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loving a vampire can pose problems.
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#471229 added September 17, 2007 at 8:31pm
Restrictions: None
This is family?(2)
Asher and Trinity stepped into the house greeted by loud disagreement between two of the house mates. Apparently it had something to do with someone drinking the last of something which belonged to someone else but as soon as the two walked through the door all went quiet to stare at the new girl. With her small, but mature form, and pale skin complimented by dark brown hair and blue -green eyes, they seemed to be sizing her up in one go on whether or not she was worth a 'hello.'
"Hello everyone."Asher said leaving Trinity at the door holding the sleeping dog and two of the four suit cases. All she could do was stare back at the other four attendants. There was one girl who looked to be just a little bit older than her and the other three were boys who were clearly older than her. Suddenly feeling the tension and silence all she could muster up the courage to say was,"um...hi."Then the tension turned toward Asher when he returned from the kitchen with the last suit case in his hand.
"Okay you guys stop looking at me like that I know what your thinking, but everything will be fine. It's just temporary she's just waiting for an opening in the dorms. She was acting like she was going to just sleep outside in the gazebo and we have an extra room so I offered and she accepted. It's already settled so you can just go ahead and get over it. Now be nice, welcome our new room mate."Asher said in an aloof but comanding manner as he was walking over and pulling Trinity closer to the living room which was too their right. Which had a black sectional sofa and a chair to match with white buttons, it was adorable in her opinion, and a large screen t.v. which should be expected with four guys in the house.
"Everyone this is Trinity, she is a student at the community college. I also hope none of you have any problems with a dog because it's staying too."one of the boys was about to say something but was cut off by Asher's continuation of the introductions,"Not that your opinion will be heard because I've already made up my mind. But anyway, Trinity this is Adiline, her room is across form yours; Eilian, his room is next to Adiline's; Luca, his room is next to yours; and finally this is Aden, his room is on the other side of Luca's. I'm sure they'll all want to get to know you on their own. Adiline would you mind helping Trinity to her room."
"Yah no problem, come on squirt lets get ya settled in."Adiline said cheerfully jumping up from her seat on the couch next to a rather handsome blond guy whom she thinks was named Luca.
"um, okay..."
They walked up the grand stair case, it was a beautiful old dark wood with a red velvet carpet that went all the way to the top stair. when the reached the top of the stairs Trinity saw the hallway was much larger and longer than what she had been picturing. Adiline pointed out who's room was who's in case she had forgotten. She led Trinity to the end of the hall to what would now be her room. When she walked in she was amazed at the size of the room, it was twice the size of her old room back at home.
"Wow, I think this room is even bigger than my parent's room back at home. This is great!" Trinity said overwhelmed with the generosity of her new friends, well if you could call five total strangers your friends.
"Yah that's the great thing about this old house all the rooms are huge. By the way I know Asher called me 'Adiline' but I'd prefer it if you called just called me 'Adlin' it's what everyone calls me, well at least my friends do, and your my friend now so you should too. But enough about me tell me a little about yourself... oh wait I wanna see how much I can guess. I don't get many opportunities to play this game, hehe. Now let me just get a good look at you and then I'll see how much I can figure out about you."She said giggling in anticipation. She stepped back and looked at Trinity from head to toe, making her a little uncomfortable just standing there in the silence.
"Okay, first off your long, dark, uncolored hair and in combination with your plain fitting clothes tells me your mother never tried to do the whole girly-girl thing with you and you probably were an out cast through school because of it. But your pretty and guys probably flirted with you, but you just didn't know it so you put all your efforts into school. But your not completely with out style, your retro suit cases tell me that you have the potential to be very fashion forward your just afraid that you can't pull it off. And lastly you carrying the puppy around tells me you were never allowed a pet growing up so when you saw the opportunity to finally have a pet you picked it up and brought it with you. So how close was I?"She said seeming very proud of her assumption.
All Trinity could do was stand there gaping at Adlin. "You were so completely right it's scary." Trinity said amazed that she could talk.
"I'm studying to be a psychologist at the college. That's one of the things they teach you, 'seeing into the patient's inner self and their life'. It's really cool don't-cha think?" She explained still giggling at her success.
"Oh one other thing I noticed, your not eighteen you look barely over sixteen. So how are you in college and how in the world did you get your age past Asher?" Adlin said wondering if this girl was some kind of master mind or something.
"Please don't tell him! He'll kick me out and there isn't any other place in town to stay and my parents will make me come home and and then I'll never get into a better college no matter what my test scores are!" She said beginning to panic at the thought of all her hard work being a waste of time.
"Don't worry, don't worry I'm not going to say anything to him. I don't want you to leave either it's going to be fun having another girl in the house. But I am curious to know how you got your age past him, he wouldn't risk getting anyone in trouble especially himself."She asked still wanting to know how she did it.
"Well my age never came up. He just walked up offered to help me find my dorm, I kind of mumbled that I didn't have any place to stay, and he offered me a room here and told me I could leave when ever I wanted, so I guess I was so desperate that I took the offer." She explained.
