Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428840-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428840 added May 27, 2006 at 3:38pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 3
As soon as the boys touched down on the parking lot in front of the cafeteria, they immediately took their backpacks off, as they hurried towards the main door to the hall. When they walked in, they were greeted by Mr. Staples, who let out a sigh of relief when he saw the two missing campers.

“Where were you guys?” he asked. “You guys had me scared to death! Luckily, Wesley told me that you were on your way back over here, or else I would’ve organized a search party to come looking for you!”

“I’m sorry, Mister Staples… We had lost track of time…” Jamie offered contritely.

“Well, I’m glad to see that you two have made it back! Now, hurry along… Both of you pick up a tray and get in line. Almost everybody has eaten already! Most of the kids are already back in their cabin, or watching TV in the main lounge area. After you’re done eating, I want you to go back to your cabins right away, so that the rest of your roommates know that you’re okay!” the counselor instructed the two boys. “Don’t stay up too late tonight, because we’ll be going fishing early in the morning!”

“Yes sir…” Greg replied politely, as he grabbed two empty rays from the rack set alongside the start of the serving line.

Greg handed one tray to Jamie before placing his own on the counter before him. The two boys scooped up the last bit of leftover spaghetti, before heading to one of the empty tables.

Luckily, neither boy realized that Wesley was standing right outside of the building, watching them using his x-ray vision. Jamie was too preoccupied getting his food, to wonder about Wes’ whereabouts or whether or not he might be eavesdropping on them with his super vision and super hearing.

“Jamie, I’m just really concerned about Wesley, you know?” Greg said to his buddy, as they both took their seats, facing each other. All the other kids had already eaten and had gone back to their cabins. Jamie and Greg were the last two people in the cafeteria.

“Don’t worry about it, Greggy!” Jamie assured him. “By the time we get home, I bet Wesley will have long forgotten about this. Don’t worry, he won’t say anything…”

“I hope so, Supes…” Greg sighed. “I really do hope so…”

“Wesley isn’t the type of person to hold a grudge.” Jamie replied quietly, as he took a big scoop of spaghetti. “He may look really mad, but he really isn’t. His bark is far worse than his bite! Don’t worry!”

“Hah!” Greg protested. “You’re not worried. Obviously, Wesley can’t do anything to hurt you, Supes! In my case, he can cause me a lot of pain, just by flashing his heat vision at me!”

“Greg!” Jamie exclaimed defensively, “Wes would NEVER hurt you! He would never hurt anyone; any more than I would!” “I know he seemed really angry at you. C’mon, Greggy, I thought you knew Wesley better than that!”

“Okay…” Greg sighed. In the back of his mind, though, he didn’t see it as a good idea, to get on the bad side of a kid, of ANYONE with super powers….

* * *

The boys awakened early at the sound of the camp claxon. In response, the campers lined up at the entrance to the main cabins. There were 32 boys and 43 girls in the group, which consisted of the children of several churches. From their separate cabins, the campers were mustered into a large group. Seven counselors escorted the group on a trek down a popular hiking trail leading to the edge of a large lake about three miles from the camp.

Greg and Jamie were together, as usual. They were delighted when they came across the ideal spot to pitch their tent for the night.

“Jamie! You know that they’re gonna let us sleep in our tents tonight out here by the lake” Greg asked his best friend excitedly.

“Well… We don’t have to sleep in tents! We just need to let Mr. Staples know if we want to sleep outside or not. But, I’m perfectly happy sleeping in the cabin, to be real honest with you…” Jamie responded.

“Oh come on!” Greg coaxed. “Where is your sense of adventure? We’re leaving tomorrow! This is our last night! Let’s camp out and sleep in our tent tonight!”

Jamie rolled his eyes a little and just returned a smile.

“Come on, Supy! You’ll be sleeping in your own bed tomorrow night, okay? Let’s camp out and sleep in a tent tonight!” Greg insisted.

He knew that it wasn’t all that hard to convince his buddy to do something. Furthermore, Jamie just giggled at Greg’s new nickname for him: “Supy”. He came up with it, since Superman’s nickname was “Supes”.

“I’ll ask Mr. Staples if we can get a tent to use tonight! I think this area right here, near the shore of the lake, will be perfect! Let’s set up camp tonight here, and we’ll heat up some soup or some chili or something!” Greg added. “What do you say, Jamie? Are you in?”

“I’m in…” he sighed. Greg had managed to talk him into something again.

The kids marched back to the cafeteria, where they enjoyed a hearty breakfast. They were all hungry and thirsty, so the breakfast with eggs and pancakes, milk and juice did them all some good!

After breakfast, the kids enjoyed their free time. Greg and Jamie hung out in the lounge. There were video game machines, a pool table, a large screen TV set, and several tables for playing board games, backgammon, checkers, or chess.

Greg and Jamie got together with Andy, Brian. The four boys played several rounds of Monopoly, poker, and various other card games, before the counselors announced that it was time to line up for lunch. That afternoon, the kids were served soup, salad, and lasagna.

“Hey, Jamie!” Greg said, as he sat down right next to his buddy. “According to the schedule, we can go fishing, or we can get together and play games at the athletic center!”

“Well, we can also go fishing when we camp out by the lake tonight, can’t we?” Jamie asked him.

“Sure! So, why don’t we hang out at the athletic center this afternoon?”

“Okay…” Jamie replied. He resolved to take things slow, and to try hard not to stand out too much in any of the games.

To be continued

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