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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/413881-Chapter-3-The-Letter
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1083500
Fast paced action adventure set in the Cascade mountains of washington state.
#413881 added March 19, 2006 at 12:11pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3-The Letter

Putting the box aside on the bed, he carried the letter over to his desk, found a letter opener and carefully broke open the wax seal trying not to destroy it. Opening the letter with trembling hands he walked back to the bed and sat down to read. His uncle was staring out the window with haunted eyes that were looking at things in the past and not of this time or place.

"Dearest son, Tobal, if you are reading this, we are dead. We wish we could have been there to watch you grow and share our love as you were growing up. Events happened to make this impossible. We promised to do one last mission that is very dangerous and are writing this letter in case we don’t come back. You are in good hands with your uncle Harry and Aunt Lilly. They love you and will take care of you. We asked them to keep this letter and give it to you when you come of age.

You have the right to claim ‘sanctuary’ in the City of the Sun and find your true destiny, just as we have. It is our wish and dream that you be trained in the values and beliefs we hold dear. While we can not control the choices you make in life, we would like you to know what we believe, the things we feel are worth living and dying for. You may never know us, but you can know the things we love and care about. Perhaps someday you will learn what we died for.

Take this medallion and letter to the Antiquities Shop on 2424 Oak St., Old Seattle, Washington, and show them to the proprietor. He will know what they are and what needs to be done. Your uncle Harry will give you an airbus ticket. We would like to tell you more but there is no time left. Give our love to Howling Wolf. He can tell you what you need to know.

Your loving parents, Lord and Lady of the Sun, Ron and Rachel Kane.

Dated this day 25 January, 113th year of the New Eon, sun in Aquarius, moon in Scorpio".

There were tears in Tobal’s eyes as he looked up at his uncle. "What does this mean", he asked?

His uncle shifted uncomfortably in the wheelchair and brought his attention back to the present.

"Your parents were research scientists and citizens of Heliopolis. The city-state has been called "City of the Sun". It is a closed city-state on the west coast that does not welcome commerce or communication with other city-states within the Federation. It was the classified nature of your parents research that was responsible for Heliopolis changing it’s status from an "open" to a "closed" or "forbidden" city-state".

"What was the nature of my parents research", Tobal asked curiously?

"I am not at liberty to talk about it", said his uncle sadly. "Perhaps later, when you are older you will be able to learn more. I was the one that found your parent's bodies and attempted to continue their research after their deaths. There was a terrible accident in which your aunt Lilly was killed and I was left paralyzed. I was forced to close the entire project down as being too risky and dangerous to continue".

"It was a very difficult time for me personally", his uncle said. "Your aunt Lilly and I loved each other very much and I grieved her death for many years as well as grieving the loss of your parents. I promised your parents I would take care of you if anything ever happened and I’ve done the best I could. I know I haven’t been around here as much as I should have but I’ve put you in the best schools and made sure you’ve had the best teachers. You have done well and I am very proud of you but I can never take the place of your real parents".

"How did my parents die", Tobal asked? "Why didn’t you ever tell me about this before"?

"Nobody really knows how they died", his uncle whispered, a tormented look in his eyes. "There was an air sled accident over a lake. I found them dead and floating in the water. There was no formal investigation due to the classified nature of their research. It was considered a Federation secret. Asking too many questions got a person in trouble really fast. I've always felt there was something wrong about the way they died but I could never prove anything and it was only a few weeks later that I was crippled. It seems someone really wanted to stop the research project. I’m sorry son", he added. "But I’m risking imprisonment just telling you this much".

"What is important to think about is that your parents wanted this for you. They wanted you to "claim sanctuary" and become a citizen of Heliopolis. They believed that by going there you would be able to know who they were and what they believed in. Since you refuse to finish the year out and graduate from Tavistock Educational, I’m offering this to you. I’ve already spoken to the school and you have earned enough credits for an early graduation".

He looked sternly at Tobal and there was a trace of anger in his gray eyes. "I had to call in some pretty big favors. You have no idea how many strings I had to pull so your name will appear with this spring’s graduating class. It’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Grow up and move on. Do something with your life that your parents would be proud of".

Tobal’s dark eyes flashed in anger but lowered as they met the burning intensity of his uncle’s glare.

"Are you a citizen of Heliopolis, like my parents"?

"No, I was a Federation officer in charge of security. I never applied for citizenship although I could have. After my accident I was retired, although they would send for me occasionally to consult with", he added bitterly. "That was several years ago, but now it seems there is renewed interest in your parent’s work. I was just out there and they are talking about opening the program up again after all these years. Maybe you can find out more when you get there. If you learn something keep me informed ok"?

Tobal gripped the medallion and letter tightly. "I will", he promised through tears. In a choked voice he asked," When can I leave for Old Seattle"?

"You’re not going to Old Seattle", his uncle said. "You’re going directly to Heliopolis where the sanctuary program is".

"But the letter tells me to go to Old Seattle", Tobal was confused. "I’m supposed to take the medallion and letter to someone my parents knew. That’s what I need to do first. They will know what I need to do next. That’s what the letter says". He looked stubbornly at his uncle.

"There is no one to meet at Old Seattle", his uncle barked. "They are all dead! All of your parent’s friends are dead. They have been dead for fifteen years! I am buying you an air bus ticket for Heliopolis and that is where you are going. That is where the sanctuary program is. Do you understand me"?

"Yes sir", Tobal replied meekly, shaken by his uncle’s outburst.

He remained quiet but inside he was seething and planning how he was going to exchange his air bus ticket destination for Old Seattle. That’s where his parents had told him to go and that is where he was going

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