Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/471429-Something-weird-is-going-on-here-and-I-know-what-it-is3
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1161514
loving a vampire can pose problems.
#471429 added September 22, 2007 at 4:48pm
Restrictions: None
Something weird is going on here, and I know what it is(3)
Some how or another Trinity was able to move and when she got to the top of the stairs she was able to hear Luca whisper to Eilian," Eilian why didn't you tell us you had been skipping meals you know you put far too many lives at risk if you skip a meal. I mean look at what just happened you almost ate one of our room mates! Be more careful, now go out side and get something to eat."
Trinity kept walking to her room but her mind was racing with questions like: How could Eilian's eyes have been that bright of blue in the dark like that when there was barely enough light to have even seen anything at all? What did Luca mean could I hear him? Was I not hearing him before? Why was Luca so worried about Eilian skipping a meal or two, who doesn't? And how was it dangerous to other lives and why did he use this as an example? And did he really mean 'you almost ate one of our room mates'? So many questions and all could be solved if she could just remember why what just happened seemed like she had read it in a book once.
'It feels like too many questions,' she told herself, 'they'll just have to wait for morning to be answered.' With that she fell back on her pillow and fell asleep.
Trinity woke up to the sound of a certain little dog rummaging through a plastic sack.
"Kasa, get out of there."she said dragging her self out of bed and picking up the little beagle. She instinctively grabbing her towel at the end of her bed and walking down the hall to the bathroom with Kasa following closely behind. She walked and gently pushed Kasa away from the door before closing it. The patient little dog waited quietly outside the door for her master to finish her shower. Not but a few minuets later two more bed heads came out with their towels in hand. Luca who was closer to the door sat down and waited and was followed by Adlin who sat opposite him next to Kasa and was absently petting the dog.
"Why are you up so early, you don't normally come out until Adin's up, and that usually isn't until around noon or after.So whats up? You no longer feel all emo? Has the new girl made you all happy and prepy"She said jokingly with a yawn.
"Shut it whore. I'm only up because I couldn't stand to have been shut up in there any long after last night. I was just waiting for Trinity to get up so it wouldn't seem weird being up early than everyone else thats all."He said wishing he had something to throw at her for calling him 'emo'.
"Why? What happened last night?"Adlin asked curiously.
"Eilian had been skipping meals while we went on vacation for Christmas. Then last night Trinity decided to take the dog outside and to get some water by herself. Had Aden and I been watching a loud part in our movie we never would have heard them talking and then how quiet it had gotten. Luckily we got down there before anything happened. But Asher is down there right now lecturing him about skipping and how dangerous it is."He explained.
"Wow I suddenly wish I had decided to not listen to my headphones last night. But she's okay now right, she doesn't suspect anything right."She asked, but before he could answer Trinity stepped out in just a towel around her and her pajamas in hand. Simultaneously Luca and Trinity blushed deeply at the awkward situation of her being half naked, but apparently this was hilarious to Adlin. Luca glared at her for laughing at his embarrassment in front of Trinity. Trinity could do anything but stare at the floor. So, slowly she mumbled a good morning and scurried to her room completely mortified. It took her five minuets just to calm herself down and to put some clothes on. She finally decided to were something a little less bright so she didn't seem to stand out as much. She chose a dark gray shirt with a deep cut down the front and a navy blue camisole to go underneath paired with the one pair of tight jeans she owned. She seemed quite happy with her choice of clothes but was sure others would have some kind of problem with it. She finally walked out of her room hoping she wouldn't run into Adlin or Luca right away. She and Kasa went down stairs to grab some breakfast and decide what she would do for the day. First off she was going to give the dog a bath, there's no telling how long it had been since the thing had a bath, if ever.
Then she was going to go trough her list of books that gave her summaries of all the books she had ever read since she started writing so she was sure not to copy any ideas or make things sound too alike. This was were she was going to solve this whole family mystery thing that was going on because everyone seem to be in on it except her and they probably weren't going to tell her anytime soon. Maybe if they were still talking to her and hadn't thrown her out for snooping she could spend time getting to know each of them. She reached the kitchen on that thought to see Asher not looking too kindly at Emilian. Eilian was probably in trouble for last night even though nothing serious was done to her. But that didn't seem to matter here, it was something more. She didn't want them to be unhappy after being so kind to her so far. So it was up to her to lighten the mood since their conversation was obviously over since she was now in the room. "Trinity I'd like to apologize for last night..."Eilian began but was cut off by Trinity.
