Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/472664-The-things-that-go-bump-in-the-night-are-back5
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1161514
loving a vampire can pose problems.
#472664 added September 22, 2007 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
The things that go bump in the night, are back(5)
Trinity put the leash on Kasa and stepped out into the cold back yard.She shivered as the cold swept over her in her less than warm clothes that she had worn on her date. She sat down on the first step of the deck and let the grass touch her feet. There was no telling how long Kasa would make her sit out there, and she was getting tired. She yawned after about the first five minuets of sitting in the cold. When she opened her eyes after her yawn she looked directly into the dense forest that backed up to the house. She felt an icy chill go down her back that made her scared as if something was there. She looked intently into the forest and finally when she thought she was safe a pair of dark red eyes stared back at her from the forest. She couldn't move, but her fear over ran her and she got up pulled Kasa along as she backed up to the glass door not breaking eye contact for the fear that as soon as she did it would get her. She jumped a little when she hit the door and as soon as she got the door opened she quick as lightning turned around ran inside, closed the door, and locked it. The pair of eyes were still watching her and now, even though she couldn't see it, she felt as if it were smiling with amusement at her fear. Still scared, but slightly pissed off now, she turned and ignored it but as she did she stopped in her tracks because now bright blue eyes were staring her down now. She breathed a sigh of relief, it was only Eilian, she couldn't see his face but there was no mistaking his eyes, not after her first encounter with those eyes.
She smiled and said weakly,"Eilian you scared me! But I'm glad your down here I think something is out side it was watching me and..."She stopped when he didn't respond or turn on a light. So she slowly asked,"Eilian?"
As if to answer the bright blue eyes began to turn a blood red and she could see this thing smile when it saw her face freeze with utter terror. She couldn't move not only would her fear not let her but she had a feeling these hypnotic eyes were not letting her either. She wanted to yell for help but couldn't all she could do was stand there and wait for her doom. The figure seemed to be moving slowly toward her and she tried to look away and not watch, but couldn't do that either, all she could do was just stand there. She felt her body shaking and her heart racing as the unknown figure stepped closer with each breath she took. He was almost upon her when Kasa jerked her chain out of Trinity's hand and ran off to another room.
'Good,' she thought, 'at least Kasa would be okay, but what about me?'
He was now standing only two inches away from her and her breaths were coming in short little gasps that clearly showed her fear. No one could hear her this time,
'no one's coming to save me this time,' she realized. Her insides jumped, when her body couldn't. When his large cold hand brushed what little hair was at the front her face, behind her ear she thought she felt warm tears run down her face but wasn't sure because everything else was numb. Right as he was going into bite her exposed neck the lights turned on and through her tear filled eyes she could see a group of five standing in the kitchen. They had moved so fast it was if they had been there the entire time.
"Alexander let her go now." Asher said in a deep authoritative voice that Trinity had never thought would ever come from Asher. "NOW Alexander!" He said with more might this time. As if reluctantly she could feel her body again and as soon as she could move again she started to run toward the five but a hard grasp clutched her arm. She panicked and looked up at this Alexander, but he stared at Asher and finally let her go and she ran the longest ten feet in her life. She crashed into Luca's waiting arms felt the tears streaming down her face with out shame. Luca only looked down at her for a second to make sure she was okay then locked gaze with Alexander again like the rest of the five had been doing. She actually had a chance to look at this Alexander. He was not a friendly looking person, his skin was a pale white almost gray with white gray hair and blood thirsty red eyes. He was not someone you'd ever want to meet anywhere regardless of a dark alley. She clutched Luca's side even harder when Alexander's gaze shifted down to her.
"You and Samuel leave now and don't come here again with out being invited for now I'm revoking both of your invitations. You and I both know you two can do your jobs from a distance. So leave."Asher said with a hidden venom in his voice.
"You can't watch her all the time."He said turning and leaving. With the door closed the five relaxed and looked down at her.
"Trinity are you okay?" Eilian asked looking worriedly down at her.
"Yes I'm okay, shaken up, but I'm not hurt."She answered still not letting go of Luca, and he not of her.
"Why don't you go ahead and take her up stairs Luca, she's fine now that neither of them can come in." Said Asher in a clam but stressed tone. They walked to the stairs still holding one another, needless to say neither of them were willing to let the other out of their sight.They had to let go when they went up stairs with Trinity leading and Luca following close behind. She saw Kasa at the top of the stairs waiting for her with a wagging tail, happy to see her master safe and sound.
