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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #1167223
A Navy SEAL, crippled by wounds, is given a chance to be whole again … but at what price?
#461668 added October 14, 2006 at 10:52pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 22

Doctor Barbara Currant, the new head of research for the Forerunner project, looked up from the stack of reports on her desk at the knock on her office door. She was an attractive woman of thirty, though she looked much younger, and though very young for such a position she was one of the leading researchers in the world in genetics. And other than Susan Covington no one knew more about the Forerunners and their ability to manipulate genetics.

“Come in Mr. Sanders.”

The door opened and Ryan Sanders, lead programmer, entered the office carrying a file folder. He took the chair she gestured to and waited for her to speak.

“I’m very busy Mr. Sanders, please make this brief,” Currant said curtly.

“Of course Dr. Currant,” Ryan said, fidgeting nervously. “I’ve been working on the reconstruction of the Genomorph Protocol and I found something disturbing.”

Ryan offered the folder to her, and Barbara took it, scanning the pages within for several seconds before looking up.

“I’m a geneticist not a programmer, what exactly is this?”

Ryan rose from the chair and moved around behind the desk so he could show her what he was speaking of.

“These are lines of undamaged code I was able to recover from the program,” Ryan said, gesturing to the pages. “Only about thirty percent was actually lost, so there is a lot of code still existing.”

Ryan flipped to another page of code, “These are also recovered code lines, but there is something wrong with them. There are errors. The Forerunner programming language is very complex, and they are errors that would be easy enough to make if someone was not one hundred percent fluent in it.”

“So you are saying the program was flawed from the start?”

“No, I’m saying someone altered the program,” Ryan told her. “These lines come from the portion of the code that governed behavioral modifications. These lines were intended to remove the subject’s free will, make them totally obedient.”

“I’m not sure I follow you Mr. Sanders.”

“Someone wanted Brandi to be a robot!” Ryan said angrily. “If this had worked, she would have lost the ability to do anything except what she was ordered…the perfect soldier in someone’s eyes.”

“But how could anyone modify a program no one knew existed?” Currant asked.

“That’s just it, someone did know it existed!” Ryan shouted. “And if they knew it existed, and made these alterations, then they knew that Brandon would trigger it. This was done intentionally!”

“Calm down Mr. Sanders,” Currant ordered. “Please sit down.”

Ryan did as she asked. He knew he had to keep his emotions in check. He was far from sure that he could trust this woman, but he was all alone on the project with Susan gone.

“So these errors prevented the added programming from taking effect?” Currant asked.

“Actually no,” Ryan told her. “The errors are more or less cosmetic. They are just what caused me to notice the addition. The syntax and flow of the Forerunner’s computer language is very elegant and concise, these additions were clumsy and tedious, but there were no errors that would have prevented the program from working.”

“So why didn’t it work?”

“Because I believe it violated, conflicted, with other programming,” Ryan said hesitantly.

Dr. Currant looked at Ryan intently for a moment, “You mean Brandon’s own genetic programming, the warrior genes.”

“It makes sense,” Ryan said. “Look at the attributes we know of that the Forerunner’s prized in a Genomorph; a sense of duty, loyalty, resolve, self-sacrifice and compassion. The very type of person they were looking for, what they saw as the ultimate expression of a true warrior, would totally reject the idea of blind obedience and enslavement. The control program failed because a love of freedom is encoded in Brandi’s very genes. And ultimately, that’s why she ran. She knew what they intended and it went against everything she is.”

“And with such a warrior, they never had to fear their power being abused,” Currant said. “In fact, the very presence of Genomorphs would provide a strong incentive to maintain a free society.”

“A pretty powerful incentive,” Ryan agreed.

“Why did you come to me with this?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” Ryan admitted. “But I had to tell someone. I’m out on a limb…you were brought in to replace Susan and for all I know you are part of this too. It had to come down from the top.”

“I suspect that you don’t really care about being out on a limb,” Currant commented, leaning back in her chair and regarding Ryan intently. “You’ve made it no secret that you share Dr. Covington’s views on the way Brandi was handled.”

Ryan looked sharply at Currant. No one, other than himself, ever referred to Brandi by name. They preferred to keep it clinical, calling her the Genomorph, as though that could distance them from what had been done.

“I like Brandi,” Ryan said slowly. “And though I only knew him a few days, I liked Brandon too. He didn’t deserve this. What really sickens me is all they had to do was ask. Brandon hated what his life had become. If he had been offered the chance to be healed, even if it meant becoming a woman, he would have taken it. He would have worked for them.”

“I suspect you’re right, he would have done as he was asked, for a time,” Currant replied. “Until he was asked to do something that conflicted with his convictions. Then he would have rebelled, just as the Forerunners intended.”

“That’s called freedom of choice,” Ryan said bitterly. “It’s supposed to be what this country is all about.”

“Perhaps, at any rate you are correct; this would have come down from the highest level,” Barbara said. “And as such my options are extremely limited. I thank you for bringing this to my attention.”

