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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1161514
loving a vampire can pose problems.
#473276 added September 22, 2007 at 7:38pm
Restrictions: None
Princes of darkness, an explaination(6)
It was still early in the afternoon, when the four came back to the sight of Trinity asleep on Luca's shoulder. The laughter that erupted was what woke the sleeping beauty from her nap. She was still asleep a little but she was awake enough to be embarrassed again. Finally she was going to stop this by letting it back fire on Eilian and Adlin.
"You laugh at us but what about Eilian and-" Trinity tried to say but was cut off by a few hands over her mouth.
"Come on. We can't talk about that here."Luca said taking his and away and the rest of the hands followed. She followed them up the two flights of stairs to the large attic. They all sat in what was their normal seats and Trinity between Adlin and Luca. Asher quickly lit all the candles on the chandelier and sat in his arm chair.
"Okay we might as well explain everything now regardless of some the rules."He said then continued,"Do you remember when we first explained ourselves? And how I mentioned a 'royal family'?"She thought for a second and then nodded. She hadn't paid much attention then he but she knew she had heard him say it."Well, you see Eilian and Aden are brothers like me and Adiline are. The only difference is that they apart of that royal family. They are two of the twelve royal children. The reason there is a royal family is because in all societies there needs to be someone in charge and their parents took charge. There was a time when there were too many vampires and measures needed to be taken in order to control the population and their actions. The behavour of the vampires of that time was dangerous. The people were becoming more and more aware that they were being hunted. In the process of charge being taken anyone with the knowlege of how a vampire could bare a child was also killed. This was so that the elders would have proper control over the younger generation. After everything was taken care of and put into order the elders descided that a leader need to be elected so as to govern the vampires so problems like the mass out break would not happen again. Eilian and Aden's father was chosen and he accepted. Is this making sense?"He asked.
She thought about it for a moment the recited the facts,"Yeah, Aden and Eilian are royal princes of the vampires, the royal family can have kids and others can't, there are lots of vampires now, I think that was all the major things... I get that stuff though, but what was the big deal about Eilian and Adlin?" There was a pause as if they were silently conversing about what to say.
"Well, Adlin, Luca, and myself are not considered of the same high class, but we are to follow similar rules because we are their guards. The guards are sworn to protect the royal family member they were assigned, and that's all we're allowed to do. And if we don't follow those rules bad things happen. That is what happened to Aden. He got engaged to a human girl. She lost her life and her family lost everything because she wasn't of a higher class in the vampire comunity. Needless to say, it's not a safe or wise thing to do. If you had talked about it down stairs Alexander or Samuel would have heard you and then they would've had immediate permission to kill Adlin no matter who she was. This is also the reason they've been coming after you too. They strongly hate us for one reason or another, and now they have a reason to make us miserable by being able to kill you. And there wouldn't be any reason for them to get in any kind of trouble because Luca obviously cares about you... and so do we of course, and that's not allowed because of the rules that were set."He said finishing the expliantion.
"Which is also why we're all grounding you. You can't leave the house for a week and a half. Maybe next time you'll think before leaving the house by your self only hours after someone made a death threat to you."He said this time smiling.
"But, but what about school?"She asked appalled at the news.
"They're going to take notes for you. But until next Wednesday your under house arrest."He said almost laughing now because it upset her even more to have to miss class. Just as she was about to protest again the door bell rang and surprisingly they could hear it all the way up stairs. They all went down stairs to see who had rang the door bell. Right before they reached the bottom they all froze Trinity was still at the top of the stairs and stopped and was going to ask why they had, but before she could Luca picked her up with out effort and hoisted her up over his shoulder then carried her into Asher's room. She didn't even get a chance to see what it looked like Luca was moving so fast. He quickly opened a door and carefully, but speedily put her in the closet and told her not to move, talk, or turn the light on and then he was gone. She sat there for a moment in confusion, but then the strange sensation of dizziness set in and she couldn't figure out why. That is until she looked down to see blood dripping from her hand, she must have set it on something very sharp because she hadn't felt any pain. Well if it isn't bad enough to be bleed in a house full of vampires she could hear the person that came in and it didn't sound good.
"Hello baby brothers. How have you been?"The woman asked.
There was a silence and then Eilian answered like what sounded like a forced smile and happy tone," We are fine CC.What brings you here and how long will you be staying this time?"She laughed this scary high pitched laugh sent shivers down Trinity's spine.
"You sound as if you are being put through torture little brother. As for how long I'm staying I haven't decided yet. I am surprised that Alexander or Samuel didn't tell you, they only left home a day before me... I smell blood did you forget to clean up a mess or something?"She said laughing again at her joke. The air grew very heavy around the group.
"Adiline would mind going and seeing what the problem is."Asher said nonchalantly. She nodded and quickly disappeared up the stairs.
Trinity looked down at her hand and wondered what had cut her hand. She looked more closely to see that the base of her palm had been cut and was dangerously close to her wrist. She sat there looking for what cut her and saw what looked to be some kind of wire. She was told not to move, but she had to stop the bleeding. Just as she was about to find something to compress on the wound the door flew open and light flooded in slightly blinding her. Adlin stood with her back to the gray light of the cold rainy day. She effortlessly picked her up to stand correctly and began pulling on her unhurt arm as they walked a rather fast pace to the bathroom. Trinity sat on the sink counter and let Adlin pull her sleeve up so she could see the wound better. Adlin cursed a little very quietly under her breath. She grabbed a hand towel from under the sink and very firmly pressed it to her wrist.
