." He went to hold open the door for his wife who gave Randy a big hug before they left. Then Sam's gaze riveted to Jason and Anne standing off to the side, just watching. Randy closed the door then looked at them as well.

Finally Anne spoke in a low voice. "Jason has offered to take me home, so we'll be going as well."

Sam walked over and hugged her tightly. "Take care!" She whispered. Anne nodded then looked up to Randy and extended her hand for him to shake. He took it only after a little hesitation.

"You were a hell of a teacher, and Sam considers you much more. I don't blame her," Anne said with a smile. Then watched as the corners of Randy's mouth turned up in a wry grin, she turned to Jason.

"I'll meet you outside!" She turned and left.

Randy turned to look at Jason who wasn't sure what to say at first. Sam put her hand on Randy's arm. He looked at her solemnly. "I'll handle this one!" She whispered, he nodded at seeing the determination in her eyes. She walked up really close to him, forcing him against the wall. "She's a very close friend and precious to me. Hurt her and you won't want to find out what happens." She whispered softly. She then stepped back so that he could slip by. She looked closely and saw in his eyes a small glimmer of uncertainty. Jason then nodded curtly before taking his leave.

Sam turned back to Randy a warm smile spread across her face. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms possessively around him and smiled. "Well, Mr. Quake, how about celebrating more personally, now that everybody is gone!"

"Well, Mrs. Quake, I think that can be arranged," Randy whispered, he saw her eyes brightened at the use of her new name. He leaned in and kissed her avidly. Sam pulled away relentlessly and picked up her skirt, she gave Randy a devilish grin before quickly heading upstairs. He realized what she was doing; he unbuttoned his shirt before heading after her. As he ran up the stairs he threw off his jacket and tie. Only to find her wedding dress at the top of the stairs, but her no where in sight. He then saw the door close. He took off his shirt and left it there. Instead of running into the room he took his time walking in. The minute he opened the door he found her in the bed already naked and covered up. She sat there with one leg drawn-up with her hand draped over it and she was smiling as she watched him closer.

"Took you long enough!" She exclaimed when he was at the side of the bed. He sat down facing her.

"Better a little late then never." Randy said before capturing her lips with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and then leaned back on the bed bringing him with her. Her hand roamed down his back to find he still had his pants on.

"You're still wearing your pants," Sam said pouting. He looked down with a frown. He made quick of taking them off as well as his boxers. He then leaned over Sam who hadn't moved and kissed her again softly as he removed the blanket that kept her from him.

Slowly Sam's hands went to his chest and glided down even slower, but stopped at his navel. Randy groaned against her lips as she let her hand ram his upper body. "This is torture you know that right?" He said in a low husky voice.

"I bet I could remedy that!" She said in a sweet voice.

"I bet you could too!" Randy moaned before capturing her lips with his again. He then took his time entering her, she shivered with pleasure. He took his time bringing her to climax with him. Kissing her breast, stomach and thighs her fingers had become entwined in his hair. It was like they were enjoying themselves for the first time.

An hour later Randy slipped out of bed and went to his stereo and put in a few CD's then pressed play. "What are you doing?" Sam asked watching him from bed as he walked over to her and held out a hand. Slowly she slipped her hand in his with a smile.

"Dance with me!" He whispered softly. She slowly slid out of bed wrapping her arms around his waist she laid her cheek against his chest. He slowly slid his arms around her and they moved around the room not so much in a dance but to the rhythm of their body's and the music. "I love you!" He whispered in her ear as he moved her around the room.

"And I love you!" She whispered back.
© Copyright 2009 Emry (UN: red_puppy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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