“So, what do I do now?”

“What you have been doing,” Currant told him. “Don’t draw any attention to yourself and under no circumstances speak of this to anyone. You are invaluable to the research here, Mr. Sanders. That you caught this demonstrates that you know more about the programming language of the Forerunners than any other. But that won’t protect you if the power behind this decides you are a threat. Remember that.”

“All right, Dr. Currant, I will.”

Ryan rose and walked towards the door. As he was about to open it, Currant spoke once more.

“And Ryan, please be very careful. I would hate to see anything happen to you,” Barbara said.

After Ryan left Barbara studied the pages of code and smiled. It was deliciously ironic. The organization had sought to create the ultimate weapon; assassin, spy, saboteur, unstoppable and perfectly controlled. Instead, they had very likely created the instrument of their own destruction.


Brandi looked at the display window of the shop and swallowed. The place was called Nikki’s, and the mannequins in the window were clothed in a variety of lacy, ultra feminine lingerie.

“Breathe, sweetie,” Melissa whispered as they entered the shop.

Brandi drew in a deep breath and said, “I don’t know if I can do this.”

Suddenly, Brandi felt as though the room was closing in around her. She began backing out the door, shaking her head.

“Like, no way! I … I can’t. This is, like, so totally wrong … I don’t belong here.”

Melissa gently placed her hands on Brandi’s shoulders and gave her a gentle shake as she looked into her eyes.

“You can do this,” she said gently. “It’s there inside you, Brandi, the courage to overcome the fear.”

Brandi bit her lip and nodded slowly, allowing Melissa to pull her back into the shop.

“Just try to relax,” Karen told her. “Nikki and her girls are really nice. You even know one of her employees already.”

“Oh really?” Brandi asked. “Um, like who? You guys are the only people I know in LA.”

“Me, silly,” Karen said, putting her arm around Brandi’s shoulder. “You really are freaked out about this, aren’t you?”

“On so many levels,” Brandi nodded. “My brain, like, totally shuts down when I get this way. So you really work here?”

“Three nights a week and every other weekend,” Karen said. “I also get most of my lingerie here. I’m not as hard to fit as you, but the double D stuff you can get off the rack in most stores is just plain ugly.”

Brandi looked around the shop, her eyes wide. There were racks of lingerie of all types, all very beautiful. She had no idea what to call most of it; she thought of lingerie in terms of bras and panties, and had never realized there were so many different kinds of each.

“She’s gonna think I’m retarded or something,” Brandi whined. “I don’t even know what most of this stuff is for!”

“I’ve got it covered,” Karen assured her.

As they approached the counter a middle aged woman emerged from the back room. Her hair was silver but her face had a youthful appearance that looked like it was from years of careful care and not surgical aid. She smiled broadly when she saw the three young women.

“Karen, Melissa, so good to see you both,” she said. “And who is this lovely young lady?”

“This is our new roommate, Brandi,” Melissa said.

“A pleasure to meet you, Brandi,” Nikki said with a disarming smile. “I am Nicole Aubrey but please call me Nikki. Welcome to my shop.”

Brandi greeted Nikki and smiled. The older woman’s demeanor helped to put her more at ease but she still felt terribly out of place. Every remaining vestige of the man she had been was screaming that she did not belong in this place.

Melissa pulled Brandi off to show her some of items while Karen remained at the counter. When they were across the shop, she leaned close and spoke to Nikki in a low voice.

“Brandi is a bit of a special case,” Karen told her. “She was raised by her dad and older brother. Her dad was kind of strict and overprotective, and he really didn’t know what to do with a little girl. Mostly, she had to wear hand me downs from her brother and the only bras she has ever owned are sports bras. Now she’s out on her own and she has a trust fund from an aunt who died, but it’s like she doesn’t know how to be a girl. And she’s a little skittish about all this.”

“Oh, that is a shame!” Nikki lamented. “A girl that gorgeous simply needs to be wearing pretty things.”

“That’s why we’re taking her shopping,” Karen smiled. “We figured it was best to start at the foundation though. And with her figure she’s not going to find anything nice at the mall.”

“Well, let me get her in back and have a look and take her measurements.” Nikki said. “I do hope that having Brandi as your roommate will allow you and Melissa to quit those dreadful bar jobs.”

“I put in my notice today,” Karen smiled. “Melissa did too and her jerk boss told her not to bother coming in on Monday, which is just as well.”

Melissa and Brandi returned and Brandi seemed a bit more at ease. Of course she had heard every word that was exchanged between the two while they were gone, so she was prepared to play along with the story.

Nikki led them into the back, where a young woman with bright red hair styled in a pixie cut was unpacking items and hanging them on rolling racks to move out onto the sales floor. She saw Karen and smiled.

“Hiya, Karen, enjoying the weekend off?” she asked. She had a very freckled face and a cherubic look to her, and her hazel eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint.

“It’s been fun so far, Berni,” Karen replied. “This is my friend, Brandi.”

