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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #1167223
A Navy SEAL, crippled by wounds, is given a chance to be whole again … but at what price?
#461657 added October 14, 2006 at 10:47pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 15

The estate was huge, nestled in the rolling hills of Virginia. It spoke of power and wealth, both old. Yet Susan was surprised that the inside was very much like a home rather than a museum as so many such estates tended to be.

She was escorted to the parlor, and a few minutes later a very distinguished looking elderly woman entered. Susan recognized Amanda Breton immediately. She was a very wealthy and powerful woman, yet she used her influence and power to support a myriad of humanitarian causes, and had a reputation for being generous and gracious, and at the same time definitely not one to be trifled with.

“Doctor Covington, I am so glad you accepted my invitation, I’m Amanda Breton,” She said as she extended her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Breton,” Susan said as she took the offered. “I am here because of Admiral Hammerstein, however.”

“I do apologize for the secrecy, and please call me Amanda,” Mrs. Breton said as she took a seat. “Would you care for some refreshments? I can have Gretchen prepare a tray.”

“That would be very welcome, Amanda, and please call me Susan.”

Amanda turned to the young blonde woman standing just outside the doorway to the parlor and nodded, then directed her attention back to Susan.

“Well, I am certain you are wondering what this is all about,” Amanda began. “First, let me say that I do not expect you to trust me immediately, though I hope I will come to earn your trust. And I want you to know that this estate is completely secure and you may speak freely.

“I have been following your work closely and have been very impressed. And yes, I know all about Brandi. Suffice it to say for the time being that I have certain connections. I am very glad that you are no longer associated with the people controlling the project, even though I realize that your release was affected to further their own ends. That is why we had to bring you here with such secrecy.

“You have now effectively dropped off the radar. I imagine they are becoming a bit concerned over your disappearance. Of course, you are free to leave at any time, but as long as you remain here I can keep you out of their sights.”

“I don’t really understand…” Susan said.

“The device that was recovered from the desert was only the latest. These artifacts have been collected over many years and for the most part simply warehoused under the control of a very secretive agency…it doesn’t even have an official name. Your acquaintance, Mr. Mercer, works for this organization. Their operatives have given rise to the stories of ‘Men in Black’.

“This agency has had free reign for too long. They exploit the technology that has been discovered to cement their power base, when it should be studied and used for the betterment of the world. And that is why I have brought you here. I intend to put an end to this. It’s time to bring the ‘Men in Black’ down…and I will need your help, and Brandi’s, to do it.”

“I’m not sure how we could help,” Susan said cautiously.

“Nor am I,” Amanda admitted. “But first and foremost, Brandi must learn who and what she is, and I am prepared to make whatever resources are needed available to her. To that end I have set up a secure fund that will provide her with money to live as she comes to grips with her situation and for that matter as long as she lives. I am also prepared to provide fifty thousand dollars for immediate transfer to her control so she will have money available until the first fund payments are made.”

Susan considered the offer carefully. The money she had provided Brandi would give her a start, but she did not have the means to support her completely, and any attempt to provide more money on her part was very risky at any rate.

She made a decision. Admiral Hammerstein trusted this woman, and everything she knew about Amanda Breton told her she was a woman of integrity. And if they could do it, if they could bring down the organization, then Brandi would have a chance at a semblance of normality in her life. It was worth taking a chance.

“I can get in contact with Brandi,” Susan stated. “Though I was not a part of her escape directly, I did expect it and took steps to help her after the fact. She has a secure identity and a bank account that the funds could be directed to.”

“I suspected as much,” Amanda smiled. “I don’t want to know the details. I will provide you with the information so you can see that the money gets to Brandi.”

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but why?” Susan asked. “I agree that the organization needs to be dealt with, and Brandi could be instrumental in that, but I get the feeling that there is something more personal involved here.”

“You’re quite right,” Amanda smiled warmly. “Twelve years ago I was in Africa doing relief work when violence erupted in the Congo. Because of who I am, a team of Navy SEALs were sent in to extract me from the hospital I was working in.”

