Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428868-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428868 added May 27, 2006 at 3:56pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 27
Greggy pulled off his power ring and slipped it into his hip pocket. Immediately the weakness and feverishness left him.

Momentarily, he mused, “Too bad THEY can’t get out of a jam as easily as this!”

“I gotta get rid of those rocks, right NOW!” he murmured.

He removed Jamie’s cape and used it to gather up the meteor fragments into a makeshift bundle. He managed to retrieve nearly all of them. Then he proceeded to put as much distance as he could between himself and Jamie and Wes.

But, strangely, the weakness that had subsided substantially when he’d first removed his power ring seemed to have come back stronger than before! Greggy’s mind was clouded with confusion.

“I don’t understand. I took the ring off. What’s happening to me? Why am I feeling sick? That stuff isn’t supposed to affect me like it does Jamie and Wes.”

He dropped Jamie’s cape, wrapped like a bundle about the poisonous meteorite fragments and staggered about another five meters before collapsing to the ground unconscious.

Moments later, Jamie regained consciousness. He shook the cobwebs from his head. He saw Wes sprawled alongside just regaining consciousness. Momentarily, Wes was alert.

Jamie asked, “Where’s Greg! Greggy!” Jamie screamed in anguish. He saw his friend lying face down in the grass about twenty five meters away.

“Greg! GREGGY!!!” Jamie shouted, when he spotted him lying on top of his cape.

“Let’s get him inside… now!” Wes ordered, as he wrapped his arms around Greg’s waist.

“Do you need my help?” Jamie asked.

“I got him,” Wes replied, as he lifted Greg’s body off the grass cradling in his arms.

Jamie quickly attached his cape to his uniform, as he followed Wesley back into grandma’s store.

When Jamie and Wesley walked into the store, Esther was still busy cleaning up.

“Oh, heavens! What happened to him?” she asked, when Wesley and Jamie showed up at her door, Wes carrying Greggy in his arms.

Jamie explained, “Greggy had this meteorite he found. He was struck by lightning! Wes and I passed out and I guess Greggy did too. It was the meteorite. It’s very toxic to us. But now Greggy is still unconscious! And we don’t know why. It shouldn’t have affected him like it did us.”

“Ahh… The prophecy is about to be fulfilled! My home is right behind the store here. Let’s take him over there and put him to bed.” she instructed to the two super boys.

Wes carried Greggy to Esther’s house behind the store and made his way to the small guest bedroom, with Jamie and Esther following behind. Wes laid Greggy on the bed as Esther reassured him and Jamie, “He’ll be alright”.

Esther said, as she examined the boy’s head. “He’ll need to take it easy for the next couple of days…”

Jamie and Wesley stayed with Greg until he regained consciousness. Greg complained of a splitting headache, but he was feeling alright besides that.

Wesley flew back to Metropolis, while Jamie remained with Greg at Esther’s house. They planned to drive back to Metropolis the following day. At first, the boys had decided not to tell their parents anything, unless Greg started to feel anything strange or unusual. Greg retrieved the power ring from his pocket and handed it back to Jamie.

Greggy felt weak during the long drive home. He slept on the back seat of the SUV while Jamie and Carrie played cards. They had no idea what had really happened to Greg. Nobody noticed anything unusual during the trip back to Metropolis, since Greggy remained asleep during the entire trip.

With the permission of Jamie’s parents and Greggy’s parents, Greg spent the first night back in Metropolis at the Kent’s, while sleeping in Jamie’s room, on the top bunk.

The following morning, Wesley went to work at his part time job at a nearby grocery store. Jamie and Greg spent the morning at home. Jamie had just started toasting some bread for their breakfast.

Greg’s gaze was fixed on a slice of bread remaining on the plate. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his eyes. The sensation was one of searing heat although it was not painful in the least. Almost subconsciously, Greg released the energy burst into the slice of bread instantly incinerating it! The boy mused that he could just as easily have suppressed the wayward blast of energy but he’d had no idea what it was.

The bread had been reduced to black ash by Greggy’s fiery glance.

In shock, Greg continued gazing at the pile of ash on the badly charred plate.

“Greg! What happened? What’s the matter?” Jamie asked. Greggy’s face was white as a sheet. “You look like you just saw a ghost!’

“Did you see that? Did you see that?” Greg exclaimed to his best friend.

Jamie spotted the ash that had been the slice of bread and the charred plate.

“Wait a minute. Greggy! What… What happened? What did you do?” Jamie asked him.

“I don’t know! I glanced at that slice of bread and it just went up in a flash!”

“Uh, Greggy. Yeah. You gotta be real careful with that” Jamie explained. “Sometimes if your vision gets fixated on something, like that slice of bread, you can feel an energy buildup behind your eyes. You can control it easily enough, but, dude, you GOTTA remember to DO that. Just suppress it and that kind of thing won’t happen. And you can channel it and control it with just a little practice. But WAIT! I thought you gave the ring back to me before we left Gulf Bree…”

Jamie’s voice trailed off as Greggy held up his right hand. He was NOT wearing his power ring.

Both Greg and Jamie gasped at the same time, when they realized that Greg wasn’t wearing the ring around his finger at all!

Jamie added. “And I’m not wearing MY power ring. Even if you WERE wearing yours, unless I’m wearing mine too, you wouldn’t be getting any of my power. It takes two to ‘tango’ with that! What’s going on here? How did that happen?” Jamie wondered out loud.

I… I don’t know!” Greggy replied.

“I-I-I think we’d better tell my dad about this…” Jamie stuttered, not knowing what to say in reply. “Something must have happened to you, when we were still in Florida. Your grandma did say something about ‘the prophecy.’”

“I was wondering about that…” Greg whispered. “I’ve had a splitting headache ever since that happened… I’ve just been feeling really weird since then…”

“Well… Let’s wait for my dad to get home from work. He’ll be here for lunch. I think he needs to examine you, just to be sure you’re alright…” Jamie replied softly. “Let’s just stay calm and stay home. My dad should be home in an hour or so…”

To be continued

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