Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/472255
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1161514
loving a vampire can pose problems.
#472255 added September 22, 2007 at 10:45pm
Restrictions: None
Suddenly everything makes since and it's great!(4)
Trinity woke up on a musty smelling couch with faint whispers around her that she couldn't make out. She tried to sit up but felt a strong hand push against her shoulder and heard the hand's owner say,"Stay still Trin' you hit your head. Do you hurt any where?"She wanted to answer but she want to figure out where she was first. The more she woke up the more she began to remember, the shopping trip, the new hair cut and make-up, she started to answer the question but her questions about her new friends popped back into her head, and the answer she kept coming up being proven by seeing them drink the blood out of the fine wine glasses. She had figured it out then, they were vampires. She counted her self lucky that she was still alive. But was confused to why they had kept her alive and not just have let Eilian just drain her of her blood then and there on her first night there.
"Trin? Trinity, can you hear me are you okay?"Asked the voice again.
She finally decided to answer the worried voice and open her eyes too,"Yes I'm fine I must have blacked out before I hit my head cus' it doesn't hurt yet." When her eyes adjusted to the darkness that was still in the room despite all the candles. She felt fear run through her with all the faces that were crowded around her to see if she was okay. Having all those faces that close to her made her feel very uncomfortable not only because they were vampires who could kill her in less than a minuet, but also because she didn't like to be the center of attention, it gave her too many chance to make a fool of herself. She tried to back away just a bit so that she could sit up but most of them seemed to interpret that as fear and that upset them and it made her feel bad that she had worried them and then made then made them mad so she very quietly mumbled an apology.
Sensing the unrest among the others or possibly her apology for all that has occurred Asher spoke up with his calming and trusting smile blaring,"There is no cause for alarm Trinity we had never planned on harming you. Nor had we planned on telling you, but that was beside the point. We want you to know that you are safe with us, always even if you don't trust us any more."
She looked around at all of them now that she was sitting up and said," I could never not trust you guys even if the time we've spent together has only been this couple of days. I've always had a good judge of character and I haven't found anything that tells me your bad people. But I do however want some questions answered if you wouldn't mind."They all eased up and looked almost happy again.
Then Asher answered,"How about I just tell you what we're allowed to tell you?"She opened her mouth to protest this but decided against it and just nodded.
"Okay first off we can only tell you certain things because that was what was decreed by the royal family and this law must never be broken. We are all vampires yes and we can not go out into the light. We do fear the crucifix, but it doesn't harm us. We can not say how we are killed. There is only one way to become a vampire and it's painful and isn't wished upon anyone. If you are ever bitten you will only die if that person drains you completely. There are other vampires, even here in town, though they are hardly ever here for they like to travel. As for each of us what we hadn't told you, myself and Adiline are brother and sister and are from Romania as is Eilian. All three of us were good friends and grew up together. We were also all changed at the same time. We moved to America in the early colonial days and we moved north for the constant clouds which we found was enough coverage to where we could be out during the day. Luca and Aden were the next to join our little family they were already changed when they arrived and were changed at relatively the same time only with in a few decades wasn't it? Yes,yes that right that was during the civil war and one of you had almost died on the battle field. But that's basically it, our summarized lives all right there."He said bluntly. She let a few minuets pass to let everything sink in before she stood up seeing Kasa looking around the room unconcerned and unafraid, she had been like that just going around not pondering if there could be anything else out there, but now that she knew she felt outside of herself and watching on her body. But she found herself thinking it doesn't really change that much between all of them.
With this new information she felt she needed to say,"Well this is a shame,"they looked at her all in a different way, sad, mad, indifferent, expectant, and curious,"Now none of you will be able to try my cooking."There was a pause while she stared down at her feet the looked up through her bangs with a impish grin on her face. They all began laughing and all was well again as if nothing had happened.
A few weeks later all was well still they had started the second school semester and Adlin was jumping for joy when she found out that they both had Algebra together. She also had advanced English with Aden and Luca. She was surprised to see Luca though when she entered her creative writing class, from the things he read aloud he had some real talent that made Trinity feel very bashful when she had to get up after him. The three ate lunch together apparently Asher worked at the hospital every other day and Eilian worked full time in a bakery. She had also learned that they had each been through college four or five times and Luca, Aden, and Adlin had been to high school about eight or nine times. She had learned so much from them, and about them. She felt like this would last forever she was having so much fun with them and for the first time enjoying life and everything about it. Her friendships had grown deeper and the family felt closer some more than others she had come to realize. At lunch Eilian would often bring Adlin coffee and a little cake he made, the rest of us too but that was only out of politeness really. When she brought it up with Adlin she denied it and would always blush at the accusation, Trinity found it very funny and romantic that after all this time he was showing her how he really felt...with cakes and coffee. She had also been flirted with quite a bit lately, which was pointed out one day at lunch by Adlin. She hadn't thought of it as flirting, some of the guys from her class would talk with her before or after class and she would talk with them too, but she still didn't see that as flirting, but according to Adlin it was. Well apparently she was right and one of the guys had asked her out. He was nice and good looking compared to most, but nothing like her room mates who were all breathtakingly beautiful...not that she had noticed, she in the end she agreed to go to a movie with him.
