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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#419694 added April 16, 2006 at 1:54pm
Restrictions: None
ENFP, what are you?
SPRING: 7 Jalál (15 April)

Weather where I am: 76 and pleasant, humid.

Weather in Fayetteville, North Carolina: 83 and getting hot.

Weather in Malmö, Sweden: 52 and Spring! Nice.

Spoke to my Aunt Dot in North Carolina. Two days of scorchers coming up! Then it'll be nice. She's concerned what the weather will be for her flight on the 27th. Too soon to tell. She's hoping for calm skies aloft. As ex-Air-Force she would know ...

Personality testing

There is an interesting website I learned about years ago from a friend, Nathan Clark:


It is based on Keirsey's findings and book: 'Please Understand Me'. For those familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality tests and Carl Jung, this should not be news.

The premise, of course, is that we humans are all different, yet can be divided up into groups based on how we interact with each other. People within a group will have more in common in how they perceive and interact with life.

The basic four categories are Guardian, Artisan, Rationalist, Idealist. I'm ENFP, an Idealist, the "Champion". Although at times, I act more like the "Healer", (INFP).

There's a 'test' there, the 'temperment sorter'.


It helped me realize that I am who I am, a concept I still struggle with (maybe I Am INFP?). In any case there is some interesting information there.


I = more introverted, loves being alone
E = more extroverted, loves a crowd

N = authentic or autonomous, looks inside
S = more social, looks around

T = more thinking, more brain
F = more feeling, more heart

P = more perceptive, more flexible
J = more scheduled, more organized

Each of the 16 subcategories has their strengths and weaknesses.

Me: http://keirsey.com/personality/nfep.html

Ns tend to be authentic, autonomous, sometimes borderline autistic. They don't like going along to get along, because ... well because! I want to be who I am, not what someone else wants me to be. Ss are more flexible in this way. I'm a definate N. No questions on this one. It is a gift and a curse. Not everyone is amused when I am being stubborn, for instance.

Fs tend to be more passionate, ruled by the emotions of the heart. Yep, that's me. You 'killing' folk (a characteristic of ENTJ, like my friend Nathan)? I'm counting the dead bodies and pleading, "Can't we all get along? Isn't there a better way?" This helps my poetry but makes me a real pain in the arse.

Ps are more flexible. A bit of dirt? What's a bit of dirt! Crop farmers and artists tend to be P more than J. I'm P. Once again, great for my poetry, but not if you expect me to remember an appointment and arrive on time! (Js have watches and actually use them I hear! "Mommy, what's a watch?")

E versus I? 'E's love social environments. 'I's prefer to be alone or with a few people. Now I could be wrong on this! (Me, wrong *Laugh*) I seek out people. At times I'm a manic social butterfly, a definate E! But I also find too many people overwhelming. I prefer one-on-one. I cherish my 'alone' moments, but just don't want too many of them! I'm probably more E.

Hope that some of you will share what you are! It actually helps with communication and understanding others motivations.

Like there have been no Idealist presidents *Shock*; think Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi and it makes some sense.

Lots of Guardian presidents, like Carter and Bush the 1st. And Artisans, like LBJ, JFK, Regan and Clinton. Even Rationalists: Eisenhower and Lincoln.

Check out: http://keirsey.com/presidents.html to be amused.

Someone at WDC has an eentry on this (In&Out?) but I cannot find it.


Green-brown-purple shimmer of a starling; shadow of a redbud tree; new red-brown leaves of maple; frolic of the cabbage moths; red plastic cup; dandy-puffs (or its that lion-puffs?); shiveled tulip petals; pale pink-and-green tulips; corn-plant in a pot on a porch; a beetle the color of hematite crossing the dessert of the parking lot.

Sometimes what I sense can lead to a poetic moment the I try to catch with words. This was sketched this morning.

Nomad in the desert of concrete

A beetle the color of hematite,
crosses the dessert of the parking lot,
One lone beetle, a shielded sherman tank,
a crawling carapace, a bead of lead.
What does it seek in this desert of concrete:
a mite, a crevice, where to hide from heat?

Through this spance as wide as flat salt pans,
it scurries past and I resist the urge
to transport it to the bamboo trees of unmown grass,
wide parasols of gold, the landing pads of bees,
the soil that roils from the dreams of worms.

What does it seek, this desert nomad clad in grey,
Will it flee the floods when come the rains?
Will it seek respite under gold umbrellas? [163.62]

Where are you?

There are two sites I know of the list where some of us are. Interesting to find out there is someone in your town or state.

"Where in The World...

"Invalid Item

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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