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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/434241-Dumb-It-Down
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #911202
My first ever Writing.com journal.
#434241 added June 18, 2006 at 1:32am
Restrictions: None
Dumb It Down
( ) i use my digital camera every day
( ) i admit that i am a camera whore, but that doesn't mean i love the way i look
( ) i recently ate an apple
(x) i have horrible skin right now
( ) i have many self help books
( ) reading, wtf?
( ) i'm taking antidepressants
(x) i have heard of the band type o negative
( ) i only have one xanga
( ) my mother is a bitch
( ) i rarely go to the movies
( ) jockers are a big pain the ass
( ) i have been a really bad girlfriend in the past
( ) if i could, i would eat spaghetti daily
(x) i'm health conscious
(x) i'm a great speller
( ) most of my friends suck
( ) skinniness annoys me to hell, what is the big deal?
( ) i'm fat and i like it--deal with it
(x) i've been to las vegas
( ) i loved it
(x) i thought it was tacky
( ) my favorite animal is a lion
( ) my mobile phone is so old
(x) i have strict parents
(x) my hair is in bad condition
( ) i have mugs/cups in my bedroom
(x) my bin needs emptying
( ) i know most of the people in my friends list on myspace
(x) i am big-time self-conscious
( ) i'm too shy to get a job
( ) i'm a vegetarian and i rarely eat fruit or vegetables
( ) i think fish are scary
( ) die, conformity!
( ) marilyn manson is so overrated
(x) i appreciate good art when i see it
( ) i have a mouth ulcer
( ) i hate anime
( ) my mother does everything for me
( ) i refuse to do my own laundry
( ) i don't iron my clothes
(x) i hate shopping
( ) i'm a sellout
( ) i haven't seen a survey xanga like darkeststar_surveys before
( ) they make great sureys
( ) i listen to goth metal
( ) my chemical romance are shit
( ) i am currently attempting to write my own novel
(x) i have read wuthering heights
( ) the sun is shining
(x) i dig fudge
(x) i want to go to england
(x) wtf
(x) i despise most internet slang with every fiber of my being
( ) baked beans are yum
( ) i desperately want a baby with my boyfriend
( ) i loved the movie thirteen
( ) what was all the fuss about?
(x) emo haircuts...hahaha
(x) i adore long, deep, slow, sensual kissing
(x) kelly clarkson can't sing live
(x) i knew somebody who was murdered
( ) i eat a lot of kit kats
( ) my dog got hit by a car
( ) i once had a hamster
( ) i love all things fantasy
( ) i wish sometimes i was a faerie
( ) all these repetitive surveys drive me nuts
( ) i'm a dedicatd christian
( ) i respect religion but i don't follow anything
( ) i'm pro-life
( ) i'm pro-choice
( ) my parents only let me online at certain times
( ) i don't have a tv in my room
( ) i'm poor
(x) my family own more than two cars
(x) i've been beaten up before
(x) why are teenage girls so bitchy?
( ) when i get nervuos i stammer
(x) napoleon dynamite is one of the funniest movies ever
( ) i personally don't believe jesus ever existed
( ) i have been to italy
(x) i often take naps in the late afternoon
(x) i love musicals
(x) i love sex
( ) hilary duff has gotten too skinny
( ) i live on a main road
(x) i like to take walks in meadows in the summer
( ) i'm scared of horses
( ) i'm squeamish
( ) i used to own a sega mega drive
(x) i have sent someone hate email before
( ) i admit i'm a slob
( ) i know someone with bad ear wax
( ) i can speak welsh
(x) WHy pPl hAvE tO tYpE lIkE tHiS iS bEyOnD mE
(x) i am over the age of eighteen
( ) chat shows are so cheesy
( ) i watch british tv shows
( ) i have never heard of the famous british "fish and chips" delicacy
( ) my brother wanted to be a cowboy when he was little
( ) girl power!
( ) i always have to get my own way, or i throw a fit
( ) i have made fun of someone with ginger/red hair before
( ) harry potter = gorgeous!
( ) i am latino
( ) i am japanese, or partly
( ) i have a deep voice
(x) i find it hard to tell the truth sometimes
( ) i have seen a ghost
( ) i think my house is haunted, it makes lots of odd noises
( ) i have a lot of love handles
( ) i am taller than five foot eight
( ) i hate it when people say "stfu," lazy much?
(x) strawberry milk is better than chocolate milk
( ) my birthday is in october
(x) i prefer the term autumn to fall
( ) msn is so much better than aim
( ) i have my own cat, who is my baby
(x) i love castles!
( ) the beatles SUCKED
( ) abba, however...they were so cool
( ) ben and jerry's ice cream--i could eat it daily
( ) i'm often more concerned over the welfare of animals, not humans
( ) the biggest bitch at school thinks i'm cool
( ) i love kevin smith movies
( ) i'm in a choir
(x) i often think i'm a useless waste of space
( ) i had a boyfriend who told me i was ugly
( ) i want to be an actress
( ) i DON'T support gay marriage, but i'm not homophobic
(x) i hate being bored
( ) i say "ugh" a lot
( ) i drink coke daily
(x) i have a really crude sense of humor
( ) i sometimes act like a baby around my boyfriend so he thinks i'm cute
( ) i love sheep, baaaa
( ) i have an electronic thesaurus
(x) RAWR
(x) i'm too lazy to tidy my room
(x) the curtains are still closed
( ) i spit
(x) i swallow
( ) i am diabetic
( ) i dislike the simpsons
(x) i'm a fool and everyone knows it
( ) i have often thought about writing a book about dreams i've had
(x) i love going to the zoo
(x) my handwriting gets complimented a lot
(x) i have heard of oxfordshire in england
( ) i knew that it was where tolkien wrote the lord of the rings and is buried
( ) i also knew that lewis carroll wrote alice of wonderland there
( ) and...c.s.s. lewis wrote narnia
( ) i drink tea with two sugars
( ) i have a personalized calendar
(x) this bolding survey is so long
(x) but it's great
( ) i wear jean shorts
(x) whenever i go to the beach i always seem to get sand everywhere
(x) i'm a water baby
(x) i wish i had super long hair, but it just won't grow!
( ) i wish my hair wasn't so straight
( ) i have an underactive thyroid
( ) i don't even know what a thyroid is
( ) i need a job
( ) i'm not going to go to college
( ) i don't know what a synopsis is
( ) the elderly scare me
(x) i will happily go out of my way to help someone
( ) i don't wear deodorant every day
( ) i like most things mythical
(x) i rarely get comments on myspace
(x) i'm at the top of my english class
( ) aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ela'quenle
(x) i don't know what language that is
(x) i often trip over my own feet
(x) *wrinkles nose*
( ) i complain a lot and people are sick of it
( ) i love doritos
( ) i was born before 1990
(x) i used to watch "are you afraid of the dark"
(x) which scares me even now
( ) it's my damn life, i'll do what i want
( ) i'm a rebel
( ) i've had sex with more than two people
( ) i like to get drunk
(x) why don't people ever listen to me?
(x) i hate being ignored
( ) my brother nearly died once
(x) i walk around my home barefoot a lot
(x) i read poetry
( ) i write poetry
( ) i know how to make icons
(x) anna faris is weird
(x) life is killing me
( ) i have an empty coke bottle in my bedroom
( ) i have a swing seat in the garden
( ) the biggest mistake anybody can make is bleaching their hair YELLOW
(x) i was sick a few days ago
(x) i loved this survey

© Copyright 2006 mood indigo (UN: aquatoni85 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
mood indigo has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/434241-Dumb-It-Down