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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1179471
Meet Kennocha, guardian of the door,must travel to the elven world of Tharndor
#470586 added May 12, 2007 at 12:14pm
Restrictions: None
Starting to learn about myself
         As I drove to my apartment to get my clothes and passport, I let everything from the last twenty-four hours sink in. My life had never been what I’d call wonderful, but I was comfortable and had dreamed of one-day finding someone I could love and have children with. Now all of that seemed to be in jeopardy with the knowledge of other beings besides human, and I was suppose to have been sired by one of them. I had argued with Dottie over how crazy this all was, but the whole time my mind kept whispering that it all made sense. As a young child, I learned to keep my hair long enough to cover my ears, although they are not as prominent as those in the drawing of the elf. Also, the few facts of my birth and about Summer made since now, but I refused to dwell on them much because that would mean giving up the anger I felt toward her and I just was not going to do that…yet.
         After gathering what I needed and cleaning out the refrigerator, I took my only pet I had ever aloud myself to the boy two doors down. Tavon’s mother, Tamika and I had walked together several nights a week for exercise and company, since we were both single. I knocked on the door and Tavon answered.
         “Tavon is your mother home?” I questioned.
         “ Hi, Miss Kenny, did that man ever find you… Mom, Miss Kenny is here… Why’ve you got Bubbles with you?” Tavon yammered ninety to nothing.
         Tamika came to the door as he finished and waved a hello, so I smiled at Tavon and said, “I haven’t seen any man, did he say who he was or why he was looking for me?”
         Tavon shook his head no and looked at his mother. Tamika smiled and gestured for me to enter the apartment. As I past her she whispered, “ He told me an outlandish story of a man who looked like Spock off of Star Trek. Tavon said he had white eyes and hair with pointed ears that he was trying to keep covered by a dark cape. He told Tavon he was a friend of yours. Do you know someone like that?”
         I shrugged my shoulders and continued into the kitchen. I could tell that Tamika thought that Tavon’s imagination was getting the best of him and she didn’t believe he had seen such a man, and I didn’t know how to explain that Tavon may very well have seen something like Spock. So,I raised the container that had Bubbles in it, and asked, “Tamika, I’m going to be going on a trip and will be gone for several weeks. Could I get you and Tavon to take care of Bubbles for me?”
         “Oh, Mom, can I? I promise that I’ll take real good care of him. I’ll fed him and change his water every day…Please, please!” Tavon said excitedly.
         Tamika gave a longsuffering smile to me, “Tavon, this is a every big responsibility, and I’m not even sure how to take care of a Betta fish.”
         “ It is real not that hard. I feed him once a week with a special food for Bettas and change the water in the bowl twice a week with bottled water. I sure would appreciate it. I know Tavon has always wanted a pet and fish are good, quite pets.”
         Tavon was pulling on Tamika’s arm and mouthing, “please” repeatedly. She looked from me to Tavon several times before saying to Tavon, “I want you to your best and make sure that when Miss Kenny comes back to pick-up Bubbles, we won’t have to give a copy of his obituary, okay?”
         Tavon did a little dance around the room before taking the container with Bubbles from me. He spoke to the fish as he left the room, “I’m going to show you our room….”
         Tamika and I talked a little longer and she said she wouldn’t mind looking in on the apartment while I was gone, so I left her a spare key. As I walked out to my car, I again had the feeling of someone watching me, but could see no one.
         Dottie met me in the driveway as I pulled up. She calmly opened the door and I handed her my travel bag, but her eyes told me that something was wrong. I started to ask her what when she closed her eyes and gave the slightest shake of her head to the negative. I tried not to look about me, but noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Dottie looped her arm through mine and started rambling on about how glad she was that I had come back to stay the weekend and how we were going to make cookies as she maneuvered me to the front door. When she closed the door, she made me remove my shoes then chanted in a language I didn’t understand. I looked down and noted we were know standing in a circle of colored stones.
         I stared at Dottie until she had finished then she gave me a white feather, saying, “Kennocha, I realize you said you weren’t sure you believed all of this, but please take this feather for protection when we travel. As you could tell, there are beings in the woods watching us. I have tried to feel for their intent, but they are stronger than I. I think my shields for the house can hold them off, but we will have to wait for Evelyn’s escort to come for us.”
         “Dottie, thank you for the feather, I know I said I wasn’t sure if I believed, but you know that what has happen and what you have told me makes sense to me. I just didn’t want to believe. How long will we have to wait for this escort?”
         “I’m not sure, but it probably won’t be much longer. Kenny, while we wait would you let me teach you some spells that might help you. Where we are going is sacred ground for the Lord and Lady, so if we encounter beings with evil intent, you can call on them for help,” Dottie looked at me with hope that I would be willing to learn.
