Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
18 Qudrat 163 B.E. - November 21, 2006 Several years ago, I read a piece on worry. It was on the amount of thing a person has to worry about, while I can remember the exact wording and don’t know what happened to my copy I’m going to attempt to write what I remember of the piece. I think the title was either Why Worry or You have only Two Things to Worry About. Why worry, because only two things you have to worry about is if you’re healthy or you’re ill. If you’re healthy you don’t have anything to worry about and if you’re ill the only two things you have to worry about is if you’re going to live or die. If you live you don’t have anything to worry about and if you die you only have two things to worry about, if you’re going to heave or to hell. If you go to heaven, you don’t have anything to worry about and if you go to hell you’ll be so busy saying hi to everyone that you know you won’t have time to worry. So why worry! That is as much of the piece as I can remember. I’m not even sure now where I read it, but I think it was in a magazine, not an online magazine but the old fashion print type of mag. |