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#429583 added June 28, 2006 at 4:18pm
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Thumb's Happy List
Warning! If you don't like long happy lists filled with oodles of mindless, happy, Hallmark fluff then don't read any further. No assholes allowed past this point. *Sick*

As Dr Nick Riviera from the Simpsons would say..."Hi everybody." (If you've never heard of Dr Nick from The Simpsons TV show, try to picture a little yellow incompetent cartoon character with a goatee saying "Hi everybody", but picture him saying "Hi everybody" waaaaaay more funnily than I just wrote it)

I understand some people like lists. Awww bless 'em. This entry will be entirely dedicated to those list likin' folks. *Heart* Here then are one hundred things that made my list of things that make me happy. Of course there's waaaaaaaaaaay more than 100 things that make me happy. There are millions of things. Billions of things. (I can't help it if stuff makes me happy) This list ISN'T in any particular order either. It's just 100 random things that make me happy, so please...no death threats if your happy list doesn't precisely match my happy list. I'd hate to get killed because of this entry.


Go on. Promise. No death threats!

I'm not gonna start until you promise.

Good. Now let's get on with it then say we? (Remember these aren't in any particular order)

1/ The word funnily. I didn't even know if funnily was a real word or not until I looked it up just now. I'm pleased it is as not only does it make me happy, but it also makes me look highly educated. Only the smartest and happiest people would ever say funnily. I'll bet Queen Victoria said funnily. "We find that most funnily."

2/ Toes. I like going barefoot. I love the feel of hot sand or cool grass between my toes. Thank goodness for toes. Unlike some, I don't have any favourites. I like all my toes equally. Toes are often sadly neglected, especially when couples are being intimate. That's such a shame as toes can be very sensual and naughty too. *Wink*

3/ Freshly baked bread. Yummmmmmmm and it smells great too, snifffffff. *Heart* Some people cut the crust off but I don't. I love the crust. I'm not sure if I prefer French over Italian but whatever type it is, it should be crispy and sound hollow inside when bonking a breadboard or someone on the head with it.

4/ Travelling. I love travelling, visiting new places and experiencing new things. I don't however like travelling to any place where there's huge angry mobs burning effigies that may in any way resemble me. I also love being a homebody too but you best disregard that as being a homebody really doesn't have anything to do with travelling.

5/ The Amazing Race. Because I love travelling, airports and train stations it only stands to reason my favourite TV show would be The Amazing Race. It's the one show I would LOVE to be on, but unfortunately they don't allow Canadians to apply. What a shame. My favourite TV show is bigoted against me.

6/ Silence. Silence is very much underrated in our society. There's a time to crank it up and a time to turn it off. Unfortunately many today feel uncomfortable without something blaring in the background. Silence is soothing and should be cherished.

7/ Ponytails. Ponytails make me very happy. *Bigsmile* I've said it in other entries...I'm a hair man. Hair is the first thing I notice about a lady. I can be very fussy when it comes to hair. Ponytails are just one hairstyle that will catch my eye. I think ponytails are worn by busy and/or happy females. I can't see an unhappy female wearing a ponytail. Ponytails and a ballcap too will definitely turn my head. *Smile*

8/ Not getting eaten by crocodiles makes me happy, as does not getting kidnapped by pirates or being crushed by helicopters. (Poor Dr Ramono. I'll bet he never saw that one coming)

9/ Dr Ramono from TV's ER. He was a very sucky human being, (even for a fictional character), but I enjoyed every scene he was in. I was sorry to see him killed off. RIP you little fictitious bastard.

10/ The number 10. Ten makes me happy. I love getting a perfect 10/10 on my trivia quizzes. *Bigsmile*

11/ Waves. They can be very relaxing or very powerful. I've camped on some beaches only a stone's throw away from waves. What a wonderful way to drift off to sleep. (Except that time in Florida when we camped on top of some rock crabs and we had to move camp during the night)

12/ Cuddling. Cuddling makes me happy. It can also make me frisky, (I never did like the word horny), but cuddling needn't be all about sex. It can mean tight back hugs with my arms wrapped around a trim waist, an embrace after a snowball fight or simply walking hand in hand down a country lane.

