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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1155006
Peace marks the end of war; it does not mark the end of trouble.
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#462324 added May 18, 2008 at 1:56am
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Background Information
This section will contain a glossary, character profiles and any other relevant information. At present, it is incomplete, but new information will be added as the story progresses.



Academy, The:

The school built solely for mages. It exists in Angalas, although a similar academy existed in West Sentralia during the Mage War.

'Action' School:

Magic schools that focus on manipulating the mage's body (e.g. through flight or transformation). Other schools look down on them as less intellectual, but there's really little difference between the schools, in terms of theories.


A land on the eastern border of Sentralia. Its people, the Aidi, are varied in appearance and tribal by nature.


Capital of East Sentralia and later the reunited Sentralia. Its name is the old Sentralian word for angels.


Powerful, winged, magical beings who live in the sky far above the reach of any humans. Although they gave humans some of their magic, they largely do not interfere with human affairs.

Angel Hill:

The hill on which the angel Nahum appeared to humans. Angalas was later built around this hill.

Angels Festival:

The biggest religious festival celebrated throughout Sentralia. It celebrates the anniversary of the angel Nahum's appearance in Angalas, during which humans were given magical powers.

Blanket method:

Wrap-around support is used to support a flight mage's body as he changes from a vertical position to a horizontal one (and vice versa). This technique is favoured by more accomplished flight mages.

Cloud giant:

A gigantic, flesh-eating monster that floats over Skeleton Forest. It resembles a cloud and normally travels in packs.


Inhabitant of East Sentralia.

Enchanted road:

The only path through the Skeleton Forest that is safe from magical influence. It links Sudenland and Sentralia.

Farewells Evening:

A tradition developed by Easterners during the Mage War. The night before a person departs for his/her compulsory military service, family, friends and neighbours gather to give him/her gifts to bring to the army.

Finder charm:

A stone made specifically for finding people or objects. It glows more brightly when pointed toward the target and when it is closer to the desired person or object.

"Flying machine":

A crude plane that can carry up to two people. It was developed by Westerners to combat the Eastern flight mages, but it is of limited use against a talented mage.


The wealthy and peaceful empire to the north of Sentralia. Its people are Furans and they resemble the Chinese.


A term occasionally used for people who have no magical powers.

Great Mage:

The most powerful position that can be held by a Sentralian mage. The Great Mage effectively rules Sentralia.

Horizontal flight:

Unlike vertical flight, which involves flight in a 'standing' position, it requires mages to travel rather like Superman and other flying superheroes. It is more difficult than vertical flight, but also more flexible.


A prosperous district in Furao. Combustion's father is lord of this region.

Mage name:

The name given to mages upon being accepted into an academy. It relates to the type of magic they are able to perform, their skill and/or other personal traits.

Mage War:

The 500-year war that split Sentralia and its mages into two. It began as a dispute over the succession for the Great Mage position and ended when the Western side overran the Eastern side.

Master Mage:

The second most powerful position for a Sentralian mage, it is often regarded as the final step toward the Great Mage position or a consolation prize for mages who miss out. Master Mages run the Academy.


A region in the western part of East Sentralia.

Mount Treachery:

The tallest mountain in Skeleton Forest. The enchanted road winds along part of the mountain.


The second most important position in a trial, after the judge. He/she is the only person able to question of witnesses, although any participant may request an answer through the questioner.


The country with the highest concentration of mages, its name is derived from an old Sentralian word for central. Its people are Sentralians.

Skeleton Forest:

A "cursed" forest where most of the magical creatures live, after they were wiped out in most other areas. It largely separates Sentralia from Sukonig.


One of the Sentralia's greatest citadels, it stands in the Midlands region.


The kingdom to the south of Sentralia. Its people, the Sudeni, are closely related to the Sentralians and are agrarian by nature.


Capital of Sudenland.

Tendrils of compulsion:

Seraph's term for the bindings spirit mages use. These force ghosts to do the mages' will, but it doesn't work on small spirits.

Three-point method:

The shoulders, waist and feet are supported as a flight mage changes from a vertical to a horizontal position (and vice versa). This technique is taught to beginners.


Inhabitant of West Sentralia.


Twenty schools of magic exists in Seraph's world. During the Mage War, ten of them fled into West Sentralia and became the Western schools, while the others remained in Angalas and formed the Eastern schools. Some of the schools are stronger and more greatly respected. Others are weaker and/or perceived to be less desirable.



Those in this school are able to move soil and stones, split rock and create earthquakes.


Involves flying-or at least floating. Mages are unable to perform telekinesis.


Mages in this school are able to manipulate metals in various ways.


Those in this school are sometimes able to see into the future, although their "visions" are usually vague. They are responsible for giving mages their mage names.


Mages are able to erect and maintain various magical shields.