"Had it not been for the mutt we never would have known you were in trouble. She came and tried to get our attention. Lucky for you Aden hadn't closed his door all the way and Kasa got in and he came and got me, and so we went to Asher, Adlin, and Eilian. Thats when we could actually hear your heart pounding so loudly, it sounds silly, but we have very acute hearing. So we came down to see what was wrong and found Alexander. You need to stay very far away from him no matter what, Samuel too. They prefer the older ways of getting blood, and seeing that we care about you only makes it worse. Everything else will be explained in the morning, it's late and you need rest." Luca said ushering her into her room.
She left his side stepping into her room but stopped and quietly,"Will you stay in here with me until I fall asleep?"As soon as the words left her lips she wished she could take them back, it'd sounded so stupid and childish.
But his answer caught her by surprise,"Yah." He looked just as embarrassed as she did except her face was red and his wasn't.
Seeing how uncomfortable this made them both she added,"I mean you don't have to or anything if you don't want to."She couldn't even look up into his big dark blue eyes. He moved closer to her and silently pressed his lips against her forehead and whispered to her that it was fine he didn't mind at all. She scurried down to the bathroom to change into pajamas. When she came back Luca was sitting in the window seat looking down across the front lawn. She walked over to the bed and got under the covers and laid there watching him, wondering what he was thinking about. She might have had the courage to ask too, but when he looked over at him a small rare break in the clouds shined over his face illuminating it with such a beauty that she could only lay there staring at him. Before long she grew tired and even though she didn't want to stop looking into his beautiful eyes she closed her eyes and fell asleep. She wasn't sure, but she could of swore at one point or another she felt him kiss her again, but it could have just been a hopeful dream.
In the morning she woke to the loneliness of her room. Even Kasa wasn't in the room, 'Luca must not have closed the door all the way last night,' she thought to herself. She got up seeing that the clock read 7:15am. She wondered if anyone else was up, she knew they didn't sleep, but they did keep to themselves in the morning and late at night. She didn't know what each of them did, but she knew that Adlin instant-messaged her parents, who were also vampires, she missed her parents which was why she talked to them each night. They lived all the way in a small vampire village on the Romanian and Ukrainian border. Suddenly Trinity kind of missed her parents, she knew that they would be getting up and ready for Mass. Come to think of it she realized that she had passed a church on her way to the clothing store that she and Adlin had went to the second day she had spent at the house. She decided to go to church, she did know what kind of church it was but it didn't matter a church was a church. She found some nice clothes in her closet and hurried down stairs and out the door leaving a note taped to the door telling them where she would be. They wouldn't have to worry she was going to a church, they were safe, hopefully.
She walked down Main street seeing others walking to church too. She grew more confident as she approached the small white church, at least it looked small, it was actually very long on the inside and sat quite a lot of people. It looked as if the whole town was inside including a large amount of college students. She sat down toward the front out of habit and soon realized she was almost completely alone except for the people sweeping in at the last minuet. She suddenly felt self conscious about being by herself. The servus went on for what felt like forever compared to the Mass of her home town church. Though the lesson didn't coincide with what would have been the lesson at Mass she felt it didn't hurt to learn something a different way sometimes. After it was over she felt more tired than when she had arrived. When she left most everyone was gone she had felt the need to look around at the old church. She stepped out to a cloudy day, like any other in town that was far enough north and close to the sea. It actually was snowing when she stepped out side. She looked up in wonder, she hadn't seen any snow at all and it was almost February. When her face began to get cold and wet she lowered it to it's proper place and was standing face to face with Alexander. Her entire body went cold and her face as pale as snow. He laughed a cruel quiet laugh, so as not to attract attention.
He stopped and said,"Your not a bright one are you little sheep?"He snickered at some joke he had made that she didn't understand. She slowly backed up while he was preoccupied with his joke. But it didn't get past him and he walked toward her one leg length equaling two of her's. She was so close to the door, but he grabbed her around her waist and held her away from the door.
"Now little sheep why would you go back in there? The servus is over."He said mocking her fear and hope of safety inside the church walls.