"Adlin I don't think this thing fits me right! And there's holes all in this won't I like freeze?" she hollered through the door from inside her room.
"Sweetheart it's suppose to fit like that and the holes are intentional. Now hurry up we still have to do your make-up. Those guys will eat your date alive if your not down there and ready to go when he gets here." She called bake through the door.
This panicked her and she through open the doors and stepped out and asked," They wouldn't really do that would they? Because if they did ANYTHING to mess this up for me they are going to seriously regret it. You hear me down there?!"She yelled down to them. She herd something like faint snickering from down stairs, which made her anger rise. She and Adlin went into Adlin's room which wasn't much different from hers' except for Adlin's room had been painted black and red. She sat down at the vanity which was near the window with Adlin close behind with her make-up bag in hand.
She was applying base when she said,"If any of the guys seem a little down, don't worry about it. They're just wanting to be selfish and keep you to themselves thats all."She said chuckling at the thought. Trinity was confused because she hadn't noticed anyone acting any different. Before she could ask who Adlin had been talking about, Adlin started in again," This is your first date isn't it." Trinity was so embarrassed she didn't realize it had been that obvious.
She blushed madly and answered sheepishly, "Yes. Is it that obvious? Do the guys know too?"
Adlin just laughed again and answered,"No it's not that obvious, and no the guys don't know either and I promise I won't tell either."She did an 'x' across her heart and smiled so much Trinity thought Adlin's face was going to freeze that way. They had finished just in time her date called and said he was on his way. She and Adlin walked down stairs to flaunt their job well done in the guys' faces. Jaws dropped when the two came down the stairs all eyes were focused on Trinity. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans with paint splatters on them and a long sleeve mini dress with ripped holes down the top of the sleeves and about three down each side of the black dress. She had also made sure to pick out a low cut dress just to piss off Asher. Her hair was straitened and looked great. All the guys were speechless, Aden was even more so and he never talked. She liked this it was fun to have this kind of attention.
Although her normality crept back in when they hadn't said anything and were still staring at her she became embarrassed and said,"Cut it out you guys you look dead when your frozen like that."
She and Adlin laughed at her joke but the guys just rolled their eyes and then Asher said,"Alright you've got rules just like Adlin does when she goes out. Your cure-few is at eleven p.m. After the movie you are to come strait home and if you aren't home by eleven then we WILL come look for you. And before you even try to argue don't because it won't work."He smiled as she was clearly frustrated about the restrictions. Although, she thought to herself if it had been my parents here they would tell me to go change and to be home in an hour. So she let her anger go and just learned to live with it, it was after all her first date not that any of them knew that she just wanted this to be the best time she had. She didn't wait long her date pulled into the drive way and she went out to meet him as she said bye to all her friends. They all stood at the windows and the front door watching as he greeted her with a little kiss on the cheek and they got into the car then drove off.
Adlin just sighed when she lost sight of car, and watched her new friend drive off on her first date. She had come to love Trinity as a daughter since she could never have children of her own and she was significantly older than Trinity, but she was also like a close friend like a sister. She would have to get Eilian to make a move on her soon so she could go out on dates like that again, not knowing what the night would hold, but it didn't matter because you were with someone you cared about, she missed it these past couple of decades. She turned and looked to see the guys piled on the couch watching some t.v. program that she didn't care much to watch, but sat down with them anyway if just for the company. She had forgotten how lonely she had been without Trinity there she didn't know how she had bared it. She watched the guys Asher was watching the program mindlessly not paying any attention to anything else,like normal. Aden seemed a little lost in his own thoughts, but was still paying attention to the t.v. in order to get his mind off of what ever it was. Eilian was watching her, every few minuets he'd look over at her probably wondering what she was thinking. Then there was Luca, he wasn't happy at all that Trinity was going on this date. She had talked with him the night before after everyone went to bed. Even though they play fought everyday practically they were still close friends and he trusted her. He didn't think this guy was worth her time and Adlin agreed, but this was one of those things Trinity would have to figure out on her own and if things started to go wrong she would talk with Trinity. She had promised Luca that much. She had known before Trinity had admitted it that she had never had a boyfriend. Which was why she didn't say anything to Trinity right now, because she would probably figure it out on her own.