"Hmmm..." Adlin said looking Trinity over again trying to think like Asher," you know what, I bet he was staring at your chest, for barely over sixteen you are..how to put this...very mature looking. I bet with the right clothes and make-up you'd look even older. So how old are you any way?" Adlin laughed when she saw how deep a red Trinity's face was turning.
"I'm seventeen."she answered looking toward the ground. Adlin was still laughing when she had put away the last of the clothes and said as she was leaving the room,"I hope you have a quick wit otherwise those guys down there are just going to go to town on your shyness about things like that. Good night Trinity."
Trinity wasn't sure when she heard everyone turn the t.v. and radio off but it got really quiet and it was a very errie silence and she just about screamed when Kasa started whining and going in circles on the bed like she had to go outside. So silently she got up and up the leash on Kasa and headed down stairs and to the kitchen. The kitchen was actually very large and meant to entertain. Everything in the kitchen was state of the art like furniture in the living room. But here in the kitchen there was a lot more color with reds, pale blues and greens, all complimented by some black here and some white there. The whole style of the inside of the house was completely different from the outside. And it also definitely didn't match the style of any of the occupants either.
Asher was a little flamboyant in personality, but he wore all black. Adlin was very kind and cheerful but she had this gothic/punk style with black, red, and purple that set her apart. Eilian, well she didn't know much about him yet but wore a dark red shirt with black pants so he ventured out from the dark trend. But Luca wore black and blue, and Aden wore a black shirt that advertised some band and black pants. So they all had this dark style that seemed to work for them, and now that she thought about it no wonder they had stared at her, she had walked in wearing a pink sweater that her mother had gotten her for Christmas and dark brown corduroys they probably thought that she was some kind of prepy cheerleader type, which she wasn't she had worn the sweater to make her mother happy. She had totaly blown her first impression.
She walked over to the fridge to get some water and hoped that would help her sleep after letting Kasa go out. She opened the door and put Kasa down to get a bottle out when she suddenly felt like she was being watched and with Kasa whining quietly at her feet she started to feel very nervous so she grabbed the bottle and didn't even try to look around when stood back up but walked very quickly to the back door and went outside. Not that it was any better, it was just as creepy outside with a very dense and dark forest just fifteen feet away from the edge of the deck. So now she felt like she had something watching her from behind as well and from the dark creepy forest in front of her. So then she tried to focus on something else, like the fact that it was below freezing and she was outside in a silk tank top and matching pajama pants. So now she was very cold. Luckily Kasa must have been cold too because they had only been out there no more than two minuets before they were both rushing back inside.
When she got back inside she was greeted by a pair of bright blue eyes, they were so bright that they glowed with an almost hypnotic allure. But any trance that may have held her there for those few seconds was broke by the strong beautiful voice that asked,"Miss Trinity what are you doing up so early in the morning?" When she heard the voice she snapped back and her eyes adjusted to the dark and she was able to see that it was Eilian.
"I just needed some water and Kasa needed to go outside. But why are you also still awake?"She said now avoiding his beautifully hypnotic eyes.
"I was coming to see what all the noise was about, I see now that it was your dog."He said trying to gain her gaze back by continuing to look into her eyes.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you I tried to keep her from barking, but she has a defiant little spirit about her." She said making the mistake of looking him in the eye while she apologized.
"It's fine, I was already awake anyway, I wasn't sleeping very well. It happens when you skip a few meals."He said softly with his voice echoing through her head.She was concentrating so hard on his beautiful eyes and voice of liquid silk that she never even noticed that she had started walking toward him.
He was drawing her in with his hypnotic eyes and voice.
She didn't know why she was drawn to him, she just knew that she was moving toward him as if being promised a prize if she came quietly. Some how or another she arrived at her destination without realizing it. Then she felt something cold wrapping her waist but she didn't care she was too captivated by his eyes.
She had just enough consciousness to remember that she had read something like this before but she couldn't seem to remember what it was or what happened next, but she knew it wasn't good. So she tried to push herself away but couldn't, she didn't even know if she had even lifted up her arms.
So she tried that but she couldn't even do that, and now she was scared.
No sooner had she just about given up hope and closed her eyes, she was ripped out of his arms and was lightly being shaken as if that would tear her attention away from his eyes. The shaking stopped and now who ever had been shaking her was now saying something to Eilian and he didn't look too happy about it, but finally she was able to move again and hear that it was Luca that had been shaking her.
He was asking her in a worried voice,"Trinity can you hear me are you all right?"
'I don't know am I but...I guess I'm Trinity' she thought but answered,"Yes I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"She was genuinely confused to the whole situation. But the silence grew as Luca was trying to come up with an answer but that didn't bother her near as much as to why Aden was standing between her and Eilian and like Luca looked so worried.
"Listen don't worry about it. You weren't in any physical danger, maybe emotional, but we had heard you two talking down here because Aden and I were watching a movie and when it got quiet down here we assumed Eilian was being lecherous asshole again so we came to help you, but your okay so why don't you just go back up stairs and go to bed."Luca said hoping she would buy the obvious lie. This was in no way that normal and she knew it, but she needed to think to try and sort out all this so she just went with it,"okay, yah good night."

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