"It's okay, it was late at night and you said you hadn't eaten in a few days it would only make sense that you wouldn't be acting like your self, so really, don't worry about it there was no harm done. Now Would either of you like so of my 'scrambled eggs surprise'?"She asked cheerfully, Eilian was taken aback by her generous forgiveness, even when she didn't even know the danger she had been in.
"No thank you we've already eaten. But I am curious to what the 'surprise' is in the eggs."Asher asked now looking cheerful like he had yesterday when she had met him. "It's a secret surprise. Only I know all of the ingredients!" She said playfully laughing. Then started to pull out the milk, eggs, cheese, left over chicken from yesterday's trip, and fried rice from the day before yesterday that she had wanted to bring with her for this exact reason. She took out a large pan and began adding the eggs and all of the rest of the ingredients to the pan and with in five minuets she had the scariest looking plate of eggs that really no longer looked like eggs at all.
"In all my years I don't think I've ever seen anyone mutilate eggs like you just did in that short amount of time." Asher said staring at the plate in amazement.
"I didn't mutilate anything, in fact last year in Culinary Arts2 my teacher said they were the most creative eggs she had ever seen and the best she had ever tasted." She said very proud of her creation.
"Why didn't you take Culinary Arts3 and 4 if your such a good cook?" Eilian asked now joining in the fun.
"Didn't get a chance, graduated; and anyway it wouldn't have mattered they only let seniors in that class because you have to travel across town."She answered in between a bite. She felt them staring at her and as she mentally went over what she had just said she froze at her faux pas. She had so stupidly and casually mentioned her age that she hadn't even realized it. She had to recover quickly,"Not that I wasn't a 'graduating senior' I just didn't have time to take the class, because I graduated after the fall semester."
"Uh-huh, so then why wouldn't they have let you travel even if you had had a chance to take it, because you said,'not that it would have mattered they only let seniors in that class because you have to travel across town.' So tell us how old you really are Miss Trinity."Asher said holding a smile back from having trapped her in her lie.
"Please don't be mad Asher! I am only seventeen but I scored so highly on the ACTS that they let me graduate early with a scholarship, so I took it. But by the time I had enrolled and arrived here the dorms had all been filled up and your offer was too good to pass up. I wasn't planning to stay long or get any of you in trouble I just needed somewhere to stay. Please don't kick me out I really felt bad about not being totally honest with you all."She cried, all in about one breath.
"Don't worry I'm not going throw you out, but now, I do have to take a vote with the rest of the tenants, since you are under aged. But the terms are that if everyone doesn't agree then I'm afraid you'll have to leave. We're one big family and if one of us is unhappy then we're all unhappy. That's how it is and how it will always be. But don't worry I don't think there will be any problems everyone really seems to like you."He said sternly but friendly. Then all the sudden looking down a little he noticed how 'open' her shirt really was, where as before he just passed it off as a low cut shirt big deal, he thought lots of girls her age wear them that way. But now that he knew how old she really was he said,"One last thing, stand up for a second." She did and he did the quick as lightning thing and took off his sweat shirt so that he was just left with a tee shirt on and put the sweat shirt on over her head and pulled down.
" Cover up your too young to be wearing something that revealing. I would've never let my little sister go out in something like that at your age." Now normally no one ever brought up the fact that she was physically more mature than most seventeen year old girls, but he just blatantly told her to 'cover up' and this made her furious. She was sure at least her anger was showing. She pushed her arms through the sleeves and went up stairs.
She stomped down the hall and to her room took off the sweat shirt and grabbed her coat and went all the way back down stairs and nearly ran into Adlin.
"Hey are you going somewhere? Mind if I come I don't have anything to do today."Adlin asked grabbing her coat from the hook next to the door.
"Yah I don't mind if you come I'd actually prefer it. I need some help picking out clothes."She said hopping Asher could hear whom she was asking for help from. Adlin had an extreme sense of fashion, she always wore black on black or black on red. She seemed to like her choice in fashion because she was always so confident, unlike Trinity who had never felt too happy with what ever she wore. The two girls were already in the car and pulling down the long drive way when it hit Trinity that she really couldn't afford to go out and buy clothes.
"Um Adlin do you know of any good stores with REALLY low prices. I'm actually a little low on money but...well you saw my clothes I'm in need of some new up to date clothes."She said looking into her billfold to see how much cash she had.