13/ TV theme songs. There are so many to chose from. Some are the best thing about the TV show, while simply hearing others makes me want to watch that show again.

14/ Thank you's. A simple thank you can make a lot of difference. It's always nice to be acknowledged.

15/ Fuzzy sweaters. I don't mean on me. Fuzzy sweaters are very, very huggable. *Bigsmile*

16/ Trees. I love trees. All trees. I've never met a tree I didn't like. I especially love spending a lazy afternoon on a river bank under a willow or listening to palm fronds sway or climbing an oak or admiring the brilliant colours of maples in the fall, or enjoying the colour of evergreens during the cold of winter.

17/ Smiley faces. I do like my little smiley faces. *Smile* *Bigsmile* *Wink* *Sick* *Blush*

18/ Surprises. Some surprises are nice, like raisins in raisin beard or chocolate chips in ice cream, while other surprises are even VERY nicer still.

19/ Rain. Rain pattering off leaves or off an overhanging porch can be very relaxing as long as I don't have anywhere special to go. There's also something very powerful about an approaching thunderstorm and that wonderful smell in the air afterwards.

20/ Whiskers. Whiskers on little furries always make me happy. *Heart*

21/ Solitude. I love wilderness country and I also love my own company. Put the two together and I'm probably lost in the woods somewhere. *Smile* Actually I've yet to get lost. Don't you just go back the way you came? I hope I haven't jinxed myself now.

22/ Courage. It makes me happy whenever I see courage. Like that protestor who stood before those tanks in Tiananmen Square, Beijing,China in 1989 or the troops that hit the beaches of Normandy on DDay in 1944.

23/ Freshly mowed grass. What a great summer smell.

24/ Jesus. I'm not a church goer but I do consider myself a Christian. It makes me happy to know I'm loved. *Heart*

25/ My eyes. I love having brown eyes. Other eye colours are nice too but I'm very pleased I ended up with brown.

26/ Dangly earrings. Again, not for me. Chokers also make me happy.

27/ Diggin' a Hole by Big Sugar. There are many, many songs that can quickly make me smile. I chose this one to represent them all. Thank you Big Sugar. *Bigsmile*

28/ My family. Sometimes my family can make me sad or angry but I always love them and they love me...no matter what.

29/ The Wizard of Oz. Again, I chose this movie to represent all the wonderful movies out there I could watch over and over again.

30/ Having painted. This refers to my art. I like having painted versus actually painting. Some projects go better than others. I'm very pleased the way the thingys I'm currently working on are turning out. Quite happy indeed. *Smile*

31/ Raspberries. Raspberries are probably my favourite fruit. I tried picking them last summer and throughly enjoyed that.

32/ Clint Eastwood westerns. I'm not saying I would want Clint as a next door neighbour, but I do enjoy watching his westerns.

33/ Walt Disney World. Probably my most favourite place I've ever been to. I truly find it magical there.

34/ Crystal clear water. Ooooooooo crystal clear water just begs to be swum in or canoed on.

35/ The Simpsons. Again, just one of many TV programs that have made me happy. I particularly like the humour in this one.

36/ Being tired. I'm referring to being tired after exercising or because I've done something worthwhile and put my all into it. That feeling of accomplishment that comes at the end of the day when I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. (I need more days like that)

37/ Airports and train stations. Airports and trainstations make me very happy. I can't get enough of them. They're so busy and filled with emotions of people leaving loved ones behind and joyful reunions. I especially like the huge old Victorian train stations and hanging out at airports while anticipating a flight.

38/ Being trusted. Trust has to be earned. Trust along with unconditional love, are the most precious gifts a love one can give.