She then let Trinity take control and asked,"Don't talk just nod. Do you have a crucifix or something along those lines?"Trinity nodded, she had a silver rosary that her parents had given her when she was baptized. Adlin helped her off the counter and they even more quickly than before strode down the hall to Trinity's room. Trinity sat on her bed and grabbed the rosary from the drawer from her bed side table.
"What ever was told to you before keep doing it."Was all Adlin said before leaving the room and shutting her door. Who ever this 'CC' person was she scared all of her friends. She couldn't hear everything that she was able to hear before because she wasn't near a vent anymore. But it didn't matter she was having trouble concentrating and was feeling light headed. Some how sleep over took her when she wasn't paying attention and then she felt a hard force hit her face, but she was asleep now so it didn't matter to her.
"So what happened Adlin, did you all not finish your snack? I'm sure you five could have spared a bite for me."CC asked in a mocking tone, like she knew full well what they were hiding, then having the nerve to laugh at this. Adlin hated CC with such a passion that she just wanted to kill her in the most painful manner. CC was pure evil there was no getting around it. She was also the biggest tattle tale in the world. They all believed it was CC that ordered Alexander and Samuel to kill Violet, Aden's one true love, because she was a human and she ran to her parents and told them and they allowed her to issue the order. She was heartless.
"It was nothing of concern Lady Casca."Adlin said with out emotion, contrary to how she felt. She was scared that CC was going to go upstairs and kill Trinity right on the spot. She was angry at CC for referring to her friend as if she were some sort of food. She already hated the fact that she had to live off of blood until she was killed by someone or until she killed her self.
"Oh but anything concerning my baby brothers concerns me. Would you care if I went up to take a look."CC asked with a malicious smile smeared across her face.
"That would be rude CC you weren't invited to go up stairs.Besides there is no need for you to go up stairs."Asher said smiling as if he were completely unafraid of her. This angered CC, she knew what was up stairs, and they knew that she knew and yet they out right opposed her.
"Well thats fine I was just hopping to meet the new girl. One of you may want to go and get some smelling salts she's about to pass out from blood loss."She said smiling watching the terror roll through each face. She paused as if waiting for something and the five standing there were growing impatient. Then they all heard a loud 'thud' from up stairs. CC still stood there wait for them to forsake her and run to their beloved new 'pet'.
She began to grow impatient herself now and finally gave up and said,"Well I must be going, oh and mother and father expect to see you during your break at midterms.I figured I might as well hang out here until then. We'll just have to get together and have dinner, brothers."She said laughing at the little joke she had made about the 'eating dinner'. She took her time walking out the door and closing the door behind her. The second the door handle clicked the five ran up the stairs at their inhuman speed and rushed into Trinity's room. She was passed out on the floor, rosary laying a few inches away from her hand. Luca leaned down and picked her up and laid her on her bed whiled Adlin went to the bathroom to grab some bandages for her cut wrist. No one said a word for the rest of the evening about the day's events or about Luca staying at her bed side throughout the night.
The next day Trinity woke up with a pounding headache. It felt like someone had taken a hammer to the inside of her head. There was a also a dull pain on her wrist that she hadn't noticed yesterday where she cut it. She slowly sat up only to feel a gentle hand push her back down into her pillows. She opened her eyes now only to be slightly blinded by gray light from the cloudy day outside.
"You should try and rest a little bit more. You fainted yesterday when you cut your wrist on a broken hanger...now that your awake I'll go and get you some food."Luca said standing up to leave. And before she could get a single word of thanks he was gone and she was left with the ever faithful Kasa sitting at the end of the bed. He was only gone for five minutes at the most when he returned with a PB and J sandwich and a glass of milk. When he handed her the tray she could help but giggle. She hadn't eaten a lunch like this since she was a little kid. Some how the prospect of the whole situation seemed a little comical. She looked up to see Luca starring quizzically at her laughter and before he could ask she said,
" I don't mean to laugh it's just I haven't eaten a PB&J with a glass of milk since I was a little kid. There's just something funny about it, I don't know what but I just find it funny somehow." Still smiling she ate her sandwich and drank her milk like a 'good girl' as her mother would say to her when she ate all her lunch when she was little.When she finished she was able to ask her question that had been eating away at her,"Why is it a bad thing that Eilian and Aden's sister is here?"
There was a pause then he answered,"Because she is evil and lives to make our live miserable. What's worse is that she obviously knows about you and will take it upon herself to kill you. It wouldn't be good enough for her if you just left and swore to keep our secret, no she lives to kill what ever it is that makes our lives happy and why I don't know." He sighed putting his head into his hands; she didn't pursue the subject seeing how worried he already looked. She slowly got out of bed and went to get her bath towel hopping he was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice her sneaking out. She'd really began to notice how protective he was of her. He treated her like a porcelain China doll, she found this incredibly sweet but a little aggravating at the same time because she could take care of herself. She almost made it to the door when he cut her off with his quick speed.
"Oh come on I won't feel any better if I can't take a shower."She said putting her uninjured hand on her hip.
He just smiled at her and whispered,"I glad your feeling good enough to argue your gonna need it if you plan on getting out of the house any time soon."Then he turned and walked down the hall grinning. She listened to him walk down the stairs and then walked to the bathroom and took her shower. When she got out and dressed she went down stairs where the rest of the house hold was watching a movie on Pay-per view. She then took her seat next to Luca instead of between Adlin and Eilian. No one seemed to notice except her and Luca, or at least they didn't care enough to say anything. Tension was high over the next few days but they all began to relax and act like their old selves again. Almost all the fun and happiness had come back despite CC's close presence across the street at Samuel and Alexander's house. For now at least.
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