         As I looked around the room, calmness came over me.I looked at Dottie and noticed for the first time, she was surrounded by a brilliant indigo color with a red corona. I asked her what it was. She explained that this is what she had been trying to explain about Bardach and the other animals seeing. She expressed little surprise that I could see hers, but told me she could not see auras. She also explained that since we were standing inside the circle, the blessed area, the Lady of the earth must have been letting me see it to help me understand and believe. Dottie taught me several useful spells and told me of how to call upon the Lord and Lady for help. She stressed that I should only call upon them for good and never to cause harm.
         As we continued our lessons, I became aware of another presents almost like another voice in my head. I was feeling weird, like I needed to find the voice. I stood up and walked to the window. Dottie had gone into the kitchen to refill our tea glasses and was asking me if I wanted a snack. I started to turn and answer her, but the voice stopped me saying, “Kennocha, guardian of the door, you must make ready. My master has bid me let you know he will take you back to the Gerousia. Therefore, you should call the Du-sith warriors off, before we kill them.”
         I responded to the voice out loud, “Who are you and why am I hearing you?” This drew Dottie from the kitchen. Dottie started to question me, but I held up my hand to stay her.
         “I am Itrenor and since you are part elf I can telepathically communicate with you. I would not if my master had not asked this of me. Now call off your guard,” the voice of Itrenor seemed to hold some disgust at having to converse with me.
         “Itrenor, I don’t have any guard of Du-sith. Dottie, her marten, and I are the only ones in the house,” not knowing if thinking my response would work; I continued to speak out loud.
         I heard no more from Itrenor. Dottie was now at my side and looking at me questioningly. I shrugged my shoulders, as I spotted movement in the woods. What I saw reminded me of a movie scene. There was an explosion and what appeared to be human men came flying out of the woods into the driveway. The three men were dressed in black robes. Two of which got up to meet a fourth, dressed in dark blue robe, which was walking out of the woods. The man in dark blue pulled what appeared to be a multi-end whip from around his waist and started to fight the other two who had swords. I was dumb struck watching it all, but Dottie ran out onto the porch. As the third man in black started to rise, she cast a spell that caused a vine to snake out and around him covering his hands and mouth. At this point, my eyes returned to the man in blue. I noted how fluid his movements were. He held the two at bay, but I had the since he was playing with them.
         My senses came back to me and I ran out on to the porch beside Dottie. I started to ask Dottie who they were when the sound of metal on metal caught my attention. Once again I could not keep from watching the man in dark blue. He was conversing with the other two as they spared. It took me a minute to register that they spoke a language I didn’t know. I felt someone push me. Dottie’s spell had been broken by the third man, which caused her to fall into me. She yelled, “Run Kennocha! They must not catch you. Keep your feather close to your heart and My Lady will protect you.”
         I stumbled to my feet and ran toward the barn. I knew Dottie kept the four-wheelers there. Having no chance to get to my car because of the melee happening in the drive, I felt this was the fastest course to get away. As I glanced back to see if Dottie was following, I saw the man in blue, pull out another weapon. With the whip like weapon in one had and a broadsword in the other, he cut down both his assailants in one smooth action. I screamed as ones body split into three sections and the other was beheaded. The third man in black at this point chanted something I feared was a spell and everything began to dim. I could hear Dottie screaming for me to call upon the Lady for protection. I let myself feel the ground beneath my feet. There was energy, I felt traveling form the bottoms of my feet up. I concentrated as Dottie taught me, asking her Ladyship to repel this evil. My body felt a fire and alive. Then, it happened, the energy converged in my abdomen and projected out at the man in black. He screamed and flew back into the bushes. The man in blue grabbed him and slit his throat without any sign of emotion.
         Dottie ran up to me and kept me from collapsing to the ground. I met the man in blue's eyes, but he wasn’t a man at all. He had pushed the hood of his outer robe off his head as he stalked toward us. His eyes were sapphire blue ringed by black, his shoulder length obsidian black hair had been pulled back at the temples over his sharply pointed ears, and his skin was tan from exposure to the sun but not leathery like most sun worshipers. He had broad shoulders that tapered down over what I imaged to be a tight abdomen to powerful legs that were incased black pants. No doubt this elven hunk was a lady-killer or whatever they called their women, and he did look as through he was ready to kill this lady. I started to try to pull Dottie toward the barn, but she wouldn’t budge. Thinking only to protect her I once again tried to feel the energy from My Lady’s earth. Dottie and the elf must have both since my gathering of energy at the same time. He yelled something in the language he had spoken to the men in black, as Dottie shook me saying, “Kennocha McCallum stop it! He is not our enemy, and you can do no damage to him but will cause yourself harm.”
         I heard what she said as all the energy I had left me. Dottie could no longer hold me up and I felt myself falling. I felt strong arms scooped me up before everything went black.

© Copyright 2007 LoraNutt (UN: loranutt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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