Brandi smiled shyly and Bernie giggled, “You’re really pretty, Brandi. Nikki will have a field day dressing you up.”

“Thank you, Berni,” Brandi said. “That’s an unusual name for a girl isn’t it?”

“It’s short for Ibernia,” Berni explained. She had an even more girlish voice than Brandi, and she tended to talk very fast. “It’s Irish, and it means ‘from Ireland’, which is kinda funny ‘cause I’m from Santa Monica.”

“Ibernia, be a dear and watch the counter,” Nikki said.

“Sure thing, Nikki! Nice to meet you, Brandi.” Berni said and practically skipped out of the back room.

“She’s very cheerful,” Brandi remarked.

“Berni is always like that.” Karen said. “She has a bit ‘o the leprechaun in her I think.”

“Well, let’s see what we have here,” Nikki said. “Brandi if you don’t mind I need you to remove your blouse and bra. If that makes you uncomfortable I can get the measurements while you are clothed, but it helps me fit you better if I can get a look at your body. Usually I would have you keep your bra on but that sports bra you’re wearing would throw the measurements off.”

“I’ll be fine, thank you,” Brandi assured her. “Is it all right if Melissa and Karen stay?”

“Whatever makes you comfortable, dear.”

Brandi removed her clothes until she was standing naked from the waist up. It amazed her that she could be so unnerved by entering the shop but standing there naked did not bother her at all. Even if the Genomorph programming had not left her with any sense of modesty regarding her body, she had endured enough examinations in her four months at the lab to have eliminated it anyway. Still, she fidgeted and gave the appearance that she was nervous to bolster the story Karen had spun.

Nikki quickly and professionally took Brandi’s measurements. The only truly uncomfortable moment was when Brandi gasped involuntarily as Nikki settled the tape measure over her nipples.

“It’s all right honey; no one has ever died from embarrassment yet,” Nikki told her.

After Nikki had her measurements she gave Brandi a robe to put on while she waited.

“You could go with a 36 F or G depending on the brand,” Nikki said. “With your bust an improperly fitted bra would be very uncomfortable.”

“Daddy tried but he just didn’t know what to do,” Brandi said shyly, playing her part. “I think he was kinda embarrassed ‘cause I got…well so big, so young.”

“I’m sure he meant well sweetheart,” Nikki said. “I’ll go pick out some nice items and be back shortly.”

“How are you holding up, kiddo?” Melissa asked when Nikki was gone.

“All right,” Brandi told her. “I’m just glad she took my reaction for surprise. Besides that jerk in the alley the only person who has ever touched my breasts is me, at least while I was conscious. It kinda caught me off guard.”

“If you’re up to it after we’re done shopping I’m sure I could line up some volunteers,” Karen said.

Brandi stuck her tongue out at her and said, “Thank you … not!”

Nikki returned a few minutes later with a selection of bras, panties and even several corsets and bustiers plus an assortment of garters and stockings. For the next hour and a half she tried on items and Nikki grilled her about the fit and feel of each, discarding those that were uncomfortable and setting those that felt good aside. When they were finished Brandi was wearing a new white lace underwire demi bra and matching panties under her clothes and had three bags full of additional lingerie.

“Do you participate in any high impact sports, Brandi?” Nikki asked as they were totaling up the purchases. Karen rolled her eyes and Melissa giggled.

“I jog and do martial arts,” Brandi said. She turned and glared at her friends before returning her attention to Nikki.

“Well I would recommend you get some sports bras from Enell,” Nikki said. “They will serve you far better than the one you were wearing. They don’t stock them in your size but they will custom make them for you.”

“Could you order half a dozen for me?” Brandi asked.

Nikki smiled and nodded, “Of course, dear. I’ll give you a call when they come in. If you like, I can also recommend some excellent custom dress shops. With your figure you will have to have any evening dresses and such custom made if you want them to fit properly.”

“Thank you, Nikki, that’s very kind of you.” Brandi said. “I don’t think I’ll need any formal wear any time soon but it wouldn’t hurt to have some options.”

“You never know, my dear,” Nikki said as she handed Brandi several business cards. “These are all personal friends of mine, and through them you can get anything from formal cocktail dresses to club wear. Just let them know I sent you and they will take good care of you.”

The three girls left the shop and began walking down the block to where Melissa’s Ford Escape was parked. Karen and Melissa watched Brandi for a few minutes and then both began giggling hysterically.

“What?” Brandi asked, looking down to see if she had come undone.

“You jiggle a lot more,” Karen said. “But you really look gorgeous. You just need one minor adjustment.”

They stopped and Karen unfastened the top two buttons on Brandi’s blouse and opening it up some.

Brandi looked down at the cleavage she was now displaying and said, “Oh wow.”

“I can’t believe you just spent nearly twelve hundred dollars on lingerie,” Melissa remarked.

“Hey, it’s all good,” Karen grinned. “I get credit for the commission.”

© Copyright 2006 Scott Ramsey (UN: scottramsey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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