Involves creating illusions. Many mages are also able to make themselves or others invisible.



Mages are able to communicate with and control animals.


Mages in this school can see the souls/spirits of living beings (usually human). From this, they are able to perceive various qualities in others (e.g. sincerity, hostility).


Involves imbuing normal objects with magical powers.


Corpse mages are necromancers. They animate and control dead creatures and humans.


Mages of this school ignite fires. They also control and extinguish the flames that they create.


Mages changes their appearance and some of their physical abilities to that of another person, animal, plant or object. Magical powers cannot be gained in this manner.


Involves the creation of light (without any accompanying heat).


The mage manipulates sounds in various ways (e.g. by amplifying them.)


Spirit mages are able to see ghosts. Some are also able to call upon spirits and even control them.


Involves the control of air flow.

MINOR CHARACTERS (unnamed ones are generally not listed)

Agatha Thatcher:

Seraph's sister-in-law. She is married to Carl Thatcher and has two sons.

Amory Geraldson:

Seraph's brother-in-law. His wife is Peony and they are expecting a baby.


One of Seraph's more demanding flight students. He is at the beginner level.

Brian Thatcher:

Seraph's deceased brother and the third youngest of the Thatcher siblings. He died of his wounds while serving in the Eastern army, a year before the Mage War's end.


A geography teacher and metal mage at the Academy. He survived the invasion, but suffered repeated panic attacks afterwards, so he is forced to retire.

Carl Thatcher:

Seraph's oldest sibling. He is married to Agatha and he has two sons.


A form mage who specializes in the cat form. Formerly a spy, she was assigned to Midlands after the Mage War.


Seraph's Aidi friend. Initially a fellow flight student, she later becomes his oldest pupil.

Daylight I:

A light mage and a popular Great Mage who was overthrown 500 years ago. The coup sparked the Mage War.

Dean Brown:

A farmer near Midlands, in East Sentralia. He becomes part of a rebellion against Western rule.

Dulcie Fields:

Eldest daughter of Landis Fields. She had a crush on Seraph.


A respected fire mage who dies toward the end of the Mage War. She is mother to Sara Mageborn.


A manipulative history teacher, Western mage and ally of Din. Like him, she dislikes mages of the Eastern schools.

Gardner Haines:

A fruiterer in Angalas' market. He dislikes mages, particularly those from the flight school.


A high-ranking vision mage. She survived the invasion and attempts to attack the Midlands fortress as a first step to freeing Ocean and dethroning Daylight II.

Kelby Hillman:

An Eastern farmer living near Midlands. He eventually joins the rebellion against the Westerners.


A beginner student in Seraph's flight school. He is one of the more advanced students.

King Wilfred:

King of Sudenland. He has a wife, daughter and son. Like most Sudeni, he finds mages very intimidating and would prefer them outside Sukonig.

Landis Fields:

A Sudeni farmer who live at the edge of Skeleton Forest. He briefly allows Seraph to live and work at his farm.

Lieutenant Spears:

A Western soldier serving in Midlands. He is tasked with bringing Seraph, Combustion, Caleb and Sara to Angalas.

Mayor Hillman:

Relative of Kelby Hillman and leader of Solana's rebels.


An angel who appeared to humans 1000 years before the story begins. He gifted them with magic and gave instructions on how to use their powers before returning to the heavens.

Night I:

The dark mage who overthrew Daylight I and became Great Mage 500 years ago. His actions caused the Mage War.

Ocean II:

The former Great Mage and leader of the Easterners. He was captured by Daylight II's forces and executed.


One of Seraph's flight students. He is at the beginner level.

Peony Geraldson:

The third oldest sibling in the Thatcher family. She is married to Amory Geraldson and is pregnant with her first child.

Perdita Thatcher:

Seraph's deceased sister and his second oldest sibling. She died about ten years before while serving in the Eastern army.


A pretty flower seller in Angalas' market.

Seraph's parents:

Warm, loving parents to Seraph and his five siblings. They work as thatchers in a rural area.


One of Seraph's flight students. She survived the invasion, but was traumatized as a result. She prefers to use her birth name, Rosalie.


A young student mage who dies during the Western force's invasion.


Captain of the flight mages and a former mentor of Seraph. She dies from wounds received during the invasion.


One of Seraph's flight students.


The Academy's assistant librarian, hired after the Mage War by Combustion.


A hero of East Sentralia, he died hundreds of years ago and reappeared in more recent battles of the Mage War as a ghost.



An angel who descended from the Heavens to speak to the Sentralians.

Age: Over 10,000 years

Allegiance: Nominally West Sentralia and the angels, but in reality he cares more for his own agenda than anyone else's

Appearance: Winged. Tall compared to most humans. Blonde hair, blue eyes and well muscled. He wears a long white robe.

