NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry | I guess anything is possible, but I'm just not convinced that the aforementioned Blog is from an honest to goodness, regular, everyday person of the female gender from Baghdad. A tag on the top right hand cornor of her blog reads: Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation. I'm still reading, but the writing is too perfect. Her English too American-lly correct. I don't believe she was educated in Iraqi. I'm not even sure I'm convienced she Iraqi - I don't care how many times she refers to her cousins, aunts, and uncles. NOPE... this blog seems to appear to be too linked to too many other well-known American published media. Somebody tell me I'm wrong. I'm not saying that what is being said in this blog is not true. I'm just concerned... It's a well written blog. It's interesting, but this "Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation." has me wondering... I probably shouldn't be concerned... but I am. If this blogger is a media professional, a paid journalist, or something other than just a "girl blogging from Iraqi" - my opinion is that "We should be told...the blog should indicate such, not credintials per se, anyone is entitled to Blog... I just haven't processed through my concerns Intellectually Enough to be able to explain my own feelings to myself, much less offer any explainations to anyone reading this tiny little blip in the scheme of things" I'll have to get back to you on this. Okay, I'm done for now. Sincerely, The Critic UPDATE So shoot me, I was WRONG... Excerpt from Girl Blog from Baghdad: "About Riverbend A lot of you have been asking about my background and the reason why my English is good. I am Iraqi- born in Iraq to Iraqi parents, but was raised abroad for several years as a child. I came back in my early teens and continued studying in English in Baghdad- reading any book I could get my hands on. Most of my friends are of different ethnicities, religions and nationalities. I am bilingual. There are thousands in Iraq like me- kids of diplomats, students, ex-patriots, etc." As to my connection with Western culture… you wouldn’t believe how many young Iraqi people know so much about American/British/French pop culture. They know all about Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Pitt, Whitney Houston, McDonalds, and M.I.B.s… Iraqi tv stations were constantly showing bad copies of the latest Hollywood movies. (If it’s any consolation, the Marines lived up to the Rambo/ Terminator reputation which preceded them.)" But no matter what- I shall remain anonymous. I wouldn’t feel free to write otherwise. I think Salam and Gee are incredibly brave… who knows, maybe one day I will be too. You know me as Riverbend, you share a very small part of my daily reality- I hope that will suffice." But I was pretty much correct when I said that I didn't believe she was educated solely in Baghdad! I got the above except from one of earliest archived blogs... I suggest it's ALL WORTH READING... Oh, and I got the original link to her blog right here on Writing.Com in the Debate Forum. |