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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/416705-Kantoku-The-Pride-Parade
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#416705 added April 19, 2006 at 9:28pm
Restrictions: None
Kantoku. The Pride Parade.
SPRING: 12 Bahá (1 April)

I suspect the Story Master and Mistress have been hitting the proverbial bottle of White-Out! *Paste*

In my inbox:


Now ain't that poetic! These were for four consecutive (straight may not be the right word) emails Andrew sent me yesterday. What a gas.

Maybe the Story Master and Mistress are sucking on the old helium balloon as well? *Balloon5*

I may even use the above for a poem. It has a nice rhythm: XxXx XxXx XxXx XxX

Weather here whedder ya wanna know or not: 73 and warm.

Weather in Tulsa where my dear friend Gary Glenn resides: 81!

Sketched yesterday as a haiku, but now a cinquain:

Last trip to Fuji

One grey-
haired pile of rags
wanders down moonlit paths,
in homage, white cherry blossoms

Now don't you-all love your friends who'll take 5 or 10 precious minutes of their busy life to sign up for an account just to leave messages on your ever-loving blog? Gotta love them, eh?

Ryan Carroll [kantoku] left me a message on yesterday's entry. So, let me tell you about him:

He's a student of film, as in making and producing or just plain showing up in one. He's in CSA, filmed locally.

He comes from a long line of tall leprecauns. He likes short slender women with dark hair, but isn't intimidated by a bit of height, or light hair, or ... *Bigsmile*. He comes from the Ozarks and wants to marry someone he isn't related to. He was adopted, so basically anyone from another continent will do. He speaks Japanese, which will help. With his blond hair and blue eyes, I'm sure he can pass.

He genuinely likes me! So ... I don't know if I trust his taste in friends. I am old enough to be his father and that is actually a good thing. I'm not expected to keep up with his style of partying. (I think it would kill me, to tell you the truth.)

Anyway, I'm truthfully thankful to have a friend who'll take the 10 minutes out of a busy (party-party) life to think of me ... now I just wish I could convince some other friends *Cry*.

And Nada, I just might start calling Ryan, Phyllis!

*Balloon1*          *Balloon2*          *Balloon3*          *Balloon4*

I got a nice c-note from SilverValkyre loves YOU! today. Is today the day everyone is nice to me?

*Balloon6*          *Balloon3*          *Balloon4*          *Balloon5*

The Gay Pride Parade was today. Kami saw me sitting in Aimée's just when I was thinking about it. Her partner, Michaela Eodice, showed up and joked how she was there to haul me off back to Buffalo (where she's from too). You-all should've seen the look of horror on my face *Shock*. I want desparately to see some of my family and friends but never want to live in that God-forsaken place ever again. Too much pain associated with my childhood, my youth, my working-life *Cry*. Not enough joy to balance it out; not enough years of life left to EVER balance it out. I was born there, died there, left there, returned and died again. I'm not a cat. Feline in some ways yes, but I don't have enough lifetimes to live in that corner of Hell again. Which, of course is what I'm literally doing now anyways *Frown*, different flavor of shit, different corner. However, I never could be myself in Buffalo. Tried. Failed.

Anyway, Kami and Michaela were going to march in the parade, so I joined them.


... pause ...

... coughing ...

... my friends choking ...

... pc family dropping dead in front of the pc ...

... John Wayne turning over in his grave, arse up ...


*Bigsmile* Rita, Ruth, David and a whole bunch of other friends laughing and applauding *Bigsmile*.

There were about 200. I knew a few from K.U. and town, but most I didn't. It was a 'participatory' parade instead of a spectator parade like July 4th or St. Patrick's Day. I spoke about Brokeback mountain with Michaela most of the way. She and Kami suggested "Latter Day" as Kami was once Mormon and the ending is even happy. (Picture that!)

Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera. So no pictures of the balloons or smiling faces of my two friends.


Now, I'm waiting for a comment form: MontalFerco, MantelForca, MantelFerca, MentalFarce ... whoever ...

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/416705-Kantoku-The-Pride-Parade