"What in the world could you want from me? I haven't done anything and it's not like I'm the only living thing in this town. Not that I want the two of you hurting any of these kind people."She said trying to twist away and into her sanctuary.
"You just picked the wrong people to hang around with that's all."He said leaning into her and hanging his head over neck.
She had to think quick,"Asher!"she said sounding surprised and hopeful, hoping it would distract him so she could get away. It worked, he loosened his grip to where she could get away into the church. He turned to look at her totally pissed off at her deception. She stuck her tung out at him and closed the doors and locked them. She was trapped and unless the clouds parted and the sun shone bright she was stuck there. There wasn't a phone any where. The church was most likely built before the phone was. She sat on the first row benches and leaned her head back and cried, there was no shame in crying in the house of God she knew that but she still felt a little tinge of embarrassment. She spoke aloud all the prayers she had been taught growing up in the Catholic church and there was a lot. She prayed for the hope that her friends would come and get her and save her again. She hated how stupid she had been in leaving by herself and then waiting till everyone was gone before she left. If she got out of this she promised to be more careful. Not a second after that she heard a banging on the front doors at the other end of the hall. She was scared to answer them.
But then she heard a shout,"Trinity! Are you in there?"It was Luca! Or was it? She had read about how vampires were masters of deception.
"Luca?" She asked quickly she had reached the front door but there was no way for her to look out to see if it was really him.
"Yeah it's me. Open up!" He called. She was about to when the question of how did she really know that it was him hit her again and her recent vow of carefulness.
"You have to prove that it's you or I won't open the door."She called, then heard a sigh from the other side followed by,
"What do you want me to say?"She thought about it for a moment then the one thing only the two of them knew about popped into her mind.
"What was the first thing you gave me?"There was silence the a very small whisper but she didn't hear it so she asked,
"What? your going to have to say it a little louder these doors are think wood." There was another silence this one a little longer the first then a louder mumble but she couldn't hear that either,
"What? I still-"She said and was cut off but a louder voice that said,
"A Kiss Damn it!" She threw open the doors and ran into his arms happy to be safe again. She stood there for a moment before looking up to see his relieved but embarrassed face. She looked over the side of his shoulder when she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. Her face must have looked like a cartoon character's the way it turned red because no matter how upset they were with her, they began rolling with laughter. And once again she wished she could have taken back what she had said. She went down off her tip toes and sank down using Luca as a human shield. He was still embarrassed and so was she so they made a run for it. They ran around the street corner and into the neighbor hood. Knowing their friends they could still be there laughing by night fall.
She felt the need to apologize for making their secret public like that,"You could've mentioned they were all there."Now that it was all out in the open she found it kind of funny too.
" your the one who made me answer the question, I'd already answered it twice."He retorted trying to fight the fact that it had been a little funny.
"It was the only thing I could think of that only you would know.I didn't know they were all there. And I had to be careful I didn't know if Alexander was still there or not."She said letting her self chuckle now.
"That had to be the dumbest thing you've ever done. Why all the sudden did you need to go to church? You've been here for almost a month but never went."He said as they rounded the corner to their street.
"I felt homesick. I missed my parents and going to Mass makes me feel better and knowing their hearing and saying the same words that I am makes me feel closer to them."She answered matter-of-factly.
"Your Catholic?"He said as if he saw her in a whole new light now.
"Yeah, not exactly the picture of a Catholic school girl am I?"She said teasingly.
"Yeah-I mean no, I mean...you don't strike me as Catholic thats all."He said trying to recover from his screwed up words.
"Wonder how long they'll stay down there laughing?"He asked as they ascended the small hill to the house. She laughed at the earlier humiliation and said,"Donno' when was the last time you said anything like that?"
"Never."He answered.
"Hmm, then possibly never, but they'll just keep bringing it up every chance they can for awhile."She said. When they entered the house the were greeted by a mess of paper all over the ground and powdered puppy prints all over the front room.
"You guys left the door open in my room didn't you."She said then as if to answer her Kasa ran down the front hall toilet paper on her back and some white powder on her brown paws.
Where the only words that were said as the two cleaned up the down stairs of all the mess the innocent puppy had caused. Later on the rest of the family had returned laughter calmer now, that is until they saw the two on the couch Trinity asleep on his shoulder then they burst out laughing again.
© Copyright 2007 Nani-kun (UN: pandy123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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