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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/461636-Steingrubers-Cheese-Making-Suppliescom
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#461636 added October 15, 2006 at 1:08am
Restrictions: None
Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com
*Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile* *Smile*

Hello you adorable little Thumbkin you. I'm so glad you stopped by. *Heart*

Due to my need to support my ever increasing porn addiction, I've now found it necessary to allow advertising in this journal. Don't worry, the folks at Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com have assured me you won't even notice their subtle ad.

I see this is a very special entry. My 200th! Unfortunately I don't have anything special planned. I didn't even shave. Crap. I went all out for my 100th entry. I suppose I should acknowledge this one somehow, afterall it's not everyday I post my 200th entry.

*Balloon1* Yay! *Balloon6*

I can't wait for the 300th. Moving right along then...all this celebrating has put me in a remininiscing kinda mood. How about I devote this entry to recall the story of how you and I first met? Does that sound like fun? *Confused* (Please don't start getting fussy on me. You've been very easily amused up till now. The entry will also highlight you afterall)

Here then is our story. The story of our very first meeting...

Think back one hundred and forty some odd entries ago. It was a dull, overcast fall day, much like the one today. I was walking down Emerson Boulevard and just about to turn onto Dickson...or was it Queen? I forget now. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that's when I first saw you. You were sitting on the side of the road, wearing nothing but dirty, tattered rags and covered in pigeon crap, (probably from the million pigeons that were all around you). I avoided making eye contact with you as I attempted to hurry by, (street people make me uncomfortable), but you sprang to your feet and shoved your begging bowl into my face before I could get away. I forget what your first words to me were...something about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com perhaps? I can't remember now.

We must have danced our little sidewalk dance for a good ten minutes...me trying to dart by on your left...you quickly blocking...me trying right...you blocking again...left...blocked...right...blocked...left, right, left...all blocked. Oooooooo you were good. You mimiced my movements perfectly. You were like a frickin' mirror. Eventually I gained the initiative by pushing you backwards, jumping over your prone body and sprinting away. You shouted something to me as I ran down the street. Something about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com if I recall. I'm not sure.

We saw each other often after that. I began to avoid Dickson and Queen...or was it Emerson Boulevard and Queen...I can never remember. Anyways, the point is we kept bumping into each other more and more and our sidewalk dances got longer and longer as it got harder and harder to push you over and over. (I really should pay attention to what I'm actually writing) Eventually one day while you were shoving your begging bowl in my face with one hand and defending me from pushing you backwards with your other hand, I happened to knock off the fireman's helmet you always wore. It was only then did I realize what a truly lovely creature you actually are, (despite being covered in pigeon poo). Your hair cascaded down and framed your face beautifully. For the first time I actually wanted to make eye contact with you. I found you had such captivating, twinkling eyes too. They were keen, elfish eyes, full of mischief and spirit. I fell in love with your cute, upturned, button nose and full pouty lips.

It was then that you mentioned something about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com. Gone was my previous revoltion towards you, (despite all the pigeon shit). I now found myself actually wanting to engage with you. I wanted to get to know the real you. To find out what made you tick and what turned you on. You again mentioned something about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com You certainly are a persisitnnt little pigeon stained pixy aren't chya? *Smile*

It seemed if I was going to impress you, I would have to appear to be as keen about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com as you seemed to be.

"Hi. I'm Gary."

You flashed me a gorgeous smile and told me your's. I've forgotten now what it was. (I never was very good with names. I'm sure it's lovely)

"Funny you should mention Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com. That's where I buy all my cheese making supplies."

"Really?" You said seeming quite surprised.

"Oh yes. I buy all my....err...all my...my...my glue there." I replied suddenly realizing I knew absolutely nothing about making cheese.

"Glue? Glue isn't used to make cheese." You quickly pointed out.

"Did I say glue? I meant to say poo." I responded hoping you wouldn't suspect I was faking it.


"Poo? No not poo...errr...goo...I meant goo. I buy all my cheese making goo at Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com" I blurted out hoping beyond hope that goo actually was used to make cheese.

"Goo?" You said eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh oh. " I thought to myself. There didn't seem to be anyway out of this terrible cheese related hole I had dug for myself. I was suddenly very embarrassed. That's when I panicked and took advantage of your momentary bewilderment by pushing you down and hurrying on by.

It broke my heart hearing you shout out my name...and something about Steingruber's Cheese Making Supplies.com...as I ran down the street. I've often wondered about what might have been. What if I had been braver? What if I had only known something about cheese making? Perhaps I could have learned to find pigeon crap erotic. Alas, it was not to be. I was too embarrassed to walk down Emerson, Dickson or Queen ever again. Today we still meet, but it's only cyberly. We've each put that day behind us. We hide behind these screens pretending like it never happened. You behind your's, with your pigeon shit, tattered rags and begging bowl, and me, here behind mine, with my stack of porn magazines, sexy good looks and regrets over what might have been.

Wasn't that magical? Reminiscing always makes me weepy. I best scoot before I start blubbering.

Farewell my little pigeon princess. *Heart*

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