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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/445298-Once-More-Before-Dawn
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#445298 added August 3, 2006 at 10:53pm
Restrictions: None
Once More Before Dawn
Oh hi. Thanks for dropping by. Are you here for some witty banter and thoughtful insights? Boy are you outta luck then. I take it you're a newbie Thumb reader? Today is Thursday. My regular journal readers know better than to read my Thursday entries. No witty banter or thoughtful insights on Thursdays. Only crud and crapulence on Thursdays from me. (I don't even know what crapulence means. I just thought it went well with crud)

Before we continue, would you mind doing me a favour? Don't worry, it doesn't involve you sending me money or naughty pictures of yourself. Would you mind if I called you Mindy-Lou? It would help me mentally put a name to your anonymous reader's face. I've never met a Mindy-Lou before. You are a female aren't you? If you're not then I'm going to have to ask you to leave as this just isn't going to work otherwise. Would you also mind if we say you're a shepherd? Should that be shepherdess? I've always wanted to meet a shepherdess. And one last thing...can you be imaginary? I've never had an imaginary friend.

Is that okay with you?

I'll take your silence as a yes then shall I?

That's great Mindy-Lou. *Bigsmile*

So...What would you like to do now?

You're not very talkative are you Mindy-Lou?

I always imagined having an imaginary friend would be more fun than this. I take it you'd prefer just to read and let me do all the thinking then?

I see. I think you're either shy or asleep. Or perhaps you'd prefer me to take control? Alrighty then Missy. I can be manly and masterful. You just sit back and let me take it from here.

Let's reminisce a bit. Think back to when we first met. Remember Mindy-Lou? You were tending your flock of goats on that Greek seaside meadow when I stopped by to ask for directions. I asked you which way it was back to Canada, but you just stared back at me and giggled. I immediately fell in love with your eyes and that giggle. I asked you again but you continued to stare at me and giggle. I was now finding your giggling less appealing. After the third time you didn't answer my question I decided to really give you something to giggle about, so I tackled you to the ground and started tickling you. You told me to stop. You had never heard of Canada before. The reason you were giggling was because you found my Winnie the Pooh T shirt cute and the reason you didn't answer me was because you didn't speak English. (It was only then that I remembered I spoke Greek)

"Oooooooh so that explains it." I said getting off you. Meanwhile your flock of goats had wandered off and fallen over a cliff into the sea.

"Oops." I said hoping to make you feel better. "How about we go dancing?" I suggested hoping to cheer you up. You declined and stopped giggling. Our story could have ended there but I wanted to hear you giggle again so I tackled you to the ground once more and tickled you until you agreed to go dancing with me.

I carried you back to your village, (partly because I thought it was the manly thing to do and partly because I figured you'd run away otherewise). You got changed into your prettiest Greek dancing outfit and then I carried you to a local restaurant before going dancing.

Dinner was awkward, as you kept talking about your now dead goats while picking your nose. I asked you to cheer up. "Where's that cute giggle I love so much?" I said poking you with my fork, but you just stared back at me and brushed my fork aside.

Dancing was also a tad awkward with no giggling from you but plenty of staring and nose picking. I sensed you weren't having a good time Mindy-Lou. That happened on a Thursday remember? Thursdays have always been cruddy and crapulent for me ever since. Fortunately I forgave you and we went on to become the best of friends. We later had fourteen children together...Becky-Lou, Mrytle-Lou, Lindy-Lou...I forget what we called the other ones.

Are you still reading this drivel? Shame on you.

As you can see I'm in a silly mood. I've been having terrible phone/internet connection problems but I seem to have got them under control, (for the moment).

Fortunately the weather here has been hot but bearable recently. I see many are sweltering with much higher temperatures and humidity. Really hot, muggy weather makes me sluggish. All this talk of the heat has reminded me of the watermelon I bought last night. Mmmmmmm watermelon. I didn't realize some watermelons are now yellow. What will they think of next? Gotta go.

Later gators. Stay cool.


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