39/ Australia. Austrailia makes me happy. I've never been there but would love to go there one day. I can't help feeling sorry for the poor Aussies though...seems they have every poisonous critter known to man both on the land and in the surrounding seas. The evil streak in me is happy about that. It means those snakes and jellyfish are down there and not here. I know, I know...bad Thumb.

40/ Mushrooms. Not toadstools. Mushrooms. Well maybe some toadstools. (To be honest I'm not sure what's the difference) They can be quite beautiful though. They often figure in my art. *Smile*

41/ Faeries. I've always been fascinated by the wee folk.

42/ Kites. Kites force me to look up. We often ignore that whole world up there. That's where the clouds and stars live and the birds soar and the sun hangs out. Kites also don't need batteries and don't make much noise. People flying kites are seldom angry. The world can use more kites.

43/ Book stores. There are other worlds inside every bookstore. All the wealth of human knowledge as well as their dreams and nightmares. Book stores are wonderful places.

44/ Tiny cars. I love tiny cars. I always have. I love their tiny wheels and their great gas mileage.

45/ Laughing. It's fun to laugh. I'd much rather laugh than cry.

46/ Dryer clothes. Clothes fresh out the dryer smell sooooooo good don't they?

47/ Knowing. Knowing exactly what to do or say is a rare thing. Life doesn't come with an operator's manual. Those occasions when I feel I've made the right decision and can live with that decision make me happy.

48/ Witty banter. I've always been impressed by quick comebacks. Bob Hope and Bing Crosby were masters of witty banter.

49/ Online friends. You know who you are. *Heart*

50/ Green. Green things make me happy. Usually. Green milk on my cereal wouldn't but most things green make me smile.

51/ Accents. I pretty well love all accents. Accents are sexy and sometimes exotic but not always. I imagine Santa must have an accent but I wouldn't consider him sexy or exotic. Some accents are sexy and exotic then.

52/ Fishing. But without the fishing. Let me explain (hopefully without getting too preachy). I used to fish quite a bit but then I gave up all bloodsports. I figured even if I was catching and releasing it probably wasn't a whole lot of fun for the fish. It's gotta hurt having a hook embedded in the inside of your mouth. I figure if fish could scream there'd be a lot less fishing. I do however still LOVE all those great fishing holes fisherman like to visit. Being in those places was always the best part anyways for me. (Remember...no death threats. You promised)

53/ Road trips. Probably the best part of road trips is just before starting out and years later remembering them.

54/ Cool sheets. Whether they be satin, silk, cotton, or flannel, I like the feel of fresh sheets.

55/ Bombs and rat poison. I don't get off on killing things and that makes me happy.

56/ Soft ice cream cones dipped in chocolate. Yummmm. *Bigsmile*

58/ Purring. What a wonderful way for Cricket to tell me he loves me. I also love it when he rubs up against my leg. *Heart*

59/ Christmastime. My favourite holiday. The most magical time of year. All those twinkling lights on the tree. The wrapping and presents.

60/ Bugs. Bugs make me very happy. I love to give and get bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. Did I say bugs? I meant to say hugs.

61/ Egyptian nights. I've never been to Egypt but I'm sure I'd like their nights.

62/ Butterflies. What's not to like?

63/ Porn. Oops. Wrong list.

64/ Museums. Call me a geek but I love museums. Of course I love some museums more than others. I usually love spending hours in them and I revisit them too.

65/ Woodworking. I've always really enjoyed working with wood. I'm currently combining my art and woodworking. So far I'm very pleased with the results. *Heart*

66/ Tiptoeing. Tiptoeing makes me happy as it allows me to get close without being detected.

67/ Bubbles. Bubbles are beautiful and sure to make me smile.

68/ Magnets. Magnets are interesting things. They seem to have their own laws that govern them. They can both attract and repell, but only certain things. They are most interesting things indeed.

69/ Beach balls and flip flops. Just seeing colourful beachballs and flip flops makes me think of the beach and the beach ALWAYS makes me happy.

