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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/429070-Post-of-the-Century
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #976498
Zee Journal!
#429070 added May 28, 2006 at 2:55pm
Restrictions: None
Post of the Century.
Not really..but it will be a bit long.

It's Sunday, and I have finally had a good nights rest in the longest time.

I spent Friday and Saturday out paintballing with my coworkers. A lot of fun, even if I have about 13 defined welts that spring to life in shuddering pain whenever I try to sit down.

Work has been...well...work. Things are crazy at the office ever since Black Thursday as we like to call it. For those that don't know, my office laid off about half it's Collection's staff. I was spared and so were most of my friends...but not all survived. Somehow my boss saw something in me worth keeping, even if I count myself along side the poor collectors.

Branching off this topic is a weirder side. I became friends with an amazing girl at work. Her name is Celina. I've known her since my first day of training at Van Ru, and even though it wasn't really recognized until the week of Black Thursday, she had kind of a thing for me, and to be honest, I had a thing for her.

The following weekend we were supposed to help my friend LeRoy move. She was going to bring her truck to help him move with us, and then we were all going to go out and have a beer afterwards. Plans were changed though, and LeRoy was incapable of moving that day do to some problems he was having with his ex-fiance. Celina and I were still going to be going out later, but after work I wasn't able to get ahold of her on her cell.

Later that evening I began to get some weird calls. I picked my phone up on a number I've never seen before, thinking that it might have been one of my bosses(who I happened to run into at the bar we were all going to meet at). I picked it up and a Hispanic man's voice came over the phone asking me if I was Shawn. I said yes and at that moment he tells me I'm dead. I just shrug it off and hang up.

About two minutes later I receive a message from Celina's phone. I pick it up thinking she is finally returning my call, just to find the same Hispanic calling me.

I later learn that this is her ex-husband, who is nuts.

Anyways...he spends the rest of the night calling me, giving me death threats, etc. I still have them saved on my phone, but I don't hear from Celina until the following Monday.

She comes to work and tells me that her 'ex' hunted her down at her parents house, broke into the house and attacked her. She escaped the house but he took her phone from her before she could leave. Because I was the only person that had sent her a text message that day he assumed that we were together and decide to try and scare me.

Celina came to work and she just broke down. I took her outside and talked with her for a bit, and all she could say was that she was scared that he was going to come and hurt me. That he had went to jail before, and that he wasn't scared to return there.

I told her I wasn't afraid. There was no way a guy like that was going to be able to hurt me while at work(my friend LeRoy, for one, is an ex-Special Forces Sniper and he's like my brother/father). I told her she needed to report this, and she said she was going to go home because she hadn't slept in the past couple of days.

She called me the following morning, Tuesday, and I had to talk her into coming to work. She didn't.

She called one of her friends at work and told them to tell me when I came back up from break that she was quitting and that she couldn't stay there because she knew he would eventually come for me.

I haven't talked with her in two weeks. He broke her phone. I'm not sure if she's okay or not.

I learned that Sunday that my brother would also be going to Iraq. He ships out at the end of June and will be gone for a year. I'm scared to death at him going away. I've spent my whole life protecting my little brother and he is now going to a place I can't even begin to help him.

Financially, I've been fuct. I had to break down and borrow money from my parents so that I could cover my bills. Add to this that they just setup direct deposit on my paychecks at work, only to discover that this past check I got on Thursday was direct deposited to an account that wasn't mine. I'm now overdrawn on my account because of that.

Man, this turned out to be such a depressing post. Didn't mean for it to turn into that.

I'll leave you guys with a joke:

"Yo momma is so nasty, she got kicked out of Red Lobster for bringing her own crabs."

Cracks me up every time.

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