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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#447096 added August 11, 2006 at 11:32am
Restrictions: None
Inspiration from Prosperous Snow and another Poll

         L'aura del campo           

SUMMER: 10 Kamal (10 August)

'é a lua,  é a lua,  na quintana dos mortos'
♣    Federico García Lorca    ♣

Being a Bahá'í and being Optimistic

Zack asked me whether I was Muslim when he read my poem "Qadr (now a ratable item!). I'm not, but as a Bahá'í, I revere Muhammed as I do all of God's Messengers.

Some of you know about the Bahá'í Faith; some of you know Bahá'ís. Some of you know one whether you know it or not *Smile*! Do those of you who read Prosperous Snow celebrating , know she is a Bahá'í too? She mentions it on and off. Both of our blogs have the Bahá'í date at top. Today is the Tenth day of the Tenth month, the day of Kamal of the month of Kamal. The Day of God's Power of the month of God's Power.

The Bahá'ís are optimists when it comes to current events. Our Scriptures speak of the larger cycles, the hope that always lurks in the ashes of shadows. We remain hopeful at a time when many are frightened by the rise of globalization, of terrorism, of ... change. Many are fearful. Bahá'ís are not. Oh, sometimes ... in a personal way ... we are human too! Even our international community pauses for a breath each time Haifa is bombed (our international headquarters is there.) And the threat of bombs out of London is cause to pause for a moment. But we know that the World is going through birth pains and the future is bright and new.

I write poetry. But Prosperous Snow celebrating expresses her self on this topic more eloquently than I ever could. She writes about this in her entries. "The Greatness of This Day is a must read! It speaks as to why we all should be hopeful. "Deep Thoughts on Monday Morning tells us that "stressed is desserts spelled backwards! "Reading the Holy Scriptures is a short poem using the names of Bahá'í Writings: The Hidden Words, Seven Valleys, Surih of the Temple.

An easy international link about the Bahá'í Faith:


I did my first survey! It awards 100 gps. Wish I could afford more, but I'm unsure what response I will have. Don't want to bankrupt myself! *Laugh*

It is based on Prosperous Snow celebrating 's entry "Deep Thoughts on Monday Morning. Here it is:

"We have the power to change the world

I put the poll at the end of this entry *Smile*!

████████ Sizzling? Think cool *Cool*! *Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3*
████████ Weather where I am: 81º on a drizzly late afternoon.
████████ Weather in Las Vegas, Nevada: 100º.
████████ Weather in London, England: 63º nearing midnight and well ... it's London!


Walking up Haskell:

Sinking into the plush of lawn, the rasp of dry grass; hurrying across the street; soft dirt; white new concrete; weeds = morning glory & velvet leaf; vermillion cannas; pink cosmos in a xeriscape; the soft rub of lamb-ears; walking half asleep, waking up a block away.


I don't sleep well most nights. Could be eating late, but I truly doubt that. It's more of the toss and turn, the hot and cold. Many times I take a hot soak in the bathtub to relax (always keep my notepad with me!), sometimes read. And I feel refreshed and ready for bed, until I hit the cot and then ... I don't fall asleep.

But I must doze off. Maybe it is the type of sleep I get or don't get.

Didn't hear AJ leave for Topeka this morning. His plans were to get up and leave at 4 a.m. before the heat of day. Never got cool and now it's sprinkling, 83º. He should be there by now. It takes 5 hours.

Poem was published again in Change of Heart, a local street paper. Somewhat frustrating ... I gave them a poem but they chose an old one (an oldie but goodie, but still). Argh. Craig Sweet decided to publish "A radiant moon has set which is an elegy for Michelle Begay who died in the Train Park's gazebo on a cold December night. She was 34.

In August we dream of December, in December yearn for August. Not me! I want October and April!


At the corner of Eighth and New Hampshire

I see your face tonight
above green neon lights:
full and haloed. I swear that when
I speak to you, your silence
silvers. The space between us
deadens all my quests for answers.
They quake across your craters
as I strive to read the nuances
of shadows and albedo's flick,
your monthly phases. While I wonder
from afar this silent night,
you pulse in green and neon.


Mavis Moog has an interesting entry "Invalid Entry about whether challenged children should be labeled and forgot or cherished supported and taught! Guess what she believes! ... and can back up with her own experience teaching children with learning disabilities. Hard to argue with someone who has been there and done that. Ever notice how many really bright and experienced folk we have here? A great read if you have a child or grandchild that others have given up on.

Kendra has a wonderful poem "Eggs with Toast" that she has written and posted in her blog entry "Invalid Entry. She's considering making it a separate entry. Can't wait to review it and make it one of my 'Treasure of the Day' postings. Haven't done that in a while and this poem definately makes me want to start again. Please visit. The poem is awesome.

Leave it to Bruce! galinago has a deep thoughtful entry "Invalid Entry that highlights humanity's arrogance towards other living members of our biosphere, also known as Earth. It raises the question of why we have acted this way and the consequences if we continue.

So hard visiting everyone. Stopped by at regulars and peeked in on Texun4ever-cabin fever who is brand new, Chewie Kittie , Midnight Dawn , MaryLou , NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth . After a while my mind mooshes and I loose track.

Results are coming in on the survey I did to encourage partyof5dj. Over 500 views and 23 votes. If you know Party and haven't voted yet go to: "Invalid Item and vote! I'll probably keep it up until early next week, post results, then delete. Send an email of encouragement; fling ideas and details of 'how to' at him. Preferably with a check for his first 12 columns! *Laugh*.


'You like to eat something with a face or a mother?'

Diane Elder,
... on my comment that I don't like eating vegetables.

And I did another poll, too:

Please read Prosperous Snow celebrating 's entry "The Greatness of This Day to fully understand this poll!

Basically the premise is: This is a great Day to be alive. A new age is unfolding. Humanity is One.

Do you agree or disagree?

In "The Greatness of This Day Prosperous Snow celebrating shares these wonderful thoughts:

"We're not living at the end of an age, but at the beginning. The human race is growing up, becoming mature. "

"We're living in a new age and we have a choice, an opportunity that our descendants won't have. We can choose to work for the unity of the human race or we can choose to oppose that unity."

"We are living in a great day, because we have the choice to put aside the past and to forgive."

"Let's look for the common links that bind humanity together as a single species. Let's look for the love, the golden rule common to all religions."

The choices below reflect the excerpts above.

1. We are at the beginning of a New Age and the end of an Old Age.
2. I disagree with the above.

A. This is a Great Day to live in.
B. This is a Bad Day to live in.

¥. We are One Human Family.
£. We are too different to be One Family.

What do you believe?
      1.A.¥. Beginning of an Age; Great Day; We are One.
      1.A.£. Beginning of an Age; Great Day; We are too different.
      1.B.¥. Beginning of an Age; Bad Day; We are One
      1.B.£. Beginning of an Age; Bad Day; We are too different
      2.A.¥. Disagree about Age; Great Day; We are One.
      2.A.£. Disagree about Age; Great Day; We are too different.
      2.B.¥. Disagree about Age; Bad Day; We are One
      2.B.£. Disagree about Age; Bad Day; We are too different
      None of this is relevant (please send email)

© Copyright 2006 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/447096-Inspiration-from-Prosperous-Snow-and-another-Poll