Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/417637-The-Best-Gifts-are-Memories
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1070119
It's all her fault.
#417637 added April 5, 2006 at 10:04pm
Restrictions: None
The Best Gifts are Memories
Grandpa went into the parlor and brought the coffee pot out. As we all sat in the kitchen, eating our choice of pie, I thought to myself, Gosh, I’ve probably gained twenty pounds while I’ve been here. After we were done, Grandpa told us to pack up a lot of the food to take with us, that he couldn’t eat it all before it went bad, and he didn’t like to see food go to waste. As we divided the leftovers into bowls to take home with us, I wondered if we’d get to come back soon. After all, we need to bring him his bowls back.

Mom suggested we sing some Christmas songs, “Just like old times when I was a kid, Dad.” My dad mumbled and groaned; he didn’t like to sing. He could play guitar and bass, though, and so could my mom. The two of them played guitar together at church.

We all headed back into the front room. Grandpa said to my mom, “Hayes’ other guitar is in the closet in my room. Why don’t you go and get it, either you or Glen can play it.” My Uncle Hayes left one of his guitars there so he didn’t have to carry it back and forth with him when he came to visit. That, and you never knew when the music was going to start with Grandpa or down at Dewy’s.

Mom went into Grandpa’s room and came back out carrying a guitar case. Dad said he would play it (so he wouldn’t have to sing). Dad took the guitar out of its case, placed it on his knee, and with a few strums and key tweaks, it was in tune.

“Let’s warm up with Away in a Manger,” Grandpa said, “because it’s Christmas Day.” They started playing and we joined in singing. This went on for quite some time and everyone was enjoying themselves.

Grandpa said, “It looks like it’s starting to get dark. You’re all welcome to spend the night here if you like.”

Mom quickly looked out the window. “Oh, my, we have to get back,” she said. “We’re expecting Hayes to come by. He said he would be there around nine or so.”

“Well, tell Hayes I said Merry Christmas,” said Grandpa, “and that I’ll see him on New Years Eve.”

“Yes, Hayes said he was coming over to spend New Years with you.”

“Yep, I’m lookin’ forward to it.”

Dad put Uncle Hayes’ guitar back into its case and Mom took it back to Grandpa’s room while we went into the kitchen to get the food to carry out to the car. When we came back in, Mom had her coat on and was holding her box that contained a gift promised long ago. We went into our bedroom and got our suitcases, then back out to the car where Dad was waiting to put them into the trunk.

Grandpa came out onto the porch, proudly wearing his new coat and hat. Mom was still there with him as the rest of us came back to say our goodbyes. My dad shook Grandpa’s hand and thanked him for everything and my brothers did the same. Mom kissed him on his cheek and I ran up and hugged him as he patted me on the back. I stepped back and thanked him for the very best Christmas ever.

Grandpa said, “Thank you for making it mine, too.”

I went out and got into the car, then Lanny and Lenny got in. Like always, I was stuck in the middle. We all hollered out of the rolled-down windows, “Merry Christmas!” and waved. Grandpa hollered back, “Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!”

Dad put the car in gear and we backed out of the driveway. As we started to head down the hill, I looked out the back window. I could see Grandpa still there on the porch. As I watched, he picked up a stick, reached into his pocket, and sat down in one of the chairs.

The Christmas lights around the porch, the tree in the window, and Grandpa breaking in a new knife: a picture I will carry with me always, just like his gift that I still carry in my pocket.

The End (of this story anyway!)

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