Closed for business, but be sure to check out my new place! |
Vivacious stumbles in, looks around with bleary eyes and thinks, "What is this place? It looks familiar, somehow." She scratches her head, a mass of discheveled hair and thinks, "Oh, yeah, my blog page. I came here for . . . something. What was it again?" She sniffles, the remnants of her cold still hanging on and thinks. "What will I write about?" Hmm. How 'bout what's on my mind? That's a good start. My NaNoWriMo is on my mind. Though I haven't yet reached the minimum daily wordcounts (I at this moment sit at 3896), I'm well-immersed in my story. I decided on my fantasy titled "Inherited Evil." It centers on my main character who discovers his father is not . . . well . . . human (don't want to give too much away ). He knows something is strange with him, but doesn't find out exactly what until at least half-way into my story. It started out as a short story, but after completing three different versions, and not satisfied with any of them, I decided to expand it to a novel. That's my hope anyway. My character, named Ticherin, is one of those accidental characters who pop up in the head, and in spite of their terrible flaws, I can't help but fall in love with them. The basic of the story is about the internal and external struggles between good and evil. Hence the title. Ticherin was born to be evil, but he has good in him as well. Which will he choose? I'll not let you know as soon as I find out. You might have to read it yourself . . . hopefully by finding it on a Barnes and Noble bookshelf . Hey, it's my blog and I can dream big if I want to. So there Pbthththththth!!! |