None of the others seemed to notice that he was upset. None of them seemed to care that Trinity was going on a date with a piece of scum but he had, and all Adlin said she would do was talk to her if it went too far. If it got to that point she probably wouldn't listen if you told her not to do something she'll turn around and do it and that's just how Trinity was. That was one of the things he liked about her. She was funny, smart, beautiful, and he felt warm when he was in her presence and he hadn't felt warm since he had been alive. He wished he could tell her how he really felt, but it would only bring heart ache to both of them and he didn't want her to ever feel bad. When she had fell on the stairs he didn't stop to worry about their secret he was the first to run over and make sure she was okay, but she didn't know that and it was okay with him. For now until he could figure out something better he would just love her from afar until he couldn't stand it.
A few hours later Trinity and her date were back in the car and driving back to town. It hadn't been so bad, but she just didn't feel any connection to him. Not to mention he just wasn't that interesting. He was nice and polite but that was it. What was eating at her was what Adlin had said before, that not everyone was happy she had gone on this date. She couldn't think of anyone who looked unhappy when she left, not that she had much of a chance to see everyone as she left. Some of them had watched from inside the house. When they pulled into the drive way he was leaning over to kiss her good night but she stopped him and then let him down gently as she could saying that she just didn't feel any chemistry and that she was sorry and she still thought he was a nice guy just not the guy for her. Then on that note she got out and walked up to the door by herself and heard him pull away. The whole evening had sucked! If she could help it she wouldn't date until she was married! And after all this good, of course there would have to have been something wrong and this was it.
She walked into the house with a heavy heart, but a happy one at the same time because she was home. She was surprised to see a lack of welcoming comity. All she saw was a lone dark brown mop of hair on the edge of the couch. She walked over to see Luca laying there watching some mindless t.v. show. He looked up at her approach to see her unhappy face, it secretly made him happy that things hadn't gone well.
"Mind if I sit down?"She asked. He grunted a yes and sat up and scooted over to give her some room.
"So I take it the date didn't go well. You want me to go and take care of him?"He asked preparing to get up.
"No no,"she laughed, " The date was fine and that was the only problem." She sighed at the thought of her unspectacular first date. Letting the disappointment go she suddenly realized how tiered she was, and uncaring of where she landed she just let her self sway and lean. Her head and shoulder ended up resting against his shoulder. She didn't look up to see him look a little surprised. "I guess I was expecting a little too much from him..."She said letting her voice trail off.
They sat there for a moment before he responded,"...but you have a right too ,you deserve the best. He was no where near worthy enough for you." She looked up at him with her dark green eyes and smiled.
"Your sweet but what makes you think I deserve something so good?"She asked still smiling at him.
He could hardly answer without looking away. "Your a good person and deserve someone who can give you what you want."She laughed a little at his comment."What are you laughing at huh?"He asked in mock indignance.
"Your acting as if I were going to marry the guy, and it was only a date."She said chuckling still at the thought.
"Well in my day that would have meant that you were going to get married. It's hard to think in a different way than that you were raised to know." He said smiling now too at his slip up. He always had a tendency to act as he had when he had been alive, back during to Civil War which had been almost two hundred years ago. He didn't like it when he did that, he preferred to go with the times.
"Well it doesn't matter any more we agreed that neither of us really enjoyed the date...It wasn't the best first experience, but ya know 'live and learn'."She said trying to end the subject.
"Your first date with a college student?"He asked confused by her last statement.
"Hm? Oh umm, no... ever."she said now blushing.
He laughed a little and said,"Well I must say I am certainly surprised, I was sure guys just threw themselves at you."She blushed even more now at his compliment.
"No I was always too busy with school to bother with guys. Surprisingly I've had more free time now than I ever did back in high school, it's nice."She continued,"Which is why I was so let down about this."
He looked at her for a second and she stared back wondering what was going through his head then she couldn't look at him any longer it was making her feel self conscious again. It startled her when he took her face in his hand and leaned down and kissed her on the lips. At first she wasn't sure that it was really happening and then she just let her self be swept away by this new feeling. She didn't know how long this went on for but was terribly reluctant to let it end but was powerless to stop it.
He pulled away and whispered something so soft that she almost didn't catch it, but she did hear,"I bet that was your first too."He didn't look back at her after he left the room and went up stairs. She just sat there unaware of the time that had passed. When tiredness gripped her she came back down from this nirvana and realized she still had to let the dog out before she got to goto bed. So snapped her fingers and quietly called Kasa's name and the slowly growing puppy came running.
© Copyright 2007 Nani-kun (UN: pandy123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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