Family: N/A

Magical abilities: None, but he had abilities in every school before he was cast from the heavens

Personality: Outwardly amiable, but manipulative and selfish

War experience: 500 years observing the Mage War. In the last few years of the war, he aided the Westerners, in disobedience of his orders.

Ambition/desire: To make the peace within Sentralia permanent. He believes that achieving this will force the angels to return him to the heavens without him having to admit any mistake.


A Furan and fire mage who works for Daylight II.

Birth name: Shuxue of Jinse

Later mage name: Sun

Age: 20 years

Allegiance: Nominally West Sentralia, but in reality Furao

Appearance: Similar to East Asians, slender build, black hair tied back in a short ponytail, medium height

Family: Large, with many members. Estranged from father.

Magical abilities: Fire. Later developed nuclear magic.

Personality: Short-tempered, intelligent, keeps to himself, a good cook

War experience: Two years in various supporting (i.e. non-combat) roles

Hobbies: Reading

Ambition/desire: To discover why Sentralians were favoured when angels gave humanity magic. He hopes that the answer would assuage the humiliation that Furans had felt subsequently and therefore enable him to go home.

Daylight II:

The new Great Mage of a reunited Sentralia.

Age: 37 years

Allegiance: Nominally West Sentralia, but in reality Furao

Appearance: Dark brown hair, including a short, finely-trimmed beard and brown eyes. Average build. Dressed in expensive, often showy, clothes

Family: Largely deceased

Magical abilities: Light

Personality: Sometimes overconfident, but generally well-meaning. He wants to include Easterners in Sentralia's future.

War experience: Many years within the military and as the Westerner's leader

Ambition/desire: To lead Sentralia to a new golden age


The most prominent sound mage in Sentralia. He serves as the deputy head of the Academy and has a particularly intense dislike of Easterners.

Later mage name: Chaos

Age: 51 years

Allegiance: West Sentralia

Appearance: Tall, straight-backed, balding and generally of a stern demeanour. His remaining hair is grey, and his face is heavily lined.

Magical abilities: Sound

Personality: Forceful, proud, self-serving and scheming. He strongly dislikes Easterners.

Ambition/desire: To become a Great Mage or, failing that, a Master Mage


The new Master Mage of Angalas' Academy. Although physically fragile, he has so far been able to stop Din from usurping him entirely.

Age: 72 years

Allegiance: West Sentralia

Appearance: Bent back. He usually walks with the aid of a stick. Lined, worn face with sad eyes. Full head of white hair. His thin, frail body is covered by warm clothes.

Magical abilities: Spirit

Personality: He is firm but understanding. He carries much regret from his past.

War experience: Extensive. Mostly in leadership roles.

Ambition/desire: To promote stability and harmony in the Academy, partly by controlling Mage Din and his faction.

Maeryn Thatcher:

The second youngest sibling of the Thatcher family.

Age: 23 years

Allegiance: West Sentralia

Appearance: Brown, wavy hair down to her chest. Thin, severe face with sharp eyes and thin lips. Wears plain dresses.

Family: Parents, three brothers (one deceased), two sisters (one deceased), a sister-in-law, a brother-in-law, two nephews. Estranged from all relatives.

Magical abilities: None

Personality: Secretive and sometimes severe, but capable of great love

War experience: Two years, part of which was spent as a guard

Sara Mageborn:

A Western child with flight magic.

Mage name: Hawk

Age: 12 years

Appearance: Slim. Looks a little young and small for her age.

Family: Deceased parents. Mother was a respected mage.

Magical abilities: Flight

Personality: Initially timid, but she quickly gains confidence under the care of Seraph, Combustion and Caleb

War experience: None

Ambition/desire: To find acceptance and belonging


A mage with a prophecy as a burden. He is also the youngest sibling of the Thatcher family.

Birth name: Hugh Thatcher

Age: 19 years

Allegiance: East Sentralia

Appearance: Slender build, brown hair ending just above shoulders, average height

Family: Parents, two brothers (one deceased), three sisters (one deceased), a sister-in-law, a brother-in-law, two nephews

Magical abilities: In order of appearance, flight, spirit and prophecy. He eventually gains power from every school.

Personality: Well-meaning, often uncertain, family-oriented, naïve

War experience: Almost one year

Hobbies: Flying, playing the recorder

Ambition/desire: To protect his family, get along with others and live an ordinary rural life


The most trusted advisor of Daylight II.

Age: 39 years

Allegiance: West Sentralia

Appearance: Rather pale. Black, wavy hair worn loose down to her back and black eyes. Medium height and slightly overweight. Wears relatively simple clothes and jewellery.

Magical abilities: Aura

Personality: Dedicated and caring, but firm

Ambition/desire: To help Daylight reunite Sentralia and keep peace within the country
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