70/ Money. I don't live for money. Money isn't my God nor do I use it to measure my worth. Time is much more valuable to me than money. I would however love to be able to donate much more to some of the worthy causes I already support.

71/ Candles. Aaaaaaaaaw candles. What a perfect way to instantly create a little magic.

72/ Birthday "Blowers". I'm not sure what the proper name of these things are...the little "horn-like thingys" you blow into and they unfold? Whatever they're called, they make me happy.

73/ Being Canadian. There's a lot of wonderful countries in this world but many more shitty ones. I feel very blessed to live where I live. Very blessed indeed. *Heart* (I also get to spell colour and neighbour with a 'u')

74/ Fireworks. I've always liked fireworks. Fireworks make me happy. (I have about $60 worth just waiting to be set off)

75/ "What fun." I love certain sayings...usually said by females. Like "silly" for instance. A guy wouldn't say "silly" but I like it when a gal does.

76/ Quilts. No I don't make quilts but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate all the time and energy that goes into them. Each quilt is made by hand and usually made with love. (At least I've never heard of any terrorists quilting bees making Death to the Infidels quilts) Quilts make me happy.

77/ Having been 22. I'm very happy to be my current age but I'm also very happy I was 22. 22 was a good year for me. Each year brings new lessons to learn, new challenges to overcome and new experiences to experience.

78/ Hot coco before a roaring fire. Where better to drink hot coco on a cold winter's night?

79/ Hot showers. Oh yeah.

80/ Hot cereal. Hot cereal makes me feel loved. *Heart*

81/ Winks. Not to be confused with blinks. Check to see if both eyes are involved. Then check to see if the wink was meant for you of the person behind you. If you're really lucky, that wink was meant for you. *Wink*

82/ Ladybugs. Ladybugs, (or Ladybird beetles to my British readers), must be one of the cutiest bugs around...well maybe not if you're an aphid. They always bring a smile to my face. *Smile*

83/ Skipping #83 makes me happy. LOTS of things make me happy...one of which is skipping #83 and moving right onto #84.

84/ Lifeboats. Although I'm a good swimmer, I'm always happy to see lifeboats onboard when far from land. *Smile*

85/ Lilac blossoms. I have a lilac tree outside my front window. It smells wonderful when it's in bloom and that makes me happy.

86/ Giving. Giving brings me a lot of pleasure. One of the best feelings in life is seeing the look of happiness on someone's face that I put there. *Heart*

87/ Balloons. All types of balloons. I've never been up in a hot air balloon. Now that would be fun.

88/ Sex. Speaking of fun. *Smile* I like being masterful but I'm not into farm animals or monkeys. Well maybe just a few monkeys but no more than three at a time. Anymore than three and the rest get bored waiting for their turn. They wander off and get up to all kinds of shit...or so I'm told. I hope you can tell when I'm kidding people.

89/ Gravy. Even though I'm a vegetarian, meatless gravy makes me happy.

90/ Screen windows. A cool summer breeze blowing through a screen window.

91/ Serotonin. Serotonin is the substance produced in the brain believed to promote a healthy emotional state. I guess much of the happiness I feel is due to it. Thanks serotonin.

92/ Water striders. You know...those bugs that seem to skate across the top of still ponds and slow moving streams.

93/ Bonsai trees. Tiny miniature trees! How cute. Cute name too. *Smile*

94/ Hotels. Always fun too.

95/ Duty and honour. Very important but also very satisfying.

96/ Photons. I'm not exactly sure what photons are but as far as I know they don't promote hatred or bite the heads off kittens and that makes me happy.

97/ A fit n' firm body. I love the feel of a fit body...speaking of which...I really need to start exercising more again.

98/ Giving credit where credit is due. Many people are very quick to critize but very reluctant to offer any praise. I wonder why that is?

99/ Creaky porch doors. Something very nostalgic about a creaky porch door...even if you've never had one.

100/ Reaching #100. Reaching #100 and finishing this list makes me very happy. *Heart* Woo hoo!

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