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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#411289 added March 6, 2006 at 8:05pm
Restrictions: None
Finks and Mentzels
Winter: 5 'Ala (March 6)

afternoon, 59 degrees. 39 in Shrewsbury, U.K.

Want to sit in the sunshine and read Cadfael (it takes place in 1142, Shrewsbury), but no, I have to do this blog thing *Frown*.

Spoke with my mom and sister. Tried to explain to Shelley how to get to my blog! Us older folks just don't get it sometime. It's ... like ... go to my blog so I don't have to waste 15 minutes spelling and explaining things! Phones have limitations.

So what did I find out about the Mentzels and Finks?

In 1910 (1920):

Charles Mentzel age 45 (57)
         glass finisher, immigrated 1872?, born in Germany.
Mary M 42 (52)
         born in Pennsylvania; dad from France, mother from Germany.
Charles 20 (31)
George 14 (24)
         Uncle George, the blackberry picker
Margaret 12 (--)
Sylvester 6 (16)
Frederick 4 (14)
         Uncle Fred, lived long
Theressa 17 (--)
         my mother's mother, already married in 1920
Aleen 1 (11)
Paul - (8)

Family stories say there were more children, possibly younger ones that died in the epidemic of 1918. But there could've been older, too.

So far 3 of my forefather's families worked with glass!

As for Finks, in the 1870 census I found:

George Fink, 35 (Born France)
Francis, 26 (Born Prussia?)
a boy 9 (couldn't decipher name)
Anna, 7
Lizzie, 5
Mary, 3 (could this be my great-grandmother?)
John, 1 1/2?


Oscar night; weird costumes at the movie theatre; grape Fanta; a woman hit by a car, lying in the street; Jeanne's bruise-blackened face; a spider on the walkway; quince buds swelling; sparrows everywhere, chirping.

I got in late from the Oscars last night. My humble observations: The song "It's hard out there for a pimp" has an uncanny energy. Yes, it's hip-hop. But better; well deserved the award. Hoffman's and Ang Lee's awards were expected and well received. And Reese, are you happy or what? Re Tsotsi: what language was the guy from South Africa speaking? I'm curious. Everyone got something.

Crash apparently is a high energy young man's flick. Brokeback Mountain, in spite of featuring 2 men, was more of a chick flick. I guess Crash just had more dick.

Bradley did offer to drive me to see BBM if I still want to go. Since I tear up easily, I'll have to find out whether his car is Scotch-Guard waterproofed.

Which films will still be watched 20 years from now? Never can tell ... but I suspect Narnia will be. BBM too. Love stories wear well. Crash looks at racism and that is an important issue that will still be around for many generations, but the flavor of racism changes. I suspect, it'll be viewed more as a period piece. And the penguins will still be marching *Bigsmile*.

A quote from the Bahá'í Writings on the Oneness of Humankind:

O CHILDREN OF MEN! Know ye not why We created you all from the same dust? That no one should exalt himself over the other. Ponder at all times in your hearts how ye were created. Since We have created you all from one same substance it is incumbent on you to be even as one soul, to walk with the same feet, eat with the same mouth and dwell in the same land, that from your inmost being, by your deeds and actions, the signs of oneness and the essence of detachment may be made manifest. Such is My counsel to you, O concourse of light! Heed ye this counsel that ye may obtain the fruit of holiness from the tree of wondrous glory.

~ Bahá'u'lláh, Arabic Hidden Words #68

Still on a serious note, the rumor that Bobby Davis died is true. I didn't know him well, but was expecting to see him last night. He caught the flu last week at the same time I was ill. Called off work Thursday, may even have gone to the doctor or hospital. Had a heart attack and dropped dead.

I'll try to find the obit to post here.

Still don't know who was hit by a car this noon. Jeanne knew her, but couldn't spit out a name. Jeanne saw it; said the truck didn't stop and the poor women went flying. She was conscience and responding, so that's a good sign.

Now can I go read Cadfael?


... ad nauseum ...

75. Chinese food? Yes. Love steamed dumplings, like those I first had for dim sum at the King Café in Seattle.

76. Hot and spicy or bland? Bland and buttery. Potato soup as opposed to anything Thai.

77. Chicken wings? Yes, grew up in Buffalo. Therefore, I have an opinion that counts. (Everyone in Buffalo has an opinion about wings!) Mild sauce please. Ivano Toscano at the Anchor Bar was always the nervous sort, but a good guy and made sure the wings were always the best.

78. Pizza? Not my favorite food, but like it greasy, double cheese and mushrooms, sausage is fine.

79. Eggs? Over hard or scrambled. Raw does not appeal to me. Love egg-salad.

80. Coffee? Kenya or Ethiopian Harrar.

First, understand that I wrote this yesterday. Is this sketch off color, just too white or what?

Beware, don't read further, LOL.


It whizzed,
came at first in drizzles,
stuck like glue.
Left to dry,
a gummy sigh, left for tomorrow's
cleaning crew.
At first he did not know,
what now he knew.
Like comely snizzle,
white 'cept warm,
he marvelled at its jellied form,
this jizzlewax
that left him worn,
yet so relaxed. [162.787]

Just couldn't help being silly! Didn't use one naughty word now did I? Can you make a poem out of a nonsense, or unknown-to-you word, and give it sense by showing not telling? Not a bad exercise. Or in this case exorcise *Smirk*.

late afternoon, 61 degrees. 39 in Bismarck, ND. 35 in Missoula, MT.

Heard from Steven in Bismarck. And since I'm still interested in U. Montana ...

It would be hard to give up the sunny mild Springs.

'Twas good to hear from Gutsch-man, though. I just know too many people in too many places and have no means to visit them all.

Now ... if only they-all could come here!

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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