"Oh yah there's a great place here in town that sells ventage clothes for a real low price that's where I had planed on going first."Adlin said smiling while still watching the road. It wasn't long before they reached the small old fashioned looking store with a green and white overhang over the door and large white letters over the window. They walked in and immediately Adlin started picking things up and handing them too her to hold.
"Daa-ling we are going to make you look ma-volus."Adline said playfully imitating an old movie star whose name she didn't know. Trinity could only laugh as Adlin just continued to pile things into her arms. When the clothes began to become taller than Trinity they decided to start trying on the clothes. Everything she tried on looked great on her which was something she never thought and she was thrilled.When she reached the halfway point of her pile she decided to ask Adlin about Eilian's strange actions and why everyone had been so concered with him and not eating and why that put others in danger.
"Adlin why was everyone so up set when they found out that Eilian had been skipping a few meals I mean who doesn't. Everyone was acting like it was the end of all human life and everything."She asked as casually not wanting to seem too eager.
There was silence for a minuet or two then she answered,"Well you know we've all been together for a long time and didn't want him to hurt himself or anything. He had really poor health when he was a kid so we're a little over cautious. Don't worry about it though, are you almost finished I've sorted through what you should get and what can stay are you almost ready we should get going if we're going to get your hair cut and colored."
"You never said anything about that! I don't have that kind of money!"She said freaking out over that much change over this little of time.
"Don't worry this one's on me as a welcome to the house gift. But the lady whose going to be doing your hair will only listen to me since I'm paying so you got to trust me. Okay?" She said smiling a less than trusting grin.
A few hours later a completely new Trinity walked out of the barber shop. Her long brown hair cut off to a jagged shoulder length bob with pink lining the ends of her hair. She was so shocked that she thought she had hated it, at first, but she soon began to love it just as much as Adlin did. She couldn't wait to get back and see Asher's face, this would show him she wasn't some little girl. They pulled up the driveway and noticed that the lights were all off, but it didn't seem to bother Adlin. When they got in the house disappointment set in when she didn't get to see Asher's freaked out face right off the bat.
"Hey I'll go see if any of the guys are still here. Sometimes they like to go out and get a bite to eat when I'm gone,"Adiln said,"the selfish jerks."They both headed up stairs Trinity to her room and Adlin somewhere off toward Asher's room.When Trinity went into her room she let Kasa get down and didn't completely close the door to hear if anyone was still there. She walked over to where she had arranged her journals of stories she had written in the past and she hoped to improve. When she finally found the book with her list of previously read novels, with in depth summaries, she began to flip through them in hopes of finding what the night's before situation had reminded her so much of. It had all been played out in a familiar scenario as if she had been reading the whole thing. It took her ten minuets before she came upon a similar situation, but there was no way that could have been right, it was about 'vampires'. She thought about it for a second and then laughed about it. 'What kind of fool would believe in vampires,' she told her self. She sat there for almost a half an hour and each story she came up with was one about vampires. The more the answer came up the more it scared her to think that there was always something unexplained in the universe this could be one of those things finally being explained. She laid back on her bed and somehow mistaking that as a sign to play Kasa brought her a tennis ball for her to throw and she didn't so Kasa got impatient and started to jump around her and whine. Till finally Kasa ran out of the room and down the hall, afraid of what she might destroy Trinity followed. She could see Kasa's tail end squeezing through a door that had been barely ajar. Trinity didn't know what was in there, but what ever it was Kasa was sure to make a mess of it. Trinity followed unsure of what she would find and she opened the door just a little bit more and saw Kasa waiting for her sitting on a step. Behind the door was another stair case no where near as nice as the one by the front door. She tried to grab Kasa, but she darted up the steep stairs. She was shocked when she reached the top because when she looked over Kasa in her arms she saw all five of her new friends sitting on a large old sectional couch and Asher sitting in an old matching chair. The only light in the room was a large chandelier that had candles instead of light bulbs, there weren't any windows, and the couch and chair were the only furniture.The five sat there staring at her just as they did the first time they had seen her.
"Thats not what I think it is, is it?"Trinity asked shakily referring to the whine glasses in their hands that was filled with something like red wine, but was clearly not wine. "Um, it depends what do you think it is?"Asked one of them, but she was becoming so dizzy with shock she wasn't sure which one had said it.
"That's blood isn't it."She more stated than asked and continued,"I can't believe you all are really vampires."With that she fell backwards fainting, but luckily she didn't feel the pain of her hitting her head when she hit the stairs.
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