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The Unimaginable I've lived a sheltered life. In reading other people's blogs, specifically susanL and kelly1202, at least for today, I read with wide, astonished eyes, barely able to comprehend their pain, frustrations, et al. But they write with such passion and honesty, I now know to never jump to conclusions about people, good or bad. There are reasons, valid reasons, people react the way they do in given circumstances. Plus, the gal I met at the writer's conference and mentioned earlier wrote me with a part of her life story. Again, she has experiences that make me wonder, "How did you get through it without going insane?" But we do. In the end, we have no choice. Small Actions/Big Influences I received an email today from a member who asked me to review something else he recently posted. He explained he wanted me to, because he so appreciated my detailed critique of his previous item. I had to do some research and found I had reviewed that item back in September. Even then I had little recollection of the story. Once I visited his port, however, I remembered. A small action on my part apparently left a big mark on him. Just goes to show how our actions, large or small can impact on people in lasting ways. More reason to always be kind and respectful to others. We never know at the time how the recipient will carry what we do or say. Not everyone will let us know just what that influence was, so 'tis better to act on the safe side. Enough preaching. Got work to do! |