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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1086405
This is a story of my life.
#415483 added March 26, 2006 at 9:09pm
Restrictions: None
My Life Part 6
On March 15 Mom and Dad went to the store. They went to Kroger’s and Dad wasn’t feeling good but he didn’t tell Mom. I got up and took the kids to school and Randy and I had a fight and I took the phone off the hook. Mom and Dad was at Sharonville meat store, Flege Daryl Quality Meats, Dad Fell and had a massive Heart attack. Mom called me and Cindy. Cindy was at work so she went to the hospital. I was not answering my phone so Mom called Ella Bustle and she came over and told me to put my phone back on the hook dad was hurt. I hung up the phone and it rang for 10 minutes everyone telling me to get to the hospital. Ashley was a baby and I thought I need Sarah to go with me to watch Ashley so I can go back and see Dad. I picked Sarah up and she keep saying “GRANDPA’S DEAD” I told her to shut up I was not told he had a heart attack. We went to Bethesda North hospital and they told us to go into a Family room and I said is daddy ok Cindy and Aunt Sue said no he’s dead. Both Sarah and I screamed and I felt Cindy grab me and Aunt Sue grabbed Sarah to calm us down. I was in sock. We got to go see Dad and hug him while he was warm. Rev. Campbell prayed and we left to go home. Mom, Cindy and I went to the Funeral home on Thursday, Mom picked out a nice casket. Dad was laid out on Friday March 17, 1995 St. Patrick’s Day. His favorite color was green so all the green flowers were weird.
We buried dad at Oak Hill cemetery. All of Lockland Church of the Nazarene, all the Hadlee’s and both of dad’s Sister’s family came. Some of Cindy’s friends and a few of my friends came.
Randy and I bowled with Landmark Baptist Teams. One of our fellow bowlers passed away 1 month after dad died. Same Funeral Home it was hard but I liked the guy so I went to his funeral.
Easter in April 1995 we went to Church and went to the School House Restaurant. Mom was with us. Mom told me she wanted to tell me a secret that Dad didn’t tell me. Mom told me that Glenn and Jill told Dad that Jeff had AIDS and he was dieing. I cried so hard I couldn’t eat I was so upset.


This was a changing year I started a new job at Super America in Hartwell. I worked third shift. I hated it. Norma Jean Hawl died 10-04-1996, this was Sarah Grandmother on her Dad's side. Randy worked at Speedway in Nicholasville. We were separated a lot this year NOT good.I have one wonderful memory of Nicholsville, Randy and I stayed in a Hotel and had the best sex of our married life. Fred & I were robbed on October 22. Fred was robbed but no one was hurt and the guy only got 75.00 or less. I dropped Fred money for him he had like 600.00 before I dropped his money.
I meet a guy that came into SA every night that actually was a Princeton High Classmate, he was telling me he was getting this awesome job at Panasonic Copier company. I ask him if they had any other jobs besides working on copiers and he told me he thought they were hiring and truck driver. So Randy went to Panasonic and got an awesome job making really good money. He worried for Panasonic for 5 years. It was a big step up.
Best thing about 1996 was we MOVED out of that dump. We moved to a very nice Apt. It was called Hunter’s Glen. It is a nice complex but we were kicked out because I didn’t write down the child support.

We moved to another apt. complex that was in Sharonville. Ashley continued to do very good in her new schools. The two years we lived in Paige East, Sarah and I fought a lot. She dropped out of school her senior year at Princeton High School.
I was working at Cal-Crim and Randy was working at Panasonic. I was addicted to AOL. If I wasn’t at work I was on-line. I don’t know how my house didn’t fall apart. I know I didn’t send anytime with my family at all. I had about 15 good friends on-line. I would talk to them on the phone . Randy and I fought a lot. Randy and I opened are marriage for one affair. Now that I think of it I don’t know why we did this.
Randy was chatting with a lady from Louisiana. She was a big lady I think around 300 pounds. Her name was Lisa.
She came to Cincinnati over Memorial weekend and they stayed together in a hotel all three days. I was never off on the weekend but for some stupid reason I was off that weekend. I heard Randy tell her he loved her that hurt a lot. She went back home and called saying she was pregnant and it was Randy’s. I meet a few guys and slept with 5 or six guys but only enjoyed one guy he was a young guy named Shawn. Shawn and I had sex at a hotel about 3 times. He worked at a hotel and I’d see him at his lunch break. I don’t know if he got married or not. Randy and I made up and promised no more cheating. We started looking for a home. I was still talking on-line but not like I was. I slowed down. I quit Cal-Crime and Started at Guardark for P&G and I loved my job.
We looked at Houses. Randy hurt his knee he was on crushes. We were looking at houses in Springdale and Colerain Township. There was one house we really liked. It needed some work but we liked the house. We put a bide on it.

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