Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
3 Masa’il 163 B.E. – December 13, 2006 at 8:57:25 PM PST I have a walk around telephone (no the phone doesn’t have legs and follow me around) it’s a cordless phone that I can carry with me throughout the house. The phone is a year old, my brother (the one who now lives in Colorado) and sister-in-law gave it to us for Christmas last year. It’s a nice phone, it’s black and it has a nice ring tone. Now to the problems, which isn’t the fault of the phone. To paraphrase or quote as near as I can remember Shakespeare: “The fault, dear Brutus, is in ourselves not our stars.” The problem is that I lay the phone down and then can’t find the phone. Yes, I can hear it ring, but I can also hear the base of the phone ring and the way the house echoes, I don’t know where the phone itself is located when I hear it ring. Therefore, when the phone rings I go through the house looking for it. I know I could lay it on the coffee table or one of the side tables, which I usually do. Then I lay something on top of it, so when the phone rings I go through the house trying to find the sound. You can't hit a home-run unless you step up to the plate. You can't catch fish unless you put a line in the water. You can't reach your goals unless you actually do something. - Kathy Seligman On the bright side, I did get the discussion board completed and posted. Now I can work on the individual project. Once that is completed, and submitted, I’ll have everything finished for the class. The next course doesn’t start until sometime in January. I won’t have any relief from course work because the learning module I started in EDU640 will be part of the next class, so I’ll have to work on it, but I’ll have a little more time. |