“Brandon saved your life.”

“He did far more than that,” Amanda continued. “There were twenty-three patients in the hospital. Brandon defied a direct order and loaded those patients and myself onto the helicopters. And I don’t want you to get the impression that I had anything to do with it. I was terrified by the sounds of the approaching forces, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, I would have boarded that helicopter and left those people to their fate. His commander told him to leave the patients. He said the country was going to ‘hell in a hand basket’ and that they couldn’t save the whole damn country. I will never forget what Brandon said.

“He told his commander, ‘Maybe not sir, but I can save the piece of it that’s here.’”

“It took two trips to get them all out, and he and his men held the position until the last were gone, and then remained until the helicopters returned a third time to pick them up.

“Brandon was threatened with court martial, until some not so subtle pressure was applied in the right places. So you see this is not the first time I have used my influence to aid Brandi. She taught me the true meaning of words like honor, courage and sacrifice that day, and I will be damned before I let them get their claws in her.”


Brandi stared at the email in disbelief for a long time. What Susan was telling her was too good to be true. She had stopped at an internet café so she could check the account in case Susan had tried to reach her, and had been overjoyed when she saw there was a message.

She logged into her bank account to check the balance and saw that she now had nearly sixty thousand dollars available. Now she could buy a laptop of her own, and she would be able to make regular contact with Susan. She began crying tears of pure joy.

“Are you ok honey?” A voice asked. Brandi turned to see the waitress standing there with a concerned look on her face.

“I’m great!” Brandi smiled, dabbing at her eyes with a napkin. “I just got some really wonderful news and it kind of overwhelmed me.”

“Well I’m glad they’re happy tears,” The waitress smiled. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No, thank you,” Brandi said. “I’m good. Really, really good.”


“What is the status on the search?” The Man asked Reginald Mercer.

“We have agents watching all of Brandon’s haunts and his friends in the Gainesville area,” Mercer reported. “He tended to be a loner. We also have a team stationed in his hometown in the panhandle.

“Additionally we have teams shadowing his former Navy buddies, including Admiral Hammerstein. We are monitoring law enforcement for any reports of incidents which may be connected to the missing Genomorph.”

“And yet our most promising bait, Doctor Covington, has mysteriously disappeared,” The Man said.

“Yes sir,” Mercer replied nervously, well aware that it had been his recommendation to release Susan Covington so they could watch her in case Brandi tried to make contact. “She must have had help sir.”

“Undoubtedly. So we can assume that Dr. Covington is in hiding under the protection of an unknown agency, and likely working with the Genomorph to undermine this organization.”

“That is a plausible scenario sir,” Mercer admitted.

“Not a very satisfactory one.”

“No sir. She has only been gone two days, we’ll get her sir.”

“See that you do. That will be all Mr. Mercer.”

Mercer turned to leave the office, a sense of relief washing over him.

“Oh Mercer?” The Man called just as he was about to exit.

“Yes sir?”

“I’m sure I do not have to remind you that this is a high priority matter. We went through a great deal of trouble to set this up once Brandon Anderson had been identified as a perfect candidate for the transformation. A pity that the program modifications we inserted failed to take effect; otherwise she would have been perfectly obedient.

“However that is water under the bridge. Those individuals responsible have learned that there are repercussions for failure. If the Genomorph is not back under our control soon … there will be further repercussions. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

Mercer returned to his own office, sweating profusely, and had to take a moment to recover his composure. He knew he was in a precarious position, but he was not certain how to proceed.

“How the hell do you find someone who can look like anyone they want to?” he wondered aloud.

Covington was the answer. If they could find her, they could use her to lure in the Genomorph. Mercer snatched up his desk phone.

“This is a Stage One alert. All teams are to drop whatever they are doing and concentrate on locating the Genomorph.” He said. “Special effort is to be directed to locating and apprehending Dr. Susan Covington."

End of Part 2
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