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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#473997 added January 25, 2007 at 12:47pm
Restrictions: None
Two degrees of separation not six.
L'aura del campo

AUTUMN?: 16 Qawl (8 December) 31º.

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

21º and foggy at the moment in Missoula, Montana. BIG game this evening as the Grizzlies would like to go to the national 1-AA Football Championships! partyof5dj said he'd be at home watching it. Not so easy for me to get the game here.

I guess there is a Bagels and Bards party this Sunday. If I feel like waxing poetic over cream cheese do I still get to come? Anywho, I can walk there and the forecast is mild 50s.

The Zen of wrinkles

Would that I could count your wrinkles,
joy that rides the corners of your smiles.

Your lips speak youth but eyes show age
and twinkles of laughter from former lives.

In this moment, this precious moment,
would that I could kiss each wrinkled mile. [163.467]

I was reading "The Zen of Small Things". I think that's why I wrote what I did. Who knows. Seems to be too cheerful (so unlike me) otherwise. *Laugh*

Oh ... what car do you want? The concept cars are out. I'm partial to the Mazda but I'd take that Honda Step Box!

Cars: http://autos.yahoo.com/pitstop/article/laautoshow061201_01.html?spec=laautoshow

I played with cars as a child. Had a Plymouth and a Dodge and ... well I forget. They weren't fancy like the ones that came out in the 70s and later.

Six Degrees of Separation = more like two

So. I'm at the Culture and Coffee get together in the Union last night and I say hello to Adam 1 and 2 (one's a dark haired junior; two's a first-year 'blond'). Then I notice this young demure girl named Lua. Now the name Lua ain't common but I know a few, so I asked where she was from et cetera. At some point Briana pipes in that 'Lua' is a common name in her religious community. I look at her and say 'you're a Bahá'í and so am I.' No question, just an obvious fact.

Now ... this is not strange as Lua Getsinger was a well-known American Bahá'í from the early 1900s. She was from where I grew up and her story and name are well known. But ... at some point I said that I knew Bahá'ís from here years ago and mentioned Marcia Galle Gitchell. Lua responded in a small voice, 'That's my mom'.

We hurried to a table to talk and Lua found out that I knew both her mom and dad (before they were married) and aunt and her neighbors the Boatrights and ... then Briana and I compared notes. She'd lived in Delaware. Do you know the Oldzieys? Well, she knew Peter, I knew Pepper and we both knew the kids.

We talked about Maxwell School on Vancouver Island (British Columbia) where they had both gone and ya da ya da ya da ... until I mentioned that I might be headed for Pittsburgh and Briana said she'd gone to Chatham. ... ... ... My turn to look shocked.

So she told me about the place in glowing terms! One negative? The cold. And the grey skies by end of winter. Yep. Scares me too because I've been dere and done dat. She assured me that I could find a potato knish in Squirrel Hill, that it is close to Carnegie-Mellon and U. Pitt and that the place is beautiful.

But I don't like hills I whined ...

... then I just shut up.

Nice visit with Lua Gitchell and Briana Saunders. Very nice. Sometimes we are not separated by much at all.


Today was nice too. Met Nick and we talked about the subjunctive. His test is next week. He loaned me "Rosaura a las diez" (by Marco Denevi) so we can talk about it next Tuesday. I'll read it tonight and reread it before then and hopefully will be able to help him. I hope this 4th semester Spanish course will fulfill his language requirements. He's trying to get good grades so he is accepted into Business School. For a freshman he seems very level-headed.

** Image ID #1134108 Unavailable **
 Kare *Leaf1* Enga

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